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Stealing train - Morwen - 06-21-2011

I left my char macroing stealing from one day to another from 44.5 to 45.5...

is stealing supposed to be this hard to train?

Stealing train - Gatin - 06-21-2011

what u put for it? bandage, gold?

Stealing train - Shade - 06-21-2011

Sounds like your macro didn't work at all. Steal from a pack horse or a locked down container, those are the best two options.

Stealing train - Morwen - 06-22-2011

I've been stealing bottles from a locked down container its justt use skill stealing, wait for target, target empty bottles, pause 10sec, call organizer to put back the bottles and loop it

Stealing train - Shade - 06-22-2011

Well, just a couple suggestions but using something heavier would make you fail more, say like a plate tunic or a heavy weapon like a halberd. Also, it would be best to only have razor use its organizer when you are successful. The easiest way to do this is by inserting an if conditional. Simply left click, right click the line above where your organizer is called and select to insert if conditional. Now in that box you can add a check for something, since you are stealing the easiest and failsafe choice would be a weight check. So if you have 50 stones on you have it do something like If Weight >= 51 that way it will only use the organizer when it needs to. At the bottom line of your organizer part of the macro insert an end if and give that a shot.

This allows for quicker reps without razor doing unnecessary things. With a heavier item it will be even better so give that a shot if you want and see if you get better gains.

Stealing train - Damorn - 06-22-2011

I think depending on your stealing skill the item needs to weigh a certain amount of stones.

Stealing train - Morwen - 06-22-2011

I was usin piles so i don't know if that rule applies, when I get home I'll see if the new macro produced good results

Stealing train - Eru - 06-22-2011

My stealing macro looks something like this:

IF {INGOT} amount > 5
Oranizer Agent (Move ingots back into pack horse)
UseSkill Stealing
Absolute Target (Stack of Ingots on a horse)

That spams the shit out of stealing until you get 5 ingots, then it moves them back and starts spamming again. Much faster gains without a delay.

Stealing train - Morwen - 06-22-2011

It worked now. Thank you Shade for the suggestion. I tried basing on the weight but something strange hapnes and my char gain weight over night and the macro stopped working but i changed it for a counter and it works.

Eru I don't see how that can work because if you steal only 1 ingot then there is the possibility that it will try to steal your own pack and you won't be able to get any gain on those cycles.

I'll change the macro to use the system messages like successfully stole to put it back it should get more light on the processor and still waste the minimum time possible.

Stealing train - Eru - 06-22-2011

Morwen Wrote:Eru I don't see how that can work because if you steal only 1 ingot then there is the possibility that it will try to steal your own pack and you won't be able to get any gain on those cycles.
Note that the target is an "Absolute Target" for the ingots in the horse's pack. Moving the ingots back onto that stack doesn't make the target change. As long as you don't steal all the ingots, the item's serial # won't change and the macro won't ever get confused. But if you move back if you have more than 5 and put say, 50 ingots in there, there's no way you'd ever steal all 50 ingots at once.

Stealing train - Morwen - 06-22-2011

didn't notice it was abs target

Stealing train - Morwen - 06-22-2011

But that way you keep getting lots of "you must w8 to use another skill" spam