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Posted by: Taran
06-19-2011, 10:43 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (67)

This is an Easy UO Script that is customized to work on Imagine Nation and won't work on other UO shards without editing.

You'll have to do some editing on this one, but this is a mining script for Mt. Kendall. It will mine, move to the forge when you're at your weight limit, smelt, then go back to mining. Once you're overweight with ingots, it will walk to the bank box outside, use it, then put all your ingots into a bag in the bank. Very useful, but it makes you a PK target and it tends to cut out sometimes:

; OzMining 1.0
; For mining at Mt. Kendall on IN:X shard.
; Features:
; - Moves around the mine randomly
; - Mines a tile clean of ore before moving on to next one
; - Smelting when overweight
; - Banking ore when you have certain amount of weight after smelting
; - Notifies you with a sound if your character is dead and stops the macro
;   ( might only work in windows xp.. )
;   ( replace sounds with some other ones if you use another OS. )
; Known bugs:
; - Macro gets "stuck" mining too fast sometimes
; ============= User variables and instructions ================================

; You can find out ID of a container by having EUO running and opening a container.
; Right side of EUO window there should be "Container Info" as a folded menu and
; there #CONTID variable now holds the information. For example LHUGMMD

; Change this to the ID of container in your bank where you would like
; your ingots to be placed.
set %ingotContainer AXITEND

; Change this to whatever ID your bank container has.
set %bankcontainerID JWHLKMD

; ==============================================================================

set #LPC 10
set %forgePosX 2570
set %forgePosY 482
set %ingotTypes RMK_BVI
set %forgeTypes JBG_JJ_SMF
set %toolTypes QPF
set %status idle
set %bankID DMMRJMD
set %DebugMode #true

event sysmessage Starting OzMining 1.0

while #charghost <> YES
      gosub GoSmelt
  if %status = no_more_ore
     set %status idle
     goto MoveToNextSpot
     gosub GoSmelt
  set %jrnl #jindex
  gosub MineThisSpot
  gosub ProcessResults
; Player dead: stopping macro after making some racket..
sound Windows XP critical stop.wav
wait 2s
sound Windows XP critical stop.wav
wait 2s
sound Windows XP critical stop.wav
wait 2s

sub MineThisSpot
  set #LPC 10
  if ( %status <> idle )
  finditem %tooltypes C
  if #FINDCNT > 0
    set #lObjectId #findId
    event macro 17 0
    tile Init
    Tile Get #CharPosX #CharPosY 2
    set #lTargetTile #tileType
    set #lTargetX #charPosX
    set #lTargetY #charPosY
    set #lTargetZ #charPosZ
    set #lTargetKind 3
    target 20s
    event Macro 22 0

    set %status mining

sub ProcessResults
  while %status = mining
    if #jindex > %jrnl
      set %jrnl %jrnl + 1
      scanjournal %jrnl
      if you_dig_some in #journal
        set %status idle
      if you_loosen_some_rocks in #journal
        set %status idle
      if World_save_complete in #journal
        set %status idle
      if You_have_moved_too_far in #journal
        set %status idle
      if Someone_has_gotten in #journal
        set %status idle
      if Can't_mine_that in #journal
        set %status idle
      if target_cannot_be_seen in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
      if there_is_no_metal_here_to_mine in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
      if you_can't_mine_that in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
      if world_save_complete. in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
      if that_is_too_far_away in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
      if for_validating_your_presence in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot

sub MoveToNextSpot
  set #LPC 1
  if ( %DegugMode )
      event sysmessage ++ Trying to find a new location to mine...

  set %GotoX #charposX
  set %GotoY #charposY
  set %oldX #charposX
  set %oldY #charposY

  set %randomInc #random % 5
  ; negative or positive?
  set %nDirection #random % 2
  if %nDirection = 1
     set %randomInc %randomInc * -1
  set %GotoX %GotoX + %randomInc

