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10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
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04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
Forum: Ultima Online
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06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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Hello. Due to lack of active staff members at the moment, i decided to post in forums.
Yerstaday ive killed some guy from guild called "Dragon-Kin", looted him, then like 1min after it hes guildleader "Darken" came to minoc and started to call me coward and so on. Well, i had to answer something on it, cause this guy changed hes guildtype to neutral cuz he got tired of dying everytime when he faced me in britain/minoc, and he calls me coward(LOL!). Well, after short dialogue he started to say things like :
"I dont care about UO. Come in States and ill murder you irl, russian"
"Fat russian"(LOL! American guy calling russians fat, this was hilarious).
Its just some of hes comments, if u'll check logs u'll find more.
Just, been reading main page about RolePlaying, and i found there this:
Death shrouds will only be available to the absolute best of the best in rpers. Death shrouds will be extremely hard to get and will be kept very rare. The people who do will have to keep their rp in order 24/7 regardless of where they are otherwise I will have no hesitation in taking it from them. We intend to be very strict on death shrouds, while we may give a little leniency on other rp items, death shrouds will be the proverbial "RP for life" sentence to the player using them if they want to keep them. To apply for a death shroud you will have to prove yourself as an rper firstly, this means you apply for another rp item first and prove yourself with that before we consider giving you one. As we stated this will be the one item we will be extremely strict with and one fault will likely result in you losing this priviledge.
Im just curious... Speaking like he did is really "RP For Life" ?
I've really been enjoying IN-X lately. There are a bunch of new faces with great potential and I've really enjoyed a lot of the changes over the last few months. Keep up the good work and keep getting the word out! There's a lot of life left here.
There's nothing like getting targetted for fire breathing and running like hell to break LOS (most times behind a wall) only to have the thing one-shot you even though it can't see it. When I cast FS on someone and they break LOS, the spell fizzles. Why isn't it like this for PVM as well? Let's change it!!
This is a long post (sorry)
I would like for there to be more mustangs spawns in the world. I know of a few but they are hotspots for GM tamers and competing against them is a pain. When they run up and tame it it in 1-3 trys and leaves the low skill tamer at a loss.
Can the staff put active mustangs one of each in the duel pits so the players knows they are active. ex mtyh orn have one in duel pits means it active if not there it is not spawning. That way players dont waste regs and gold buying more regs from recalling a millions times to see if the ride had respawned or go to duel pits and see the active spawns.
The spawns I know about.
Gold - not sure on it havent seen it in a while.
Champagne - it stills spawns.
Aqua - never seen it in the world so I dont know.
Black rock - seen it but very tough to get to.
Blizzard - not sure on it aint seen it in a while.
Blood rock - never seen it in the world so I dont know.
Daemon - seen it but very tough to get to.
Marsh - never seen it in the world so I dont know.
Emerald - seen it but no idea how to get to.
Fire - not sure on it haven't seen it in a while.
Myth orn - it still spawns.
Oceanic - never seen it in the world so I dont know.
Orn - never seen it in the world so I dont know.
Sand orn - it still spawns.
Adamantine - this one I aint seen in months so I dont know.
Valorite - it still spawns.
Wizzard - aint seen it in a while so I'm not sure.
Zostrich - never seen it in the world so I dont know.
New spawns
Lava zos - not sure.
Chimera - not sure.
Charcoal llama- not sure.
random stang - not sure.
( I know there are some that are left out I dont know them all can a staff member help the players out with the new spawns that are added and let the players know if they are still spawning or not it would be very helpful. Thanks. )
Also I think there should be 2 more spawns added one in vesper gy horse or llama dont care if ugly color or cool color. And one above minoc mines horse or llama dont care on the color either. I would like to be able to get to more spawns to gm taming because it is tough to tame against a GM tamer, plus it would give players a reason to get out of britain and go explore the world. Tame a ride and trade it or sell it.
This part of the post is not a idea or suggestion im make one post not alot. Im be taking a break from the shard prob for a while I got some things to do In real life and prob wont have time to play like I used too, but Im not quiting I just wont have the time to play but if i do have time Ill hop on the shard and see what is going on, maybe in the future I can acclompish the one goal I set out to complete which was to GM all skills im at 4388.5 total skill points. So Ill see u all from time to time hopes the shard gets some more players.
i have paid for us to run an imagine nation ad campaign for the next week. i could only budget in 10 dollars a day for the next 10 days. so we should anticipate an increase in site traffic at the very minimum! be on the look out for new facebook players! if you see one of our ads on facebook LET ME KNOW! (and screenshot it)
just introducing myself to the shard.
along time ago [4+ years], i played on a large shard along with many of you. Imagine Nation. a buggy-as-hell but fun shard. full of fights @ britain and minoc bridges. then finally fights @ the trinsic entrance.
anyway, i'm back.
oh, i'm lucas btw. i have seen many old friends in game already and cannot wait to meet more. see you on the inside!
I was having a thought about the tailor skill, and it seems to me anyway, that you should gain skill from using the spinning wheel and loom. Theres no gathering skill associated with tailor obviously, like lumber/carp mining/bs/tink etc. So maybe it should give skillgain? I mean I'm sitting here making cloth and its actually more fun then macroing the skill itself. To me anyway. I know this would mess with the rep tables for the skill and whatnot but its just an idea to consider if any big changes are being made to tailor ever.
well im done with uo for the time being i cant deal with it no more its ****ign driving me crazy. Peace out to all u guys out there was fun while it lasted. to all my friends thanks for the times!
It's in your best interest to report a bug when discovered, not abuse it.
That is all.
6h ago, 3:24pm (+2gmt) was born 3466g and 50cm boy! can't beleave it finaly happend