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Goblin Language - Printable Version

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Goblin Language - Bungah - 06-26-2011

Ok, so I've noticed some of you have no idea what we Goblins say sometimes so here's a little guide for all you "stoopid hoomies" out there Tongue It's really not that hard. All we do is twist the real English word a tiiiiny bit Wink

Yes = Yugg
No = Noga
Thank you = Yanka
Hi = Hooga
Bye = Flanga
Human = Hoomie
Haha = Har har
Guildmate = Gunda
We = Wega
He = Hega
She = Shega
You = Youga
Me = Mega
Magery = Manka
Regs = Manka Roots
Money = Zuggs
Stupid = Stoopid
Good = Gooka
No problem = Napka
God/Staff = Ga

Goblin Language - Eru - 06-26-2011

I think I saw a player using some sort of auto-translation script where you would type normally, but it would replace the words for you. That would be a nice guide to have up. Tongue

Goblin Language - Bungah - 06-26-2011

But that destroys all the fun?! ;/

Goblin Language - BlackBeard - 06-27-2011

I agree, Btw im gonna make a book of this and put it in my library if thats ok with you ?

Goblin Language - Carding - 06-27-2011

Bungah = smelly

Goblin Language - Bungah - 06-29-2011

Carding = Tea sipping stoopid hoomie Big Grin