  ; Random amount of tiles to a direction
  set %randomInc #random % 5
  ; negative or positive?
  set %nDirection #random % 2
  if %nDirection = 1
     set %randomInc %randomInc * -1
  set %GotoY %GotoY + %randomInc

  if ( %DegugMode )
      event sysmessage -- Initializing tile info...
  tile Init
  tile Get %GotoX %GotoY 2
  if ( %DegugMode )
      event sysmessage #tilename / #tiletype
  if ( #tilename = cave_floor )
      if ( %DegugMode )
          event sysmessage Found cave location...
      event pathFind %GotoX %GotoY
      wait 10
      if ( #charposX = %oldX && #charposY = %oldY )
         goto FindNextSpot
  if ( #charposX <> %oldX && #charposY <> %oldY )
      if ( #charposX = %GotoX && #charposY = %GotoY )
          set %status idle
      goto FindNextSpot
  set #LPC 10

sub GoSmelt
  set #LPC 1
  set %oldX #charposX
  set %oldY #charposY

  event pathFind %forgePosX %forgePosY
  wait 1s
  if ( #charposX = %oldX && #charposY = %oldY )
      goto SmeltOre
  finditem  DWJ C
  if #FINDCNT > 0
      set #lObjectId #findId
      event macro 17 0
      goto CheckForMoreOre
  wait 1s
  if ( #weight > #maxweight - 50 )
      gosub BankOre
  event pathFind %oldX %oldY
  wait 1s
  if ( #charposX = %forgePosX && #charposY = %forgePosY )
      goto GoBack

sub BankOre
  if ( %DegugMode )
      event sysmessage ++ Going to bank ingots...
  event pathFind 2561 492
  wait 1s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> 2561 && #CHARPOSX <> 492 )
      goto BankingStep1
  event pathFind 2559 504
  wait 1s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> 2559 && #CHARPOSX <> 504 )
      goto BankingStep2
  event pathFind 2564 513 15
  wait 1s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> 2564 && #CHARPOSX <> 513 )
      goto BankingStep3
  set #LOBJECTID %bankID
  event macro 17 0
  wait 10
  if ( #CONTID <> %bankcontainerID )
      goto Openbank
  finditem %ingotTypes C
  if #FINDCNT > 0
      Exevent Drag #findid #findstack
        wait 10
        Exevent Dropc %ingotContainer
        wait 10
        goto BankMore
  wait 1s
  event sysmessage ++ Going back...
  event pathFind 2559 504 0
  wait 2s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> 2559 && #CHARPOSX <> 504 )
      goto GoingBackStep1
  event pathFind 2561 492
  wait 2s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> 2561 && #CHARPOSX <> 492 )
      goto BankingStep2
  event pathFind %forgePosX %forgePosY
  wait 2s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> %forgePosX && #CHARPOSX <> %forgePosY )
      goto GoingBackStep3
  set #LPC 10

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Posted by: Taran
06-19-2011, 10:43 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (5)

This will automatically pick any cotton or flax plant in the vicinity. I'm not sure if it puts it in your pack for you or not, but you can use Razor's Scavenger Agent to have it pick it up:

if #FINDCNT > 0
set #lObjectID #FINDID
event Macro 17 ; last object

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Posted by: Taran
06-19-2011, 10:41 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (15)

LUMBERJACKING: This will pretty much just wander from tree to tree using a hatchet on it. I like to use a Razor macro with it to move the logs to a pack horse.

; Script Name: EnCode MegaLumberjack
; Author: EnCode
; Version: 1.2.0
; Client Tested with: 4.0.10b
; EUO version tested with: 1.42.00A5
; Shard OSI / FS: FS
; Revision Date: 5-31-05
; Public Release: 5-15-05
; Global Variables Used: All global vars used by settings starts by *ECLJ
; This is a very powerful and easy to set up fully automatic script without rails!
; All you need is enough skills to craft tools and recall and some ingots in your bank box.

