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Posted by: Aki Hiro
03-31-2012, 06:47 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- No Replies

Sick and Tired to search in the buymore for pvp supply?

Mateo just beside the Britain stable sells all you what you need :

- FS Scrolls
- Light Scrolls
- Reflex Scrolls
- GH Scrolls
- Paralyze Scrolls
- Wall of Stone Scrolls
- Nickels 3k each

*Manapots will be added soon

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Posted by: Skuntig
03-31-2012, 03:16 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (2)

Vokes is found on the east side of the Buymore vendor mall, south of Britain bank.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=183&d=1333511595]

Vokes sells the following:

- Mana
- Greater Mana
- Greater Heal
- Shrink
- Invisibility
- Deadly Poison

- Flamestrike
- Greater Heal
- Energy Vortex
- Summon Daemon
- Magic Reflection
(More to be added)

Carpentry (Ayaluna is overpriced):
- Spinning Wheel
- Loom
- Anvil
- Forge
- Large Forge
- Water Trough
- Pentagram
- Large Bed
(More to Come)

- Marsh Mustang
- Mytheril Orn
- Adamantium Mustang
- Goblin Horse
(More to Come)

Also selling cheap Runebooks!

Message Skuntig in game for custom orders or vendor inventory requests. If it's worth my time I'll beat competitor prices.

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Posted by: Elia
03-31-2012, 02:02 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (27)

Please, sorry for my annoying suggestions no one's ever listening to.

But... Guys... They are perfect.


And tons more...

I know our dear staff has lots of work to do, but I can help to implement everything into the game files myself.

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Posted by: allsuperior
03-31-2012, 12:57 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- No Replies

close thread, problem solved.

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Posted by: Nasir
03-31-2012, 05:06 AM
Forum: Bug Reports
- No Replies

"Custom Region 3"

just saw it on the status page. ;\

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Posted by: Ayleth Payne
03-31-2012, 04:42 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)

Any chance we could get the option to post polls within groups? Would help groups vote on certain guild idea/suggestions etc..

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Posted by: Flik
03-31-2012, 04:25 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

With my pc issues and up coming surgery on my wrist i will be out for some time i am not sure how long or if i will even be back a lot of rl issues to take care of my health is declining and I find it hard to even get out of the bed anymore "those of you who know my health problems will understand this more than others" Id just like to say a few things and address a few problems ive been asked about by alot of members here We need staff that are gonna answer pages and do more events i tired to do the best I could do IM not gone for good but it will be servely weeks if not longer in till i can become active again like i was. I'm hoping this is not good by but who knows what my future holds for me I know in my heart that this server will continue to grow and last a long time I had some good times having the opp. to staff here But i want be able to play like i was I enjoyed talking with all you fine players i will be active on the forums but not in-game So i guess this is kinda good bye for a little while. I would like to thank all of you and I hope to see you guys in game real soon!!!!!!


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Posted by: Azzo
03-31-2012, 03:58 AM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)

He's the NPC vendor who (should) be selling the granite mining book.

He doesn't seem to be working. I've confirmed with another player that he used to be the guy who sold it. Neither of us could get a buy jump from him.

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Posted by: Flik
03-31-2012, 03:48 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

Sorry guys the pc i was on froze up out of know where now windows has crashed and im having to reformat the pc and on this pc i cant log on up for some reason what a ****ed up week

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Posted by: Azzo
03-31-2012, 02:10 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (1)

I was wondering where the NPCs to buy the skill books and tools for these skills are. I thought that granite mining was either Daedalus or Julius on that area near the bridge in kendall but "buy", "vendor buy", "<name> buy" are all not working.

Any help would be appreciated!

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