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Posted by: Balls
06-23-2011, 11:11 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (3)

So I heard were only allowed to have one account... Well, when I first logged in I didn't know that and I made some random log on with random characters, so I can't log in Smile. Also, I didn't finish making the account, when I went to the screen where you add the skills you want, I x out of it so I could make a new log on name.

Little backup please?

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Posted by: Shad
06-22-2011, 11:09 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (5)

Could we get more item we can buy with silver coins, Like colored lanterns , secure personal Chest , Deco items for house. Maybe other player can make some suggestions.

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Posted by: Redorb
06-22-2011, 09:45 AM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (1)

By popular demand I am putting up a vendor even though it is a pain in my ass to do so.. So be grateful and buy my stuff!

Also these prices are subject to change based off of the current status of the economy. I'm trying to go a bit cheaper on everything right now to help people get going. So if i notice that things are too expensive then prices will be lowered slightly; Vice versa if things are selling quickly prices may rise slightly

Potion prices however will always stay the same. Any lower and i will not be making any profit at all for my time.



250 TM = 60k
100 TM = 30k
50 TM = 20k

250 GH = 50k
100 GH = 20k
50 GH = 15k


Supreme 2 Handed Power = 15k
Eminent 2 handed Power = 10k
All other 2 handed power = 5k

Supreme 1 handed Power = 10k
Eminent 1 handed Power = 7k
All other 1 handed power = 4k

ARMOR (per piece) :

Invul chainmail = 8k
Invul ringmail = 7k
Invul studded = 6k
invul leather = 5k


All loot taken will be put in the loot bag and sold for 50-75% off.. unless i want it. If i kill you and you want your stuff back buy it cheap! (I will try to stock the loot bag nightly)


I will have 4 locked boxes each selling for 50k. One will have 100k and the rest 1gp. I will try to restock this everytime i notice the 100k has been bought.

This vendor is not up yet, currently getting potions stocked. It should be up in the next day or two, i will post the name when i know it.

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Posted by: soMa
06-21-2011, 07:51 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Blackbeard J'I got a story for soh bar when soh put up the library

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Posted by: Morwen
06-21-2011, 07:24 PM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (13)

I left my char macroing stealing from one day to another from 44.5 to 45.5...

is stealing supposed to be this hard to train?

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Posted by: Hiroshima
06-21-2011, 03:56 AM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (2)

I got 10k for now, 10gp.
I have few reasons for this price.
First, high demand.
Second, I can use this time to macro inscription and I get more gold.
Third, on INX there were PLENTY of sellers and they sold for 7-8, so here its just a few its impossible we have same price.
So, miners who sell ingots, get your prices up and dont get ripped out.

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Posted by: Shad
06-21-2011, 03:25 AM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (4)

I have two vendors just East and a Little south of the West Brit Bank.
Potions ,Scrolls, Colored leather Armor, colored magic Armor male & female for sale, Will Also make & color Armor to suit your needs.
Magical Plate Armor Guarding - Invul
Also sell everything from Llama's, Mustangs and decorations so much to list you'll have to come see it for your self.
*Vendors - Damon and Julinka*

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Posted by: BlackBeard
06-21-2011, 02:08 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (10)

Think it be possible if it's not already to be able to res your Fighting Cock ?
I Understand if it's a no.

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Posted by: BlackBeard
06-21-2011, 02:07 AM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Be lookin for a cock fight ... I put up 5k me cock be beatin ye cock to see Davy Jones
Any Takers ? *No interference*

Captain Blackbeard

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Posted by: Ziggy Stardust
06-21-2011, 01:33 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)


I know that you all do your best to host and entertain the players, while still letting them "enjoy themselves" as well. But right now people don't really enjoy themselves, they macro and when they see a tourney they join it, most players barely even seem to hunt.

So for people like me whose already pretty much done macroing it's very boring. I now macro skills that I normally wouldn't even macro just to "spend my time" when there's nothing to do.

I have noticed that during the days when I stay up at night until like 3 AM a lot of stuff seem to happen, Eru and Redemption logs on and hosts quests and tourneys, but it's not often I can be around that late.

I assume that a big reason why all the tourneys are being hosted at that time is because of your timezone and the fact that you simply aren't around at your computer until then, but we "need" tourneys earlier as well, it gets way too boring otherwise.

So a suggestion is that you hire some staffmembers from a different timezone as well, for example from Tarans timezone, he seem to be around when I'm around, but he's focusing on other stuff than tourneys (which is understandable).

Shade is also always around, probably because that man never sleeps, but he focuses on other stuff than tourneys as well so we need more staffmembers.

I'm pretty sure the answer will be that it's hard to find staffmember who aren't corrupt and whom you can trust, and I understand that, but fact remains, we need somebody on during all these hours when nothing at all is happening at the shard.

I'm sure that with a few modifications to the counselor commands u'll be able to make them pretty harmless either way, so it shouldn't really be that dangerous to hire somebody new.

I'm not suggesting that you hire the whole shard as counselors now tho, just like 1-2 new ones for another timezones, that's all that's needed really, if they are active then that's great, if not then they aren't suited to be staffmembers here at Imagine Nation either way, and then u'll have to replace them, simple as that. No harm done, they'll know when you hire them that they have to be active and professional.

- Ziggy

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