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Posted by: Habibi Jones
10-24-2011, 04:00 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (26)

Suggest possible uses for energy field

My suggestions:

1. Drains the mana of anyone caught in it, similar rate as meditation (not moving) only inverse.

2. 10% chance to cast lightning each second. 10 damage per lightning seems fair. That way, it's possible to take 100 damage in 10 seconds if you're unlucky or 0 damage in 10 seconds if you're lucky.

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Posted by: messyjesse21
10-24-2011, 03:10 AM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (5)

Hi i'm a returning member to UO/ Imagination its been about 6 years and i'm having trouble when i log in to that first area there are a bunch of missing components of the level (parts of buildings, the ground, doors, bridges, etc..)

I have installed twice so far first with the express method, and then uninstalled and tried again with the manual setup. I am having the exact same issue after the manual install.

Running patch
screen shot included

Please help! any info much appreciated
ps. I did search the forums the best i could but could not find anything that pertained to my problem.

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Posted by: Craditz
10-24-2011, 01:15 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

Hello everyone!! Anyone remember me? Or The Woodland Merchants?? im trying to get a acount ive emailed about getting a acount its been 3 days and no results my brother created a acount and it was let us have 2 acounts =-/ anyone help me out here? Im ready to get back started again

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Posted by: Mystic Edge
10-24-2011, 12:22 AM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (6)

Hey i have a friend that is trying to log in. He did download INsetup, extracted it to C:\program files\. Ran IN Patch.exe. it updated 1 time from what i seen and he then got.

C:C:\Program Files\Ultima Online
L:C:\Program Files\Razer\Razer.exe

patched IN, completed

launched and had auto detect also tried doing it directly to c:/program files/ultima online

and then had both the IP connect address as well as

also we did go to tools and use client 6.x to see if that works but no luck

the in patch seems of went through because we do see the dragon background and Imagine Nation at the top but when he trys to login it says

"Theres some problem communicating with origin. Please restart ultima online and try again"

also we found out that he gets stuck at "Verifiying Account" when he uses the IP Address( to login, but when uses "" he gets the origin message above.

I guide him multiple times but still gets this message, any help or suggestions?

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Posted by: soMa
10-23-2011, 09:24 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)

Possible to get a smoke-able plant ?

* Plants / Harvested leaves
- Non Intoxicating plant
- Intoxicating Plant
- Poisonous Plant

Idea ^ carpenters make the pipe that these plants can be used in.
-Either 3 types of plants or 1 type and it depends on how you prepare it...
Poisonous plant if prepared by gm cooking
Non Intoxication plant if prepared by (Dunno yet)
Intoxicating plant if prepared by gm alchemy (Hallucination spell)

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Posted by: Tagg
10-23-2011, 05:36 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

Played on IN for a good year or so before "it got PKed by IN2".

Played as Tagg mostly or Eowyn when I was feeling frisky. So much time spent flirting with Father Henry... ah... it's almost worrying to look back on.

Who else is kicking about? Zordar, Prox, Shogun, Kerith, Westwood, Hix, Messiah, Mystic Edge, Shadok, Redorb, the Turks...? Could go on for hours it makes me feel so nostalgic Sad

Last time I saw peeps was when Rackull? nicked all the old server files and got it up and running again. Was like one long pleasant flashback, that was. I'm sure it was my imagination but I'm pretty sure I remember Jebediah Meathook turning up briefly.

But yeh as far as I'm concerned no gaming experience lights a candle to what IN was.

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Posted by: Shad
10-23-2011, 04:58 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Want to buy armor don't have the gold , buy it with silver coins or a bit of both. Great deals to be had .

So come on down to Shadows Shop .


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Posted by: Harold Miner
10-23-2011, 07:36 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (3)

Do runes fade in runebooks?


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Posted by: Atlas
10-22-2011, 10:15 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (13)

The chest at the end of Sanctuary that is opened with Dr. Moreau's key is not lootable, and im pretty sure its supposed to be

*Resolved* sort of - read below

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Posted by: Habibi Jones
10-22-2011, 07:36 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (13)

On this shard, nobody uses maces because they have no blade and cannot be poisoned. This makes choosing bladed weapons the obvious answer. My suggestion is to add some bonus to maces to increase their utility and prevent them from being junk.

Maces should have a 10% chance on hit to stun (unable to move) the target for x seconds. Upon stun, target's weapon swing is interrupted and any spell being cast is fizzled. (x=za where z=multiplier, a=attack speed)

club= 10% chance to stun .6 sec on hit
war axe= 10% chance to stun .7 sec on hit
war mace= 10% chance to stun .8 on hit
maul= 10% chance to stun .9 sec on hit
mace= 10% chance to stun .9 sec on hit
hammer pick= 10% chance to stun for 1.2 sec on hit
war hammer= 10% chance to stun for 1.3 sec on hit

club= 10% chance to stun for .8 sec
war axe= 10% chance to stun for .9 sec
war mace= 10% chance to stun for 1 sec
maul= 10% chance to stun for 1.1
mace= 10% chance to stun for 1.15
hammer pick= 10% chance to stun for 1.5 sec
war hammer= 10% chance to stun for 1.55

edit :
*You see _________ looks dazed and confused!*
*You see _________ looks stunned!*
*You see _________ looks concussed!*

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