; if you wish to use login by password (NOT RECOMMENDED)
; set up the macro as using razorlogin but uncomment and change these lines:

;You may edit these values if you wish but you should do just fine
;with these.
set %solvepk 0 ;if you have the PKCurses.txt set up change this to 1
set %forcebankweight 400 ;maxweight before bankup
;do not change below here
set %VerMajor 1
set %VerMinor 2
set %VerRevision 0

set %spot 0
tile init
linespercycle 200
set %hod 0

gosub chooseforest
gosub closest
move %x %y 1 10s
gosub checkdistance
gosub choptree
goto start

sub checkdistance
    set %distx #charposx - %x
    set %disty #charposy - %y
    if %distx > -2 && %distx < 2 && %disty > -2 && %disty < 2
    set %tempx #charposx - 5
    move %tempx #charposy 1 2s
    set %tempy #charposy - 5
    move #charposx %tempy 1 2s
    move %x %y 1 10s

sub choptree
    menu delete status
    menu Text status 116 119 Chopping...
    set %backupwait #scnt + 60
    if #scnt > %backupwait
        goto ready
    wait 17
    gosub hit
    set %hitwait #scnt + 5
    wait 1
    scanjournal 1
    if logs in #journal
        goto choploop
    if hack in #journal
        goto choploop
    if not_enough_wood in #journal
        goto ready
    if you_can't_use_an_axe_on_that in #journal
        goto ready
    if cannot_be_seen in #journal
        goto ready
    if that_is_too_far in #journal
        goto ready
    gosub checkConLost
    gosub toboards
    if is_attacking_you in #journal
        gosub antipk
    if #scnt > %hitwait
        goto choploop
    goto jrloop

sub hit
    finditem %axetype C_ , #charid
    if #findkind = -1
        finditem %axetype C_ , #backpackid
        if #findkind = -1
            gosub toboards
            menu delete status
            set %hod 0
            gosub chooseforest

        set #lhandid #findid
        event macro 24 1
        wait 15
    set #lobjectid #findid
    event macro 17
    target 1s
    set #ltargetkind 3
    set #ltargettile %tiletype
    set #ltargetx %x
    set #ltargety %y
    set #ltargetz %tilez
    event macro 22

sub closest
    menu delete status
    menu Text status 116 119 Finding tree...
    set %x #charposx
    set %y #charposy
    set %r 0
    set %fspiral -1
    if %fspiral = -1
        set %fspiral 1
        set %fspiral -1
    set %r %r + 1
    for %yx 1 %r
        set %x %x + %fspiral
        gosub checktile
        if %findkind = 1
    for %yy 1 %r
        set %y %y + %fspiral
        gosub checktile
        if %findkind = 1
    goto treefinder

sub checktile
    tile cnt %x %y
    set %ennestaan 0
    set %findkind -1
    for %cnt 1 #tilecnt
        tile get %x %y %cnt
        if tree in #tilename
            if %hod > 0
                set %doh 0
                for %doh 1 %hod
                    if %x = %hodx . %doh && %y = %hody . %doh
                        set %ennestaan 1
            if %ennestaan = 0
                set %hod %hod + 1
                set %hodx . %hod %x
                set %hody . %hod %y
                set %findkind 1
                set %tilez #tilez
                set %tiletype #tiletype

sub chooseforest
    set %spot %spot + 1
    if %spot > %ljspots
        set %spot 1
    set %runenum %spot + 1
    menu delete status
    menu Text status 116 119 Recalling to forest # %spot
    gosub recall %runenum %recallstyle

sub findcol
    finditem %1 %3
    for %i 1 #findcnt
        finditem %1 %i %3
        if #findcol = %2
    set #findkind -1

sub target
    set %wait #scnt + 1
        wait 1
        scanjournal 1
        if fizzles in #journal || already_performing in #journal ||  more_reagants in #journal || not_yet_recovered in #journal ||  your_concentration in #journal || insufficent_mana in #journal
        scanjournal 2
        if fizzles in #journal || already_performing in #journal ||  more_reagants in #journal || not_yet_recovered in #journal ||  your_concentration in #journal || insufficent_mana in #journal
        if #scnt > %wait
        if #targcurs = 0
            goto wait_for_target
    if %1 = 1
            wait 1
            finditem #ltargetid
            if #findkind = -1 && #targcurs = 1
                goto chkdistance
            if #finddist > 12 && #targcurs = 1
                goto chkdistance
        event macro 22
    if %1 = 2
        event macro 23

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Posted by: Cana
06-19-2011, 10:25 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- No Replies

Instructions are included in the macro script. Paste the code below into EUO, read the instructions and make changes if needed and play the macro.

