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10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
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04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
Forum: Ultima Online
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06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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Like the title says I am looking for someone to teach me pvp. I'm new to the game and I know that I suck at pvp however I wanna become good. Is there someone out there willing to take an Apprentice?
Ok since the people were complaining about the dungeons, ive made some fixes. I went to the main dungeons and Added more res Anks in diferent spots.
In Covetous added more anks and reduced some spawns spots where they were too many creatures together
In Wrong added some res anks and added more spawns cause it was abit empty, also added Ancient Wyrm spawn in a random spot.
In Destard added an Ancient Wyrm spawn too
In Shame added more res gates in diferent spots too and reduced some spawns due that they were too many creatures in one spot.
Newbie Dungeon I am currently still working on it, making a new one since the old was unused by the new players, so i decided to make a new place were they can have a Decent hunt and earn some easy money
T2A & Fire Dungeon GM Lady Minax is currently working on this too so you can expect it soon.
Extreme Spawns They havent been added yet but hopefully Nasir and Odium will finish them. when we finish them and add them then things would be really balanced and Xtreme creatures will be in so hunting will be much fun !
Rare Rides spawns we have plans for this, i Believe Vulcan is planning on working with this
Runes to pits Outside of Dungeons Like we been saying, we are discussin it and trying to decide if we should really add them but this still is being talked
Some new Weapons
Taran and Nasir were planning on adding some new weps to balance the weapons system this is still being worked on
Oh and i dunno if you guys noticed it but Taran fixed the skillgain in all Combats skills making them easier
Anyway thats just a feedback of what we are doing right now, we are all working to make what you been asking, for those who think we are lazy, well were not.
Anyways i need to finish newbie dungeon so i need to go now :p thanks for everyone who is suporting uss with ideas, Because thats what we really want, if we work together we will hopefully sucess again
Oki guys, ive gone through and added a few anhks and healers around the place.
If you know of or find somewhere you think there should be one just post here and ill check it out.
OKi guys well since the idea of adding healers in dungeons was kinda shot down how about this.
RunUO has a built in healer that charges you to be ressed. SO what if these were spawned in certain spots of dungeons and charged an amount for certain levels of a dungeon.
Deceit Level 1 - Cost 1000gp to res
Deceit Level 2 - Cost 2000gp to res
Deceit Level 3 - Cost 3000gp to res
and so on and so forth.
Its not 100% what you wanted but its a compromise one i think will work well. If your gear/loot is worth it you will res and get it back... if its not worht 1k then you dont bother.
Please note the values etc etc i used are an EXAMPLE just to show you the idea!![/COLOR]
I was just sitting around playing ultima online one day.Then i had this memory of old uo shards that had decorated ,and neat gumps and paper dolls well uo well this old version of uo isnt going to be updating for a very much longer in other words the old 2d version of you is going to stop updating clients lol anyways was thinking maybe you ''''' (you) meaning the staff Devs and Admins could maybe modify paper dolls and stuff if were still jamming around that area of time well thanks for your time ...
The reason i made it over (clear) is because with post like these----^you get alot of questions like...What does your post mean "what are you talking about" you know things like that Smiles; <^>
Hey every one got gm healing.Allmost ready to start dueling ,and im looking forward to getting alot of practice
This is a long post, beware, but it has some shit that needs to be looked into, and it makes lots of sense, read at your own will and give feedback, no god damn cussing out, or negative shit. help or dont reply at all, period.
Ive been looking at post, and thnking about my ingame play and the flaws, and heres what I think... This shards too god damn hard and thats why people wont come here...
Why isnt there an ankh in everyfloor of a dungeon? Would it be bad if someone desides to get themselves ressed and continue on without being frustrated and wanting to log off?
Why not have pits rune outside of dungeons? Would it be so bad to get an easy way back to pits so you can restock and go back and create a little actitivity rather then wasting your time running as a ghost?
