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Posted by: DOGIS
03-24-2012, 09:33 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (10)

with followings numbers

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Posted by: Eclipse
03-24-2012, 06:03 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (9)

I would like to purchase 500 lockpicks from someone who's training tinkering.

I will pay you 5K for them, which is more than what you would get by selling them.

Thank you!

- Eclipse [Ghost]

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Posted by: Eclipse
03-24-2012, 05:49 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)

I think a little refresh of the HUE list could be usefull to vary the tubs market.

First of I think there are way too many sparkles tubs.

Outlines is OK, it's so-so, but sparkles? There's like 1000 sparkles for 20 good colors. It would be nice to vary a little the good colors, make some colors harder to get, remove a bunch of useless sparkles. Why have 50 green sparkles tubs it's useless and doesn't make me wana put 250K into a random tub.

I don't mind a couple sparkles here and there but there's way too many similar sparkles and they don't even look good. After all it's a reward isin't it?

I'm sure there could be some more colors added as well I've seen a post from someone about this who offered to work on brigning more decent hues.

Just my input, just saying! Smile

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Posted by: HiiroDangan
03-24-2012, 01:00 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)

Just recently I wanted to find out what a rare dye tub looked like so I went to the Hue List and uh oh. Where is it?! I couldn't find quite a few dye tub colours in there, just wondering if you know about this, because it's really annoying.
Dye tubs I couldn't find on Hue List:

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Posted by: Raiden
03-24-2012, 07:24 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (9)

Man overboard!

What can i do to get my Ship back?

After you've lost your ship, you still have the key in the bag.

All you have to do is use the spell Recall on your Key and get back on it.

[Image: dky4a94f.jpg]

[Image: d5vrt26u.jpg]

Bye Raiden

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Posted by: Xerxes
03-24-2012, 06:25 AM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (10)

[COLOR="#FF0000"]24/03/2012 I would like to report Dayana as possible hacker and also suspecting Lolippop,

Me and 2 guildmates (Blazin and BrotherGenocide) went through a gate from south east Yew to Mt.Kendall at around 00h02 GMT-5 US East Time and crashed instantly.

I'm almost 100% certain that the problem was not client side since we all of us are from different country. Even as of now only me was able to log back in after reinstalled the game. The other 2, Blazin and BrotherGenocide are still not loged back in at 00h17.

When I finaly came back into the game I had lost my desktop folder and maccros, I was dead. Dayana was there looting my body. I asked a guild friend to come to res me and Dayana still went on not saying 1 word, even through I told him I was having big issue with the game.

At 00h20 BrotherGenocide finaly contact me in game and he tell me that he noticed server status player drop down to 126 and lot of people complaining about a new bug.

I'm asking nicely something to be done since I am a victim here and I didnt do anything wrong in order to lose all my hard earned equipments. Anyways who would ever consciently ever do something in order to lose his stuff? I'm simply asking nicely if you guys will do something about my loss and this bug or hacker?

I dont know if I should say thanks or ... I paged and there are 8 pages before mine.

00h24 Blazin still not loged in.

End of report.


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Posted by: tranith
03-24-2012, 05:46 AM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (4)

Just joined a Guild.....

After joining, we left the guild place, and went through a gate....

TO My kendall in minoc or whatever...

Boom crashed..

Every time i try to log in, the screen just freezes..... i type password, enter, server screen, hit enter... character screen, hit enter...
then back ground login for the client just lingers there... with a grey background for the play window..

I have restarted several times....

No un known processes running on my computer...

Can't even log into my account anymore. after joining this guild.....

this is starting to piss me off, did i piss someone off for joining the wrong guild lol....

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Posted by: Lamby
03-24-2012, 05:02 AM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (3)

I challenge anyone to a game of chess Big Grin
To make it interesting it will be for coin.
However if you win I will pay you 30k.
If I win you only need give me 15k.
This is an on-going offer and you can PM me anytime in game.

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Posted by: Lamby
03-24-2012, 03:43 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- No Replies

Can we make these craftable or at least buyable:

This will somewhat solve the issue with nightmares.


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Posted by: DOGIS
03-24-2012, 01:00 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (9)

Aqua Mustang
[Image: fbyn46.jpg]
Aqua Zostrich
[Image: 246q5aa.jpg]
[Image: 16tkj4.jpg]
Black Oclock
[Image: 14e1001.jpg]
Black Mustang
[Image: insdc0.jpg]
Black Zostrich
[Image: 1zbc6u0.jpg]
Blizzard Mustang
[Image: wix0r5.jpg]
Bronze Mustang
[Image: 6f5ett.jpg]
Charcoal Llama
[Image: 10d9mv5.jpg]
Chimera Llama
[Image: 2nnhbs.jpg]
Daemon Llama
[Image: 28rl6pi.jpg]
Daemon Oclock
[Image: 359a7h2.jpg]
Daemon Orn
[Image: jii6ma.jpg]
Daemon Mustang
[Image: 2ahtz53.jpg]
Daemon Zostrich
[Image: dxl260.jpg]
Drappled Dream Mare
[Image: 2z9eljn.jpg]
Emerald Mustang
[Image: 29pelxv.jpg]
Fire Mustang
[Image: juaivt.jpg]
Fire Orn
[Image: xf2kao.jpg]
[Image: k9t3q9.jpg]

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