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Dress IN Style! - Elia - 03-31-2012

Please, sorry for my annoying suggestions no one's ever listening to.

But... Guys... They are perfect.


And tons more...

I know our dear staff has lots of work to do, but I can help to implement everything into the game files myself.

Dress IN Style! - allsuperior - 03-31-2012

Looks badass if I do say so myself, now all I need to do is get my male character a pair of breasts.

Dress IN Style! - Elia - 03-31-2012

There are plenty of male clothes in my folder. Don't waste your money on breasts.

Dress IN Style! - Taran - 03-31-2012

Very nice!
I take it they are custom? If so they would only appear on the paperdoll and not the character. Unless you have those files as well?

Dress IN Style! - Elia - 03-31-2012

I've found plenty of them. Some of them have graphics for backpack (items themselves), but most have only gumps.



I've got plenty of clothes, haircuts, shields, helmets, armours, musical instruments, complete pirate sets, and even Diablo II weapons, if I'm not mistaken.

Dress IN Style! - Elia - 03-31-2012


And drums!!!


If I had more time, I would create items themselves... with item_name, properties, etc.
I think I'll be able to do it in may.

Dress IN Style! - Elia - 03-31-2012


Dress IN Style! - Elia - 03-31-2012


Dress IN Style! - Raziel_ - 04-01-2012

Im sure Eru would love that poney GM robe!!

Dress IN Style! - Elia - 04-01-2012

Raziel_ Wrote:Im sure Eru would love that poney GM robe!!

I expect that one will be The Eru's GM Robe, you're right!

Or this one:


Dress IN Style! - Lags - 04-01-2012

So those items actually show up on your character or just on your paperdoll?

Dress IN Style! - Elia - 04-01-2012

Lags Wrote:So those items actually show up on your character or just on your paperdoll?

On your paperdoll and in your backpack.


Actually, I think they won't display like this on your character, but this requires checking.