Why is it so hard to GM Magery? Wouldnt it be more logical if you can GM the skill, which you need the most, as quick as you can so you can get started and ENJOY the server, rather then being on for one week and not being able to gate or res or fs? Would it be so bad to be able to cast spells? Considering you start with ONLY 2K, which is just for a limited time?
Why is it so hard to GM Taming and why is it so hard to get your hands on some nice colored rides? would it be so bad if there were more to trade and easier to tame? Is interaction between players bad? Why is it so hard to tame rides? Why do you insist we ride stupid ugly ass horses and not enjoy a nice ride? Why does it have to be super rare, thats like saying everyone has to a hyundai irl because the other ones cost 1 million+... Why the hell cant we have that? I dont understand the reason its pure stupidity, HAVE SOME TRADES GOING!
Why not add some new things for blacksmiths? they trained so damn hard to gm that skill for what? Just armors? why not add some BODS that would give chances to players to have some cool pickaxes and hammers that give additional points? Would it be bad to give crafters reason to constantly create items to please the players and have some trades going?
Why dont you add new craftables for both blacksmiths and the bow fletcher dudes. Why not add some cool weapons that can only be crafted by gm smiths that are equivalent to might,force and power weapons? The only way to make those would be through BODS having a special hammer that gives you a certain addition to blacksmithy... Why not add some new bows, ones that take rubies or diamonds etc... Why not add some new items to make people play and strive for something?
Why not set class's to each weapon? ex: there can be different types of weapons throughout the class of ruin,might,force,power,vanq. What I mean by that is add the industructable, fortified, etc... so tehres different types of each class and theres more trades and that makes MAXXED weapons of each class harder to get.. Here it's only +5,+10,+15,+20,+25... why not add to the class's so its a little difficult to get that strong wep.
Why not make more monsters, more variety, and more reason to go hunting? why only have two monsters to kill that drop decent loot and chances to drop more weapons. Why kill only two things? Why not make new monsters that are surrounded with crazy dudes and you gotta kill them and kill the boss and each minion drops a decent amount of gold?
Why not add NEW Monsters, RUNUO looking monsters, Xtreme monsters that drop Xtreme armor, and other new monsters that drop their own type of armors or weapons, or anything... that gives people reason to go kill that guy and have some player activity and pking there?
Why not implement RUNUO features into this shard, upgrade it a little, for the better? Would it be bad to see some cool new features with the old school feel and look? Would it be harmful? wouldn't it attract new players?
Why not make it cheaper to buy regrements, a system where the more you buy the cheaper it gets(like a discount), wouldnt that be cool? and make it better for those who are suppliers and supply people with pvp items?
Why not make loots a little higher and make it a little easier for people to get some cash so they can buy some stuff? Why make it so difficult to purchase things when the PVP itself is based on purchasing PVP related goods. (scrolls,pots).
Why isnt there a diversity in the events that happen? Why only REPS or REGs, why not team events, such as CTFS, Color wars, etc.. NEW events we havent tried, new events that dont relate to pvp, but more team work and enjoyment. WHY NOT have a list of 10-15 events and switch and keep the players here motivated and happy and enjoyed?
WHY not have scripted 1sv1's, so theres no GMS involved. Why not make it so a script takes over a GM's role so GM's can answer pages and do more important things rather then only hosting? The most succesfull shard's have scripted ran events they arent ran by gm's or anything. (maka created a 1vs1 tourney system and it worked, why not implement it?)
Why not have some NEW THINGS, I'm tired of the same old same old, repetitive shards. why not make it a little more player friendly, some changes for once...
Why does the staff here insist that everything be so hard for the players, are you trying to find people who are going to be commited to a shard forever? I dont mean that as in someone who will stay, cause thats what we're looking for. What I mean is from what im understanding by the way the difficulty is set here is you want people, new people who are giving this server a shot, to work like dogs to see if they would enjoy it? why not make it a little easy so they can have an easier flow and a good first impression. Why not make certain things a lot easier which will suit the players just enough to stay and be interested and then upgrade their characters later and really get involved?
Seems to me like you want them to come on the shard, and with that 2k, and just start macroing with no magery, lack of money, lack of resources because of their money, etc...
