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Posted by: c4wilson
01-21-2009, 08:16 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

Hey guys im trying to join what version do i need? 4.?5.?6.? thanks!

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Posted by: imported_Shade
01-21-2009, 05:45 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

A static in Trinsic at the following location is up for auction: 1908, 2719, 20.

The auction will remain open for 48 hours. If you wish to place a bid on this static, pm me directly and make sure you have the full amount in gold. Once verified I will update this thread, as long as it is within 48 hours of this post.

The starting bid is 3141000.

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Posted by: Halo
01-18-2009, 04:58 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

It's been a few years since I've touched UO and I was curious if anyone from IN can recall what has destroyed our servers? I remember the good ole days from IN-1 and I played IN-2 for a short while as well. I believe it was WoW that destroyed us in IN-2? That is my question I cannot even remember what happened. And can anyone tell me what the hell happened to Krystal Myth, Shinare, Talik, Cole, Colena, Daelin Lockheart, Captain Jack, Mystic Edge, Kerith? I had everyones ICQ but have manages to go through a few computers since then. Hell I'd love to talk to some old pals.

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Posted by: imported_Silverwolf
01-17-2009, 08:11 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

I would like to know what In-x is planning in the near future? How much time left about in the beta? Are we getting out of beta? If so, how much time left approximately? Emails being sent out? etc...

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Posted by: imported_Jiraiya
01-17-2009, 07:22 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

Can we get these threads locked and only bidding allowed once cash is confirmed by staff member? Its extremely fraudulant to bid and jack up the price on something with no intention of buying or even having the cash. I would hope anyone doing this would realise how childish it is and stop it, but maybe thats wishful thinking. Players who have legitimately earned the required ammount to bid may be dissuaded by false bids from people who do not have the money. Also I cannot see any reason for making false bids other than to cause unneccisary trouble within the community or financially attack another player. Say a real bid is made for 3m, if a false bid is then made for 3.5 by someone who does NOT have the money, and the original bidders do not know this, they then may bid 4m. This entirely false bid has cost those legit players an extra million gold. This cannot be allowed and I personally would like to see people who've bid falsely jailed as you would do to anyone displaying abberant behavior within the community. But thats just my opinion.


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Posted by: Lustmord
01-17-2009, 09:00 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (1)

Hello there staff of IN:X!!

Ive been away for quit some time on business and taking care of family issues. When i returned home and wanted to get back on IN:X I realized i forgot all my log in info. So i was wondering if a staff member with access could delete and previous account made on this ip and let me know when its done with a reply so i can make a new account and start fresh. Thank you

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Posted by: imported_Havagrim
01-16-2009, 07:59 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

I cant see any profession title in my paperdoll? Just my fame/karma title and name.

Supposed to be like that, or is it just disabled for some reason?

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Posted by: imported_Ryuuku
01-14-2009, 06:45 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- No Replies


Copy and Past at notepad and save as Combats.MACRO (dont forget to change text file to all files) and put on razor macro folder

set your weapon and your shield, and target the animal (to heal and atack)

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Posted by: imported_Shade
01-14-2009, 08:56 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

The mentioned building is up for auction in Nujel'm: 3745, 1316, 0.

This auction will remain open for 72 hours.

An opening bid was made by QiQi for 4500000.

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Posted by: imported_Sly
01-14-2009, 04:55 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- No Replies

Does anyone have a tailoring script much like the One for Razor down Below ?
For Injection ...
Except Buy 2 bolts make it sell it (Loop)
Or somthing simuliar to it ?


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