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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
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05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
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04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
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06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
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03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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So...checking in once again, out of beta now, downloading UO, how many INers play regular? Don't see any in status too much.

Why does this always happen in life, with everything lmao...
When theres clearly problems and people are hinting at it, and changes need to be done immediately... things get ignored and prosponed and once things start going downhill, PANIC BEGINSSS!!
"staff dont need players, players need staff"
now, finally what you wanted?, once you've finally seen the result, "seen it with your eyes" what this shards dropped down too, and now ALL OF A SUDDEN saying "tell us what you want, were listening, were ready to make changes"
I will never understand... really never will... i really hope im wrong, really hope so, but it's too late in my opinion...
I really want this shard to kick back up to its playerbase, but i think too much damage has been done... TONS of amazing ideas/advice has already been provided, which are on page 17 of the forums page, and no staff was really taking notes and trying to improve things...
players were saying "we will leave!! change things around, we need more active staff, we need newer events, we need newer types of armors/weapons, we need the dungeons modified so we dont need to hit 7 switchs to reach the next stage or dont need 3-4 people to do a dungeon."
no one listened...
Staff here... [SIZE="4"]Listen please[/SIZE]...
[SIZE="4"]This is what this shard needs to have any sort of survival[/SIZE] from its current stage... im telling you, not asking you. and I mean that with all due respect.
1. Introduce new armors, from a few shittier ones, to 1-2 new rare tourney armors.
2. New mounts, newer colors, EASIER to tame, and variety of colored rides. orns,llamas,zos,mustang,etc... Look, taming takes FOREVER to GM, and takes FOREVER to tame something... It seems like its worthless to gm taming, because theres limited colors and limited spawn times... why gm such a hard skill if you have someone who knows all the spawns and is timing it and taming them all... also go look at vendor mall, all rides are the same... theres the same rides, different vendors... too many of the same things!!! introduce some changes man!
3. 1-2 dungeons where its solo for players, where they can hunt alone, and have monsters which drop decent loot. this will create action in pvm, people can do this alone... and also add pvp in dungeons because pkers will be searching.
4. Staff... I see some new staff now, mostly Necro.... If we had 1-2 more staff, as active as necro, and hosting daily like him, we would be ok. need them to answer pages, (not many anymore thats for sure), host, and give players a sense of "backup" if it makes sense. because for some reason, players like playing when theres a staff online.
5.Events... Add new events, Horse Racing, Make some sort of chicken fighting, more monster bashes, etc... new events!!! and varieties!
There's more, but these are definately essential ones. Follow this guide-line staff, and there will slowly be more action and players logging on.
I've played this game long enough to know whats causing people boredom and what is needed. The key is, WE are players, and what players see, staff cannot see... we are playing this game you've developped for us, and we're telling you wants needed to keep us entertained...
I REALLLLLLLY hope this time around, my post wont end up on the 20th page, and will be taken seriously, and these changes will be implemented...
And if you're reading this, hopefully staff, and saying no... WHAT DO U HAVE TO LOSE??? the player base is at 24 ATM, is it really not worth giving it a shot? because i'll tell you one thing, once the forums of a shard is dead, theres a HUGE problem...

Is it still oldschool ?
Can i makro with maka in a tower all day with a bunch of silly swedes?
Anyone need logs?
Any player drivin towns? ( yeah like lunatic city :p )
Do the current GM's get drunk and do silly stuff? ( like in the old times where you would wake up to a pink world ).
Ean playing?
KM around?
Current price of logs?
Hmm think thats all...
for now!