; Combat training macro at IN Mercenary Camp
; This macro will train your swords, mace, parry, tactics and healing. It is
; set to work with southern water trough in the camp but that can be changed
; with %water variable. As it is, macro works with training swords and training
; maces. You can add your own weapons in to the %weapon variable if you wish.
; How to set up the macro:
; ========================
; Put on some armor, grab some heater shields and training weapons of choise.
; You might need to set %target to your desired sparring partner. You can do
; this by bringing up a target icon with any item (I use scissors) and target
; your desired target. You'll see the value in the section on the right
; (under Last Action -> #LTARGETID). Put that value into %target variable
; (instead of FIB what it currently is). If you wish, you can adjust the
; %HPtreshold value. If your hitpoints go under this value your character will
; heal using bandages until above the treshold and then go back to attacking.

set %target FIB
set %HPtreshold 80
set %water WQHUCND
set %weapon BPH_QOH

if ! ( G in #CHARSTATUS )
  gosub CombatMode

while ( #TRUE )
  set #LTARGETID %target
  gosub AttackLast
  if ( #HITS < %HPtreshold )
    gosub HealMe
  finditem ZLF C
  if #FINDCNT < 1
    finditem AMF C
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      set #LTARGETID %water
      event macro 17 0
      target 1s
      event Macro 22 0
      wait 10

sub AttackLast
  event macro 27 0

sub CombatMode
  event macro 6 0
  wait 1s

sub HealMe
  finditem ZLF C
  if #FINDCNT > 0
    event macro 17 0
    target 1s
    event Macro 23 0
    finditem %weapon C
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      set #LTARGETID %target
      event macro 17 0
      target 1s
      event Macro 22 0
    finditem CIK C
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      event macro 17 0
    wait 53
  gosub AttackLast

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Posted by: dmhjr
06-19-2011, 07:00 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

where do i download all the shard info and stuff

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Posted by: Ziggy Stardust
06-19-2011, 04:04 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)


I noticed that you had changed so that when you fizzle SPELLS (not just scrolls) you loose half the mana the spell costs! I thought you only did that for scrolls, haven't EVER seen anybody do that on spells. Changing that on spells ruins a lot of tactics that people use for spells, and it also ruins one of the few advantages spells have over scrolls (that they don't consume mana when you fizzle them).

For example players often throw greater heal spell before a strong hit just to prepair themselves, and if it misses or if it hits weak they fizzle it by using a bandage instead. Now that would make you loose a lot of mana over time =/

Another example is when players are fighting other players who mask their spells with spam for example, at that point you sometimes want to precast a greater heal spell in case the enemy is throwing a flamestrike hidden, and if you do that 3-4 times in a row with a greater heal spell you would have lost a load of mana.

I don't think it should be this way for spells, only for scrolls, that's how it always have been and that's the best way not to mess up a very nice PvP. I don't think anybody even complained about such a future being needed, so why change what's not flawed? The scrolls were flawed, the spells weren't.

- Ziggy

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Posted by: Ziggy Stardust
06-19-2011, 03:58 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (11)


I was told by an razor user that after your updates today all razor users see "Flame Strike" instead of "Kal Vas Flam" for example, but that's not fair at all because Injection users don't, so if you want to implement that then do it so it's same for everybody, or don't do it at all.

- Ziggy

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Posted by: BlackBeard
06-19-2011, 03:29 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (2)

is there anyway we can get an explanation as to what / why things were changed, other than just a vague description. example why can't we have 120 hp now its 110 right ? does 120 dex even do anything ? I don't notice a difference.

What spell timings are diff and why were they changed ? was something op ?
The power words change is that so people can't hide there words anymore ?
Also any chance on getting an Ar list ? for all the armors ?

Captain Blackbeard

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Posted by: BlackBeard
06-19-2011, 01:45 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (3)

I can't Figure out how to make blank scrolls.
I thought it was tailoring, but it's not (cuz of leather)
Googled it and it said tinkering to make blank scrolls how ever its not on the menu.

So how do you craft blank scrolls ?

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Posted by: Shad
06-18-2011, 05:47 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (4)

Buying Iron , old copper ,copper, all low end ingot to smith with . Contact me in game.


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