JUST LISTEN to the players for once dude, Taran, why you aren't successfull in this project right now is because you ARENT LISTENING TO THE PLAYERS OR STAFF MEMBERS. You want things your way and your way only. If this server was being played by a bunch of Tarans, then this server would be sweet, but it isnt. This is being played by us, the players, the community, why not listen to us? Why always deny the stuff we're saying, and go with what you think is right?
If the method you believe is right, wouldnt the player base rise and not descend the way it is? The way the servers pop is reflecting, its siding with what im saying here... Just make a change, change is needs, dont be afraid of changes because they can be changed back. give it a shot for once, just see how it goes, it might be for the best and you just dont want it to be because your so stuck up about whats "right" and whats "wrong".
Taran, take a look at the shards with 1k+ players, just go there, log on... see how they set it up, because I did. I did my homework, and you should too... Go look why they have 1000 players... Do you think they made it impossible for players to setup a char? Lmfao, players nowadays on UO dont want to spend WEEKS creating a char, they want a server that they can get started easily and then work for what they want later... dude I went on one of those 1k player based servers and it honestly took me 1 day and a half to GM 7 Skills. ONE DAY AND A HALF. I'm not saying it should be as easy, but if its such a bad thing to increase skill gain, then why does that server have so many players? you tell me.
P.S: The stupidiest thing i've seen is having starting chars with 2k, no magery, no gm skills... Man you need to give them a choice of atleast 2 skills, limited ones though. Like Magery, any combats, healing, etc... non craftables but still give them a little boost... you make them work like dogs from day one, let them have a nice welcome when they come "cool man i start with gm skills, thats sweet" not "WTF 2k NO GM SKILLS, wtf I MAKE CASH IN THIS NEWBIE DUNGEON ?? I CANT CAST SHIT, I CANT EVEN HEAL MYSELF WITH AIDS"
Just look at the message your sending for once, take a look at where i'm coming from. I've played a lot of servers, a lot, and i've joined and checked out many aswell, (recently). Times change dude, what used to be in 99 isnt whats in 2008. The players arent the same, the game isnt the same, so you need to adapt to the system and make changes.
WHy did I write so damn much, :/.
Well, i just waited for over 5 hours for a gm to answer my question (although there was a gm on at the time.) but ive given up for tonight. So i guess ill have to turn to the player base for a little help.
Im trying to gm tailoring using sheep for wool. So i got about 120 sheep in my house, unshrunk em in a corner surrounded by boxes to hold em in. Well it worked fine, they all stayed there and i could take their wool etc.
Well i logged in this morning and found that they were all gone. Now my door was locked and i tested killing a sheep from outside using earthquake/chaint lightning/ meteor swarm and couldnt hurt the sheep. So how did my sheep disappear? is there a trick to keeping them in my house?
ive noticed that the majority of the posts on these forums are made by the same people, there also arnt that many posts or activity on the forums. I think we need more people on these forums and maybe to build the community we could put up signs and stuff at britt bank talking about being active on the forums, or a message broadcasted every 8 hrs (or 12 hrs or w/e) saying something like "Dont forget to check the forums", it would lead to a lot more communication between players and might also help land some votes
well i just got up, an ima bout to smoke a bowl because im bored shitless waiting for my dick of a char to finally gm magery, and my car wont move so im stuck at home. while ive been waiting for this to happen ive been going through the forums. the first thing i gotta say is that i completely forgot how many whiny children played this game lol, i mean almost every thread is calling someone down through a computer, which in my mind never really accomplished much of anything besides cause a lot of drama between people who dont really even know each other. Uh i guess the point of this post is to congragulate the staff on everything they have done so far, and uh to remind them to not get caught up in all the bullshit, hopefully what has been happeneing since the new year began i think will eventually stop. i mean before then (when i couldnt play cause of no comp lol) i would look on the server status and it was always high, everyone in the forums looked somewhat pleased and everyone was generally happier from what i could tell. hopefully it will soon be back to that