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Posted by: imported_Asterello
01-30-2010, 09:11 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (2)

Everytime I try to log in with Injection I am getting the "couldn't connect to Ultima Online Please try again in a few moments" message. I'm not sure what is wrong or why it is not working. I can log in with Razor just fine but can't with injection. Any suggestions?

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Posted by: imported_MadMan
01-30-2010, 02:42 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (3)

Howabout adding a chess board to the forums? Very fun Smile

If the players cant login online for some reason.. perhaps the shard is down like tomorrow... or they arent home.. macroing whatever the reason they can play with each other on the forums if they choose to.

What do you guys think?

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Posted by: imported_Taran
01-29-2010, 09:26 PM
Forum: Announcements
- Replies (12)

Just a reminder to everyone:

Today (Saturday) I closed down the server. It will be closed for 24 for hours and then be opened again at 11 am GMT on Sunday, this time out of Beta. You can see exactly when it opens on the counter on the website.
As stated before, everyone will be able to get gift packages for the first 48 hours. Just page ingame and staff will help you.

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Posted by: imported_Cantin
01-29-2010, 08:39 PM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (2)

Cantin being let down by his plead to the gods, was annoyed.

Tis be typical of tha gods tha abandon a weary pirate.

Cantin speculated over his possibilities.

Tis be a thorn in me side, I be needin both tha ability tha
fish tha treasures from tha deep and tha draw treasure maps
to lure adventures.[/COLOR]

With this in mind Cantin began to the study of Cartography.

For Cantin to be able to study Cartography he needed alot of
empty scrolls. Cantin contacted Murry, a member of the
Ministry guild, to make a trade.

I be wantin tha trade what ye be needin fer blank scrolls.

Cantin said to Murry, and they soon struck a deal.

Your a pirate right ? Do you have any treasure maps ?

Murry asked Cantin.

Alas I be a bad at fishin, but I be gettin ready to train.

Cantin replied.

I am going to become better at fishing also.

Murry said.

Why dont we be trainin together ?

Cantin suggested.

Sounds like a good idea.

Murry replied.

And with those words a new fishing alliance had been made.

Cantin was pleased with the bargain, since Murry had boats and
seemed like a capable adventurer.

Tis be a day to remember, I be on tha way to greatness.

Cantin had been planning more since his last entry in his journal. Making people want to hunt for treasure wasnt easy.
Cantin had decided that fishing treasure up, then burying it on land, drawing maps of it and leaving the maps to be found was a great plan indeed.

Cantin had also thought about just burying empty treasure chests, since he was a pirate after all. Why should he be giving the treasure away, but if empty chests were found by the common adventurer, they would quickly stop treasure hunting again...there was no easy or cheap way of doing it.

Aye tis be tha greatest scheme tis pirate has come up with

Cantin deviously rubbed his hands with a smirk, as only a true pirate can do

But I be needin a place of operations, preferably a place tha be out o sight...yet another rock on tha path tha glory

Har har har

Cantin laughed with his thoughts centered around his plans. So happy he was with himself that he sang a pirate song.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Title: The seas be golden with treasure

Fer tha longest time in pirate memmory
fools been tryin tha rob tha Britainian treasury.

All pirates be knowin tis be a fools task
in tha sea there be treasure amassed.

Tis treasure be no one mans possesion
There for tis be tha pirates obession

Aye tis be tha grandest treasure of them all
If ye be plondering tha bottum of tha sea
rich you will be

Let tha fools kill each other
and get hunted by tha guards
While we pirates take treasure freely from tha sea
and there be no lawbringers commin fer me

Aye tis be tha grandest treasure of them all
If ye be plondering tha bottum of tha sea
rich you will be

Cantin sang merily one of the many tunes he knew

Aye rich I'll I'll be

Cantin smirked

I am wondering if I can get a place of operations which is not a house,
but a cave or something, doesnt need to be totally hidden from the public
but not a common place.
This would allow people to find me and RP if they want and me to have a RP location for my comming RP ideas

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Posted by: Twister
01-29-2010, 02:24 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (14)

like the title already says
Will there ever be newbied runes just like on xuo?

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Posted by: imported_Lederoil
01-29-2010, 02:40 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (3)

Hi, I know this was discussed before, but I can't remember what conclusions were made. The auto-cut script has flaws... I just got killed by it, and I don't use any script.

I wonder if someone could look into this? Maybe even Maka who made the script, if he could find some time to do it?

I assume it's because I used ctrl+shift... but still, it'd be great if this could be fixed.

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Posted by: imported_Epistemology
01-29-2010, 12:20 AM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Anyone here used to play on a shard like 9 years ago called Flint Hills?

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
01-28-2010, 02:28 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (6)

For both my characters, the first time I logged in since we moved to the new server I had this open:

[Image: 21645257.jpg]

Hasn't happened since the first login but could be a bad first impression to a new guy.

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Posted by: imported_Cantin
01-28-2010, 12:49 AM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (1)

Aye tis be a grand adventure indeed

Cantin thought to himself as he wrote down the last entries in the lates of his treasure hunting adventure.

Fer certain tis be creating a roccus

Cantin schemed as he wrote the words of this fabricated journal.
The journal contained several legends of treasure and clues to their where abouts.
Cantin silently hoped that this would spur more people to seek the path as he himself had done when he was a young lad.

Aye I be rememberin me first treasure hunt. It twas a glorious hunt fer booty tha contained plenty o gold an gems.

Cantin had grown increasingly annoyed with the lack of people who shared his passion for finding treasure. Instead people found themselves pleased by mere slaughtering of opponents.

Tis be mere play...tha true villian be tha one who be schemin tha get tha treasure fer himself...or herself

Cantin reminiscend an adventure where a young and attractive woman had lured him into safety and stolen a treasure chest from him.

Aye tis plot tha create interest fer tha pirate way of life be a grand and cannons and tha feelin of killin yer foe fer his or her possesions

But I be not a fisherman ...Cantin sighed to himself, I be needin trainin

I am asking for GM fishing (yeah I know it is a long shot)
I am asking for a special boat (yeah I know this is also a long shot)
I am asking for several noobied and named books to distribute and perhaps somehow make a treasure hunt event
I also need a cloak for my outfit, since I am feeling I miss it

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Posted by: imported_XoD
01-27-2010, 07:23 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (4)

My client was crashed with that message (look at attach). It happens after buying up at the vendor of all items of similar type. After that i get huge lag and crashed.

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