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Posted by: Israfil
06-28-2011, 02:55 PM
Forum: Events and Happenings
- Replies (18)

This weekend we will host the first non-supplied pvp tourney, so get prepared. Prizes are as followed:

4-7 people, 20k plus Trophy
8-10 people, 40k plus Trophy
11-15 people, 60k plus Trophy
16-19 people, 80k or Weapon of choice plus Trophy
20-24 people, 100k or Armor set of choice plus Trophy
25+ people, Weapon and Armor set of choice plus Trophy

Looking forward to this event and hopefully we have a great turn out so we can give out a great prize. Time has not been decided yet and I would love to hear some feed back when you guys think a good time would be.(please use Server time when saying a time)

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Posted by: kage
06-28-2011, 09:07 AM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (1)

I don't know if everyone gets this had anything to do with my problem but when I load razor it says, The selected profile could not be loaded, using default instead. Now, when I'm in game I'm unable to create any macros and any hot keys I set are reset the next time I open razor. Please help !

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Posted by: Christina Thorn
06-28-2011, 03:42 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

Please provoc be done so i can do other things.

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Posted by: soMa
06-28-2011, 02:53 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (11)

Why is the War axe a two handed weapon I thought it was one handed ? Maybe im wrong.
The weapon also sucks for being a two handed it swings slow and for low dmg.

After trying the weapon again ill wager a regular dagger beats the war axe of power.
I know a scimitar beats it hands down.

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Posted by: BlackBeard
06-27-2011, 11:50 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- No Replies

Gm Tinkering , Gm Poisoning, Gm Remove trap
Could even go as far as to say you need gm detect hidden so you could arguably hide the trap well enough that no one finds it.
Should make wicked traps. Don't know how hard a explosion or posion trap hits you but I think they should hit really hard
1 - Gm Poisoning in order to cure a professional made poison trap.
2 - Professional made explosion trap hurts like half hp.
Make it hard to accomplish and the reward for having these skills cool ?

Just a suggestion seeming as im sure as it is right now it's kinda useless to trap my hidden treasure Big Grin


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Posted by: Maktor D.
06-27-2011, 03:03 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)

j'I think it would be most excellent if whilst polymorphed soh have to cast dispel in order for it to change back. This would make a lot of skills a lot easier to macro because of the strength gain that polymorphed daemon gives, this would allow the player to hold a large quanity of bottles and regs for all night macroing. Also if you are over loaded and the item begins to fall at the feet, is there anyway to make the item stack? j' I think razor has this option but not sure if it applies to bottles as well...

Maktor [Daemon]

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Posted by: Reaper
06-27-2011, 02:45 AM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- No Replies

Hey guys,

If anyone can make or sell me an anvil, please pm me or find me in-game. I really need one. Thanks!


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Posted by: Maktor D.
06-26-2011, 06:56 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)

It seems like to me when someone is FSi scrolling the hell out of you and you try to use greater heal scrolls, you cant keep up.

GH uses too much mana and heals way way too less. basically all someone has to do is FS FS FS FS while you Gh GH GH GH and eventually, you die no matter what.

My suggestion is to make Gh actually heal alot more, that way you can actually time your GH to heal large amouts of health. This would be better for ganks and 1 vs 1, IMO.

What does the rest of the people say?

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Posted by: Bungah
06-26-2011, 03:50 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

Ok, so I've noticed some of you have no idea what we Goblins say sometimes so here's a little guide for all you "stoopid hoomies" out there Tongue It's really not that hard. All we do is twist the real English word a tiiiiny bit Wink

Yes = Yugg
No = Noga
Thank you = Yanka
Hi = Hooga
Bye = Flanga
Human = Hoomie
Haha = Har har
Guildmate = Gunda
We = Wega
He = Hega
She = Shega
You = Youga
Me = Mega
Magery = Manka
Regs = Manka Roots
Money = Zuggs
Stupid = Stoopid
Good = Gooka
No problem = Napka
God/Staff = Ga

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