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Posted by: imported_Nemesis
01-22-2008, 01:44 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Hi all just wanted to say hello out there to the uo peoples. This my first forum post figured id at least get one up for now so my name isnt so lost Tongue hehe well if ya see me in game im not shy talk talk talk Tongue ill even help ya out if i can ; ) ...'Smile

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Posted by: imported_Sindern
01-21-2008, 09:53 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (21)

Hey. Smile Just downloaded the client and started macroing my toon. I'm just curious to see if anyone that I know is still around from XUO when it ran on Sphere.

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Posted by: imported_Kreole Ragehead
01-21-2008, 09:48 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Whats happened? We´re 56th on connectuo now, i thought last week was bad with places like 17 th and such but this is really disturbing. Cant everyone just take a second to vote? We need to stop blaiming the admins and whatnot about the server and start taking matter in our own hands, and that can be done by voting. The more votes, the more players, the more fun!

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Posted by: imported_evenflow
01-21-2008, 04:56 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Hello people. Im just stopping by to say hello and find out how the server is going. I have not been around in a while so i was curious to know who is still around and what not. Been busy getting ready for the future. A few people know what im doing and such but yea. Maybe one day if the server is around in about a year and a half than i will come by and join. Who knows the sever might be huge and such. Well yea i guess just saying hello to people. where is maka at?

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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
01-21-2008, 04:41 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (87)

Ok well, i know this issue has been brought up before but it is starting to become a very big issue in this community. The fact that IN:X has barely no active staff in ANY timezone at this point is dissapointing. I have been trying my best to look past this but everyday it gets alittle worse and it seems that it is not going to be solved any time soon. Within' the past 7 days, i have been playing at all hours of the day and have been looking and what is going on when with the help of some other players....

We came to this conclusion.

GM Hate was active, helped, opened duel arena, hosted tour when he could and PVP school

GM Odium hosted 1 tour.. only time i saw him

No one else.

In My Timezone. I have not seen a staffmember... and neither have the other players that play at this time. We are an active timezone but also need to be supplied with things to do. We CANNOT be expected to GANK 24 hours a day because that is just ridiculous and gank is starting to get too repetitive.

This is seriouse, i had nothing to do today so i played Uo, i saw GM Hate, he hosted 1 tour, opened arena and we did not see any other staff, it's been like this for the past 7-8 days. The non active staff has been this way for weeks. I'm not trying to create a flaming post but seriously, hire someone, even a noob, i really don't care at this point. Get someone that can make tours, quests ect. and help players because, as a PVP i think im helping the new players out when they logg on more than the staff is. I have players that PM me in-game to heklp them because they are not able to reach an active GM for hours. If this shard is expected to grow in playerbase.. it has to have "life".. and that is something we lack here on IN:X.

AND, aside from that, only opening the duel arena for 2 hours a day??? LOL that made me laugh seriously.. we already have NO tours and NO quests or ANYTHING and even our duel arena time gets decreased haha! Makes ABSOLUTLY no sense!



Scarecrow [Prototype].

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Posted by: XerXes
01-20-2008, 05:42 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (22)

Ive posted about this before, and it seems to be an on going problem, the thing is Staff; u need to fix these dungeons, everytime i die i lose all my items b/c of the fact that i CANNOT rez anywhere.. all these teleports dont get you anywhere or hidden spots when you are dead, inwhich means i cannot get to a save spot to load back up to go back by the time my damn body disapears, there needs to be ressureciton ankhs on each lvl, or atleast by the more difficult monsters to give more of us a chance that hunt alone... and the help menu is a joke b/c u can only use it at certain times.... Seriously tho, they need to be fixed b/c i think thats another reason why ppl are leavin the shard b/c its too difficult to make it on your own here, unless u wanna role play the whole time, which isnt for me

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Posted by: Rufus
01-20-2008, 11:51 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (3)

1.)Parrying and Tactics is too slow against other fighting skills.

2.)When I fight with my sparring partner using a smith's hammer, I gain in wrestling, not in macefighting.

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Posted by: imported_Kyo
01-20-2008, 02:30 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

Im quiting and its not because of the shard but I just cant find enough time to play UO anymore. Already deleted my character so bye Big Grin

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Posted by: imported_Pelletier (whipperwirll)
01-19-2008, 11:30 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

wasd hoping some people would like to share some of the macros they use?
please help the newbies

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Posted by: imported_Pelletier (whipperwirll)
01-19-2008, 05:08 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

i cant seem to see vendors after 5 min they will appear but total sux when wanting to buy or sell shit is there anything i need to wipe from my uo files ?

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