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Posted by: imported_LudaKrishna
04-29-2009, 04:56 AM
Forum: General
- No Replies


nvm, apperently injection doesn't work for me anymore :S

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Posted by: imported_Menace
04-28-2009, 11:38 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (18)

I'll say this flat out.. Staff needs to be more active.. I don't understand why whenever things start going good for this server and we hit a peak in player base, the staff seem to think were well on our way and that all our problems are solved so they can just stop whatever they are doing.. It doesn't work like that. I'm not even just talking about hosting and opening up events.. How about some active staff to answer pages every once and awhile? How are we supposed to "make our own fun" when we have questions about a new hunting spot or new items and nobody is around to answer them? Also when there is 4 people active on the server it doesn't hurt to lend a hand to 1 of those people just once, to restore the faith a little bit. Me and Shifty have both had a long list of ideas on how to make this shard a much funner experience not only for new players but for the old veterans, but we're not going to write 5 pages to just have to staff toss it away and overlook what we have to say.

If there is any interest in what we have to say please let me know, otherwise I won't bother giving my opinion again and typing as much as I just did. Just to touch on the whole hosting aspect, which everyone seems to argue over.. When NEW players come to this server and log into pits the first thing they see is 6 people afk standing around.. a short run through any town, whether it be Brit, Occlo, anything and not one active person in sight.... Do you really think that person is going to waste their time with a server like that? If staff refuses to be online and get too comfortable having that power then temporarily block their account or take that gm away from them until they decide they have more time and try out new staff.. There are a handful of loyal players on this shard who are active for a better part of each day, why not give them a chance? I guarantee things would change if you tried something new and opened your mind to a new staff member or two.

I hope the staff doesn't see me as bashing the server. I want it to be a great server and have lots of active players, but seriously feel that some changes need to be made.. Staff aren't the only ones with good ideas and I feel that the players need to be heard a little better and taken a little more seriously.. I'm not sure how you can ask us to donate if you won't even hear our suggestions and take them into serious consideration.. All the veterans of xuo and in I'm sure have lots of great ideas from servers of the past. In all I just had to get a few things of my chest and whether or not staff listen to any of this I have said my piece..


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Posted by: smoke
04-26-2009, 12:58 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (8)

Hmm, I just realized the prize given aren't you suppose to get something a little extra seeing as it's the "weekly" tour? Also considering Gang-Bang got some tour tickets and an rr cloth deed =/?

Just wondering what the prize would be for 13 participants for a weekly tour would be because it just seems odd, it's a special event hosted weekly and it's the same prize as a regular tour? If i'ts the same prize for a regular tour then why would gang bang also get an r/r cloth deed for a 20 participant tour when that's 5 tour tickets.

Please don't flame here i'm just confused as to see why all i got were 3 team tickets for winning the weekly tour with 13 participants =/

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Posted by: imported_Shifty
04-25-2009, 04:00 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (57)

We need a new duel stone arena. The one we currently have looks nice...but that's about it. We don't need something that looks nice. We need something that doesn't lag. There is no need for 12 different duel stones. There is no need for platforms for the rings to sit on. There is no need for any fancy decoration(benches, chairs, plants, etc). There is no need for npc's. The only thing that would be useful would be an anvil/forge and possibly an fs scroll transformer. The new arena should be on grass. Just like the new area used for free duels. The new arena should only have 4 duel stones. A 5k, 10k, 20k, and 50k stone. The new stones should be one or two squares bigger to prevent "stepper failure" and "client resend". The new free duel arena had perfect size ring. Not the big ffa ring, but the smaller ring at the bottom meant for 1v1. And it doesn't lag.

The shard is already on a slow decline once again. Having the option to duel for money at any time is one thing that keeps me active. But as of yesterday, I am no longer gonna be using the duel stones, because of the reasons stated above. So really, I wont be active hardly at all. I can guarantee this will increase the decline in active players. A new duel stones that you can actually duel in without lagging and getting the "stepper failure" and "client resend" msg will keep me around. And I'm sure it will make a lot of ppl happy.

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Posted by: imported_Paulie
04-24-2009, 01:01 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

My song dedicated to you guys!

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
04-23-2009, 03:08 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (104)

Why, G-d, why?! I had adamantium ores Sad

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Posted by: imported_Paulie
04-22-2009, 07:05 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

I want a sig pic but im a complete dumb ass as most people know and dont know how to make one or even want to attempt to make one. would somone help a sexy red daemon out and make one for me.........PLEASE!:evil:

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Posted by: imported_MadMan
04-21-2009, 11:53 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (4)

Is there anything going on with our server? Im lagging online like crazy. Thought it was my brother downloading or uploading but it isnt. I pinged and its nonstop 180, 190, 240, 270. High pings when my avg ping is usually around 140.

whats happening? Sad

Edit: Its normal now :O something happened lol

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
04-21-2009, 05:25 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (9)

There's so much arguing and insulting going on between players that it pollutes every thread!

We should add another section called "I Hate You, You Don't Love Me" so people can insult one another all they want there and keep it out of the other threads so we can actually try to get some ideas out there without having to read through 10,000 flames for every 1 contributing post.

PS: I'm an evil genious and you all love me for it! Smile

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Posted by: imported_Sindern
04-21-2009, 03:14 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (1)

I'd like for seeds to be stackable if they're the same size and color. If not in your pack, at least in seed boxes. I was super happy when I saw seed boxes, but then realized that they had a limit on the number of seeds. :<

I suppose when you put a seed into the box, it would delete the seed and replace it with pretty much anything that's stackable that could be used to keep track of the number of seeds, then when you take a seed out, it takes one out of the stack and creates a seed of that color/type.

This way, you could have max stack size of all seeds (or more, until you have 255 max stacks). It would also cut down on the number of items significantly since the seeds grow in number exponentially. Tongue

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