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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
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05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
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04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
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06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
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03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
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03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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Heres some pics you can throw in the gallery of ol' Aggy :p
most resent one : vacation, seeing the old viking runes with my girl.
Me enjoying a nice summer day :p *i look so tuff hehe* :
The way i looked back in the old IN days :p.. i miss my long hair
Ohh and Cole dont get any funny ideas!
Well this is just something i caught just browsing some things runuo related, a simple barber script, nonetheless is dated very recently, I believe you should take care on securing the scripts exchange and do the work secured without letting them escape ...
I can give the location I extracted this and others from to an admin of IN-X, dam they are just sitting there in the open without any kind of security ...
*shakes head*
//Yes, i will upload this to the forums when im done with it
* Barber.cs
* -------------------
* last edited : July 6, 2007
* web site : www.in-x.org
* author : Makaveli
* Created by the Imagine Nation - Xtreme dev team for "IN-X" and the RunUo
* community. If you miss the old school Sphere 0.51 gameplay, and want to
* try it on the best and most stable emulator, visit us at www.in-x.org.
* www.in-x.org
* A full sphere 0.51 replica.
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Server.Mobiles
public class Barber : BaseVendor
#region Initiate vars
private ArrayList m_SBInfos = new ArrayList();
protected override ArrayList SBInfos { get { return m_SBInfos; } }
//Seriously, someone change these MSGS
private string m_ToManyStylesBought = "You will have to settle for one hair and beard style!";
private string m_FemaleBuyingBeard = "I'm sorry, but I only know how to style men faces.";
private string m_HairCutDone = "Ahh! Just look in the mirror!";
private string m_PleaseDismount = "I cannott reach your head if you are sitting on your horse.";
//Chance for hair to be dropped on the ground
private double m_HairDropChance = 0.30;
//The amount of time it will take to cut someones hair
private int m_CutTimeInSeconds = 0;
//If the barber has a specific chair
private Item m_BarbersChair;
//Should we use vendors with the shop menu
private bool m_OldStyleHairStylist = true;
private bool m_AllowFemalesBuyingBeard = false;
private bool m_PlayScissorSound = true;
private bool m_DropResidueHair = true;
private bool m_NeedsToBeDismounted = true;
public Barber() : base("the barber")
SetSkill(SkillName.Tailoring, 80.0, 100.0);
SetSkill(SkillName.Magery, 90.0, 110.0);
SetSkill(SkillName.TasteID, 85.0, 100.0);
////To add: a new style vendor that reacts on speech
//if (!m_OldStyleHairStylist)
// this.AI = barberAi;
public Barber(Serial serial) : base(serial)
public override void InitSBInfo()
m_SBInfos.Add(new SBHairStylist());
public override bool OnBuyItems(Mobile buyer, ArrayList list)
if (buyer.Mounted && m_NeedsToBeDismounted)
return false;
if (list.Count > 2)
return false;
int beard = 0, hair = 0;
List<Item> styles = new List<Item>();;
foreach (BuyItemResponse o in list)
Item item = World.FindItem(o.Serial);
if (IsHair(item))
if (buyer.Female && !m_AllowFemalesBuyingBeard)
return false;
if (hair > 1 || beard > 1)
if (hair > 1 || beard > 1)
return false;
StartCutting(styles, buyer);
return true;
private bool IsHair(Item item)
Type t = item.GetType();
if (t == typeof(ShortHair) || t == typeof(LongHair) || t == typeof(PonyTail) || t == typeof(Mohawk)
|| t == typeof(PageboyHair) || t == typeof(BunsHair) || t == typeof(Afro)
|| t == typeof(ReceedingHair) || t == typeof(TwoPigTails) || t == typeof(KrisnaHair))
return true;
return false;
public void StartCutting(List<Item> styles, Mobile customer)
if (m_CutTimeInSeconds == 0)
CutHair(styles, customer);
//new CutTimer().Start();
public void CutHair(List<Item> styles, Mobile customer)
CutHair(styles, customer, true);
public void CutHair(List<Item> styles, Mobile customer, bool dropMoreThanOnce)
if (m_PlayScissorSound)
if (m_DropResidueHair)
DropHairResidue(customer, dropMoreThanOnce);
//Lets drop a little hair around the vendor too
DropHairResidue(customer, this.Location, dropMoreThanOnce);
foreach (Item style in styles)
if (IsHair(style))
customer.HairItemID = style.ItemID;
customer.FacialHairItemID = style.ItemID;
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
//Display coices: "Customize vendor" "Paperdoll"
public void PlayScissorSound(Mobile customer)
public void DropHairResidue(Mobile customer)
DropHairResidue(customer, customer.Location, false);
public void DropHairResidue(Mobile customer, bool moreThanOnce)
DropHairResidue(customer, customer.Location, moreThanOnce);
public void DropHairResidue(Mobile customer, Point3D loc, bool moreThanOnce)
int hue = customer.HairHue;
int xLoc = loc.X;
int yLoc = loc.Y;
for (int x = (xLoc - 1); x <= (xLoc + 1); x++)
for (int y = (yLoc - 1); y <= (yLoc + 1); y++)
if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= m_HairDropChance)
HairResidue hr = new HairResidue(customer);
hr.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, customer.Location.Z), customer.Map);
if (!moreThanOnce)
public bool CheckChair(Mobile customer)
//Check if the chair is empty, if its not empty tell the customer that someone is ocupying it.
