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having difficulty joining - Printable Version

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having difficulty joining - c4wilson - 01-21-2009

Hey guys im trying to join what version do i need? 4.?5.?6.? thanks!

having difficulty joining - imported_Jiraiya - 01-21-2009

You need to be a little more specific with your problem then that mate.
All the files you need to play are in the downloads section of the main website. Beyond that, you'd need to tell us if your using injection or razor and go from there. Can you not connect at all? What message are you getting? etc. etc.

having difficulty joining - c4wilson - 01-21-2009

Thanks for fast responce, i can get in for a brief seccond and i get what appears to be freezing but i think its because of my client version, i coppied all files and use razor to connect my current uo version is 4.0.11 but im going to try to update all the way to 6 and see what happends.

having difficulty joining - imported_Shade - 01-21-2009

You can use this link for an up to date client as well if you are still having issues. If all else fails come back and let us know and we will help you through it.

Hope to see you in game soon, good luck Smile

having difficulty joining - c4wilson - 01-21-2009

heh well im getting in for a brief second and now see the cool things yall have done to this screen of brit, but i still lock up after a few seconds as if im being dc'd. Im still using razor but it seems to stop working the same second, i am using the client you just sent me, i dont know what to do!

having difficulty joining - c4wilson - 01-21-2009

well im in, no clue how it finally worked but im in

having difficulty joining - imported_Havagrim - 01-21-2009

Great. Welcome! Hope you will enjoy your stay Wink