Greetings and salutations people of IN-X,
As you may already know we have been experiencing a downfall in the player base of the shard for quite some time now. There comes a time when things need to be done and changed in order to keep up with the demand. There are many things that make IN:X a playable shard but there are also many things that the shard lacks. The old saying of Imagine Nation âBe a part of something better!â requires us to make a change to become better. Being better does not happen without hard work and it is time for someone to put in the effort that is required. Lets start with addressing the good things about IN:X and after lets discuss the bad things.
Good things about IN:X
In no particular order these things that make IN:X better are,
* The Staff - We have very dedicated and bright staff that are very helpful in bringing us answers, events, and ideas to help IN:X achieve a great environment.
*The Developers - We have two great developers that have put in a lot of man hours into creating a custom and unique shard.
*IN:X History - Imagine Nation and Xtreme Ultima Online has been around for many years and that is a true testament of commitment. Thus evolving into a great shard and becoming IN:X.
*The PvP System - As IN:X says it is a challenging and rewarding PvP environment. It is very unique and is unlike any other shard that has been around in the past 15+ years of the games release.
*The Skill Gain - Skill gain at IN:X is nearly perfected. Your main skills that you depend on, whether it be crafting or resource skills are somewhat difficult to gain, but these skills will pay off in the end and will give you a much better playing experience.
*The Roleplaying - The roleplaying at IN:X is a unique trait that IN:X has developed and it is not enforced but it is welcomed. From the roleplaying questing to the roleplaying dungeons, IN:X has delivered a fun playing environment for those certain individuals that like a challenge.
*The Events - IN:X has a dedicated staff team that is constantly on at all times of the day hosting tournaments ensuring that the players are looked after and are enjoying their experience on the shard. There are many events here at IN:X that relate to PvP'ers and even PvM'ers.
*The Players - We have a lot of dedicated players that contribute all they can and know to the shard that make it a very nice playing environment. Whether it is our roleplayers who contribute by making a interesting environment with their imaginations or whether it may be our hardcore PvP'ers that keep you on your toes by challenging your playing ability skills, Or whether it be our PvM'ers and Crafters that give us the knowledge and resources that are required to be a successful player on this shard.
*Player Vendors - Having player vendors in IN:X was an excellent idea to creating a trade system for players that allow us to achieve wealth and/or give us a way to collect resources for whatever may be needed to build your way up in the game.
*IN:X Forums - The forums are a great database with plenty of knowledge about IN:X and the great community of IN:X is that of smart individuals with senses of humor and a little bit of edginess that creates a unique community.
What IN:X Lacks
*The Hunting - I could spend all day talking about the problems of hunting so I will go ahead and spend all day addressing the problems of hunting. lol!
First and foremost this is a critical aspect of ensuring a well balanced playing field for players. I am going to copy and paste my old reply suggestion to save me some time. First of all, when you are new the first thing you want to do is make a little bit of gold and this is very hard because most monsters do not drop enough gold and are very hard to kill or use up more gold in resources to kill. It is a very slow process but these need to be addressed and tweaked. Another thing with hunting is, a lot of caster type monsters have insta cast and this makes it extremely difficult for new players, beings that they don't have bs scrolls or money to purchase resources and have to resort to melee. Some of these monsters are not worth your effort, time, and resources because they generally drop 100g roughly. This is not a high enough value of gold beings that it will take 1-2 ev's or 5-10 bs just to kill this monster. For example, the Spider Drone is very easy to kill but 40g is not even worth the effort. The Spiderwoman is a moderate monster that insta casts and takes atleast 1-2 ev's to take down. The picture to the right are moderate creatures that only drop 50-70g and they too also insta cast and will not go down so easily. There are many monsters like this that should be tweaked and these are just the few that I have concerns with. I have talked to Taran and Shade about these monsters and they agree that this is a top priority in ensuring a well balanced shard. But it is very hard to have to go dungeon to dungeon monster to monster and check all of these and figure out for yourself what needs to be evaluated and what does not.
*Hunting Loot - I believe having more rare items in monster loot will add to the value of hunting and this will give people a reason to hunt anything and everything. For example, I played on a shard that had rare unique unis which were 1/100,000 drop rate for instance and also they were craftable with the required materials through tailoring and what not. These unique unis were sometimes a cloth material that would raise your skill .5-1% and with enough of these rares your skill would be a little higher and would ensure better crafting and sometimes allow you to craft some specific rare items that required a skill of 110% and what not. This is just an example and you do not have to imitate or replicate another shard, I am just using this as an example and from there you can create your own ideas.
*Active Developers - Every shard needs an active developer that is constantly working on the shard and to only have 1 semi active developer makes the process long and strenuous. Of course these developers would have to donate their time for the love of the game and community since we do not pay money to shard or to these individuals.
*The Economy - The economy is in ruins and we are in a recession. We have no one buying from our vendors and have no choice but to lower our prices to dirt cheap. There is also not enough to sell to players other than resources, weapons, armor, mounts. We need to have more rare items that you should be able to get from hunting and what not to be able to sell to players and help pick the economy up. I don't have all the answers but we need to start coming together and use our brains.
*Crafting - As many players have stressed that we need much more rare craftables that require hard to get materials in which will help the economy and also bring more uniqueness to the gameplay.
*Weapon Balancing - I know this has been already discussed and put on the back burner since I believe Maka was going to address this order until we lost him. This is an issue because there is only one weapon in PvP that is overused. This takes away from the uniqueness and individuality of the players and it makes them have to choose this weapon in order to be competitive and challenging.
*Dungeons - Most of the dungeons are extremely hard to navigate and require a lot of time and effort in order just to make a little bit of gold. This is not always worth your effort and time as most of us do not always have hours upon hours to explore an entire dungeon which does not produce the desired amount of gold and items anyways.
*Autosupply Events - These type of events are necessary however these events in excess take away from the shard because you are not required to have to work, hunt, or craft in order to participate in events. So this does not promote working, hunting, and/or crafting. If there were less autosupply events then more people would buy resources,armors, and weapons from player vendors, which in turn would help the economy gradually and give crafters a priority to work to keep up with supply and demand.
*Duel pits - This is a great idea and it gives PvP'ers a place to always PvP which is necessary, however it takes away from the world PvP and thus making world PvP non existent. I will not give any solutions to this b/c I do not have all the answers but I do in fact enjoy the duel pits but it should not be always accessible in some sense.
Essentially if we want a "Better" shard we need to work at it and we need to be open to change b/c we can not be a better shard without change.
As my President said, "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." We need to think like a business and take ideas from everyone and even from our competitors from the present and even the past. The new players need to be spoiled so they will make the decision to play here and enjoy their time here and thus creating a dedicated old player that is loyal to the shard and spreading the word to more people. I thank all of you who took the time in reading this and I respect all of your comments and suggestions because it is you who make the shard what it is and everything is valued. Thank you to all the staff for considering this and taking note and us players and the community enjoy doing business with you and we look forward to creating a nice game for everyone and let the good times roll.
i'm super laggy and i keep crashing and it's not my isp no idea why i keep crashing in game it's not like my internet is crashing just i crash in UO
anyone know what may be causing this? (also in advance just because my ping says 100 doesn't mean i'm not lagging i'm still timing out)