//If its empty tell the customer to sit down and be still
return false;
public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
writer.Write((int)0); // version
public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
int version = reader.ReadInt();
Whats up everyone?,
Just thought I'd drop a line to everyone from the older Xuo's that i haven't talked to in forever lol. I hear your all working on this new ultima shard, hope all goes well, as to if im playing or not, i can't say i won't ever come back again, but for the time being i'm very busy and might just drop by the forums every once in a while. I still love all the spics though Hija de putas ese Jajajajja Espantapajaros :evil:
On IN:R, when you partied up, the party lifebar, 'perhaps more has noticed', I don't really use it, I go by 100/100 90/100 etc, but some of my friends use the bar, and they stay partied up.
1 lightning, still have full hp on the party-life bar, nothing big, My buddy told me to post on the forums. Was curious, is this fixible?
I'd like to promote some discussion about the RP story of the shard. We've usually dealt with things in the Order/Chaos - Good/Evil fashion, and it looks like we're going down the same yellow brick road yet again...
I mean, why not change things a bit? Instead of goodie-two-shoes or i-kill-cuz-i'm-mean kind of RP, why don't we introduce some large factions in midst of political intrigue and stuff? Like, Lord British's rule being threated by whispers of a rebellion in the corners of Britannia? A group of nobles siding with a usurper of the throne, maybe?
Get my drift? It would be SO much more fun, so refreshing to have this kind of story to back up our playtime. The character interpretation would be much more open ended...a evil bastard would not necessarily oppose Lord British as he/she could benefit from his rule. A good hearted knight could rebel against the throne if he believed that British is actually a tyrannic *******...and so on, so on.
Besides that, it would also incentive mercenary action, wouldn't it? Fight for the largest income! Other races could also fix alliances with one side or the other...Who never head of that crazy old wizard who deals with devils and such all the time to get what he wants?
So...what'da think?
i hope the server is up ina week !!
08-20-2007, 01:14 AM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- No Replies
That day was a horrific day for my tribe, we scavenged through everyones corpse that sailed to our island, in there damaged ships. Our scouts always journeyed to battles and waited till they both destroyed each other, then that's when they stepped in, seeking gold, and other resources.
We was a respectful tribe, until Arragants came to our island, demanding to kill our existence, but we managed to fight thier army off, but leaving us a lot of our tribed slaughtered. We thought Arragantians would strike again, so we built ships, and sailed till we seen abandon ships, looting all we seen that had a value.
Treasure was setting in fast, our settlers was happy indeed. Next, our Kings determined we needed a 2nd branch, also known as Conquers. The agreement was a little over two weeks ago. Our tribe became a clan, name was The Imperial Conquers and Kings, also known as "TICKS".
Seemed life was getting easier, by the day, but one of our Scoutsateers has betrayed us, joining our rivals, Arragantians; a mean ruthless hatred tribe. To this day, I still wonder why my half-brother Nomnistic joined the Arragantians, puzzles me everytime.
A day or so after, they tried raiding our headquarters, they only succeeded in getting three of our expert guards, while we slain twelve of there minions, as one escaped. Looking on there wounds, perhaps my brother was involved, well-placed shots to the head.
After that day, me and my sister Pokanna, stayed in our underground temple, only we knew about. Morn has came, Pokanna still sleeping, our clan was getting ambushed from all angles, from Arragants, a soldier said "FLEAS".
Our clan slowly died, hence the king was left "Tormenculi". Me and Pokanna horrifically watched, as they named Nomnistic, to behead the king. I can't believe he did that. Nomnistic will meet his day, soon enough. As he was walking back in-line, he shouted "Furdondo's Lieutenants and Emperors Association" assuming that phrase he stated meant "FLEAS".
Pokanna witnessed all of this, looking at her half-witted-brother kill the king, as she was still trembling. A minute or so later, they casted away, leaving my village slaughtered, and houses torched. No survivors was fount. We fount this hemp paper, and a ale bottle, hoping someone would find this SOS, 'Safe our Souls'.
-Aeorox and Pokanna
-Block Marsh Island
We where fount by Xornom, leader of the Bermach race, also trained in Combatry, Magery, Alchemistry, Bartry. These fellow civiliation
knew tactics, and raids, like it was 'Perely' nothing. Xornom personally told me, "I understand how you feel, two of our cities was raided, by these people you speak of, constantly ambushing. and they kilt my daugher, If they want a war, they got one heading to them. Me and 200,000 fleet behind me, including my allies! Tomarrow Bermachians and TICKS will prevail!!
I was hoping for a Robe, Floppy Hat, Half Apron, All named "TICKS Prevailed" Also make it the crappiest color in UO history. I no, you got to stay in character, inorder to keep your equipment. How about don't type at all, Don't type, don't got to be in character then? -Aeorox
TICKS was a XUO- and a IN:R clan, I was leader on IN:R, friend other.
I, maybe can get 5 people to join, maybe if you tell me what's left you guys got to fix. Reason is, my friends are waiting on a game that comes up in 6 days, they said personally told me that they will play, if this server opened up before, or on that day there game comes up. Or maybe I can stall them? just tell me what you got left to be finish, and the date, "I need a date"... If so, they got a huge ts, "I think?" of buds they play with if they can play? They go where ever my friends go basically, Think Lineage2 they're waiting on, but anyways, I no I can get 5 on, maybe extra, but I need a date, and whats left, so I'll stall, I like this server already!!
This isnt to gms, just to others players...
im thinking september the 18th