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Before i rejoin

Is it still oldschool ? Smile
Can i makro with maka in a tower all day with a bunch of silly swedes?
Anyone need logs?
Any player drivin towns? ( yeah like lunatic city :p )
Do the current GM's get drunk and do silly stuff? ( like in the old times where you would wake up to a pink world ).
Ean playing?
KM around?
Current price of logs?

Hmm think thats all...

for now!

Need Logs? PM Me.
Support Your Local Log-Dealer!
-> Mark Forums Read <-

*Some people might need logs...hell I was needing them 1 week ago!
*Yes you can macro in a tower with the other silly swedes. Tongue
*Theres no player run towns yet, even tho some people had the idea already sometime ago.
*We do have some crazy staff that does some shit sometimes Tongue
*Ean isn't playing as far as I know.
*KM checks the forums now and then Smile
*Logs sell for 10g.p each currently
*I kind feel its like old school but not as good as it once was. Smile

Nice to see you around Aghast and surely hope to see you ingame! Smile

[Image: Kandorin%20Banner.jpg]
Holy Marquess, The Ministry

.::Vendor Taylor at Britain Church::.
.::Need anything crafted? I'm your man.Contact me!::.
.::Dye Tub Color - Daemon Steel - 1171::.
.::Dye Tub Color - Old Copper - 1159::.

Trying to convince myself to join again Smile

So theres is no evil anti macro gump?

And how is the RP ?

also I would really enjoy if there where a GM who would play around with players.. RP with them etc. ( like on a 1 to 1 player experience thingie ).

Need Logs? PM Me.
Support Your Local Log-Dealer!
-> Mark Forums Read <-

Whats up Aghast? I remember your name Smile

Unfortunately Maka has officially left IN:X and there aren't very many swedes left that I can think of. Taran, Fable, Hate, and Ginz (although I personally don't see him much) are the swedes I can think of that are still here.

I will gladly macro with you if you have some sexual favors to offer though Smile

I think you expect to much from a server with only 30 players online, but if you help us grow mabey all that will come back~!~

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lost packet, 42 bytes, last seen on a saturated OC3, reward $$$.

No rejoin 20 players all day and every day less. Only play players that already have everything.

you do realise that if all the people who say "I don't log on because the playerbase is low" actually logged on we'd have about 50 people online.

LudaKrishna Wrote:you do realise that if all the people who say "I don't log on because the playerbase is low" actually logged on we'd have about 50 people online.

FINALLY! Someone other then me realized this. I've been saying this for ages.

Eighty Swords Wrote:FINALLY! Someone other then me realized this. I've been saying this for ages.

[Image: Kandorin%20Banner.jpg]
Holy Marquess, The Ministry

.::Vendor Taylor at Britain Church::.
.::Need anything crafted? I'm your man.Contact me!::.
.::Dye Tub Color - Daemon Steel - 1171::.
.::Dye Tub Color - Old Copper - 1159::.


aghast join Smile im swedish, and im willing to buy logs just to help out (even though im harvesting them myself) :p

- regards, Fable

x4 :confused:

wrong thread



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