I think I have every regular class weapon listed here, grouped by the type of weapon that they are. Note I didn't group them according to what skill they use, but physically the type of weapon they are. By the way, I believe the attack value is the max damage the weapon can do. With arms lore we have no way of telling the min damage. I thought this might be some helpful information for everyone so enjoy!
Attack: 4
Speed: 200
Attack: 20
Speed: 248
Attack: 24
Speed: 331
Attack: 29
Speed: 332
Attack: 30
Speed: 334
Attack: 30
Speed: 342
Long sword: (it's not a mistake, there are 2 types of longswords)
Attack: 34
Speed: 396
Longsword: (it's not a mistake, there are 2 types of longswords)
Attack: 35
Speed: 401
Viking sword:
Attack: 41
Speed: 442
Attack: 31
Speed: 342
War axe:
Attack: 29
Speed: 350
Attack: 39
Speed: 383
Double Axe:
Attack: 39
Speed: 401
Executioner's axe:
Attack: 34
Speed: 408
Attack: 36
Speed: 429
Two handed axe:
Attack: 45
Speed: 430
Large Battleaxe:
Attack: 43
Speed: 440
Maces & clubs:
Attack: 22
Speed: 302
Attack: 33
Speed: 420
Attack: 29
Speed: 431
Attack: 39
Speed: 441
Attack: 45
Speed: 604
War hammer:
Attack: 51
Speed: 618
Short spear:
Attack: 36
Speed: 306
Attack: 16
Speed: 333
Attack: 39
Speed: 351
Attack: 48
Speed: 516
Attack: 57
Speed: 616
Quarter staff:
Attack: 35
Speed: 355
Black staff:
Attack: 33
Speed: 391
Gnarled staff:
Attack: 33
Speed: 392
Shepard's crook:
Attack: 12
Speed: 450
Attack: 27
Speed: 390
Attack: 15
Speed: 400

I blame you guys
(server crash)

This is to fable and everyone else who thinks their good at dueling with one of these
Well if you use one and compare it to a REGULAR battle axe it hits faster than a regular battle axe which doesn't make sense considering It's called LARGE battle axe which means it's heavier if i'm correct.
On a side note, if you check it's attacked attributes you will now see that it's almost as strong as a Bardiche maybe 3-4 pts off
So this Large Battle Axe is faster than a regular battle axe and hits just as hard or harder than a bardiche? This weapon needs to be nerfed too many idiots think their good at pvp when they're using a weapon that is so cheap, and then on top of that they want it added to the autosupply system LOL what a joke
Some of the staff should test these weapons and give feed back because it's so unbelieveable how low people go for hits now days
This thing needs to be nerfed it's like blackwidow #2.

Some people ask me if i play on this server on my msn, but its not me.
I gave away my account to some dude named Raito on msn ([email protected]) since he begged me for it and i dont need it.
So dont trust him by thinking its me.
Im playin darkfall so i dont have time for uo.... peace!

What is up with the dathmatch? It is always anounced and I am aware it is an auto anouncment but the stone is never automaticly placed in pits anymore, it has been like this for a little over a week and i enjoyed deathmatch! It was a chance for me to practice my pvp for free. Pleas fix this!!!!!