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Posted by: Eighty Swords
06-27-2009, 04:31 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (25)

Here's my guide on how to use Injection. It includes the initial setup you have to do, some step by step explanations on how to make a few different types of macros and how to assign macros to hotkeys.

Install Steps:

1) Download Injection here and install it wherever you like.
2) Download the Injection clients here: here and extract them to your UO folder. When asked to overwrite any files say yes. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO OVERWRITE ANY FILES OR ELSE INJECTION MIGHT NOT LAUNCH
3) Double click ilaunch.exe to start injection.

Setup Steps:

4) Press change next to 'Client dir' and select your UO folder.
[Image: 10788616.png]

5) Press Edit List next to Server, select Xtreme Ultima Online, rename it to Imagine Nation Xtreme, change the Address to,2593 and leave Username and Password blank and press Save then OK.
[Image: 80892667.png]

6) Press Edit List next to Client and select the clients one at a time and press Delete. Now press the Choose button and select your desired client and enter a name and press Add. Repeat this for every client you want to add. I had to use the 4.0.5a m client. The others wouldn't load or would crash on me.
[Image: 65392581.png]

7) Press Change next to ignition.cfg and go to the folder where you installed Injection and select this file.

You're now ready to press Launch. If you don't get any errors you should see the UO window load and this window for Injection:

[Image: 91380355.png]

Take note of the two settings I circled in red.
-I unchecked Autostart because I kept getting a warning about this when starting UO.
-Check the box next to version and enter 4.0.1.

This version of Injection should come with some pre-made macros. To see these macros go to the Script tab and press the 'Edit current script' button.

[Image: 44302910.png]

As the comments at the top of this script say;

Quote:##To use these macros, just go to the hotkey tab and write: "exec Script_Name" without the "". Example: exec cast_GreaterHeal_self.
##When ever you see that an object is being used, you have to either replace that object by a number, or add the object name
##under the object tab. These are very simple macros, and therefor there will be no FAQ provided. Consult Yokos site for more infO:

I started modifying these macros for myself and added them to my hotkeys. Here's how you do it. Go to the Hotkeys tab, in the field called Command enter exec and then the name of the sub you want to set a hotkey for and for the Hotkey field press whatever key you want to use then press the Add button and you should see it added to the list of hotkeys. In this screen shot I just added my resurrection macro as F1. Do this for all the macros you want to set a hotkey for.

If you make a macro to train a skill (like my anatomy macro below) you don't have to assign a hotkey, you can just go to the Scripts tab, next to the button Run function select the sub you want to run, then press the button. If you don't have a way to stop the sub select it from the list and press terminate.

[Image: 91712152.png]

That's all for how to setup Injection and where you have to go to make your own macros and assign them to hotkeys. I won't go into all the settings on the Main tab, you can play with these yourself.

Now it's up to you to make your own macros! Here are a few examples and explanations on how to make macros like these for yourself.

An example of a script you can make is to use a potion or some other item. If you know the code for the item you want to use you can make the script right away. If you don't know the code for the item you want to use, in UO write ,info and target the item. This will open a new window with a few different pieces of information. The important part is the Type. If you use ,info on a mana potion it will show the following;

Quote:ID=0x4006A408 Type=0x0F09 EKDQKMD Name=
Quantity: 19 Colour: 0x0388 Layer: 0 Has: 1
X=48 Y=62 Z=0 C=0x40196C00 F=0x00

Since I targetted a stack of mana potions my Quantity is 19 (will vary depending on how many are in the stack or if it's just 1), the color and type will change depending on what potion you select. XYZ is where the potion is in your pack, and C is the container it's in, this can be some helpful information if you want to make some more advanced scripts!

You can now go to your script in Injection and make a subroutine to use a mana potion. Mine looks like this:

PHP Code:
sub UseManaPotion()
uo.exec("usetype 0x0f09")
end sub 

It's the same thing for casting a spell using a scroll. Use ,info to get the Type of the scroll and make a macro just like the one above. Here's a macro to use a lightning scroll and target the last target:

PHP Code:
sub ScrollLightningLast()
uo.exec("usetype 0x1f4a")
end sub 

To cast a spell there's two options; cast the spell and you choose the target, or cast the spell and have Injection cast on your last target. Unlike casting with a scroll you don't need to get the Type, just write the spell name and if you want to cast it on yourself put self after the spell name, or if you want to cast it on your last target write last after the spell name. Pay careful attention to the syntax (where the ' ' and " " are).

PHP Code:
sub CastHeal()
uo.exec("cast 'Heal' self") ;cast heal on yourself


sub CastLightning()
uo.exec("cast 'Lightning'") ;cast lightning and wait for target


sub CastLightningLast()
uo.exec("cast 'Lightning' last") ;cast lightning on your last target

Here's a macro to train anatomy for you and some explanations on what the different parts of the macro do.

PHP Code:
sub anatomy()

uo.print("Please choose a target to train anatomy on...")
uo.exec("useskill 'Anatomy'")
uo.exec('addobject target')
uo.targeting() ;wait until user selects a target

(1150) ;required delay to use the skill
while (1) ;infinite loop
.exec("useskill 'Anatomy'")
uo.exec("waittargetlast") ;repeatedly target the user selected target
(1150) ;required delay to use the skill

end sub 

The lines sub anatomy() and end sub are header for what is called a subroutine. In programming you have a main portion of your program and that can call subroutines. The included macros in the version of Injection I linked to are all subroutines part of a main program. Every subroutine you make must have these two lines. If you forget the line end sub when you try to run that portion of the script it will keep going into the next subroutine until it reaches an end sub.

Whenever you make a loop in programming you need a starting point, an ending point, and in most cases an exit condition. The lines while 1 and wend are used to make an infinite loop without an 'exit condition'. In this case I said while 1 which means while true and since I didn't assign a variable to this exit condition that means it's always true and will never exit the loop.

When I was making this macro sometimes when I tried to run it I got an error message like "Line XX: Function not found - UO.EXE" this is because there's no command 'uo.exe' and the command I wanted to use was 'uo.exec'. Injection comes with quite a few error messages to guide you on where you made a mistake but they won't always be this helpful.

Remember to save the script before exiting Injection whenever you make any changes or you might lose them! You will also want to press the Save button on the Main tab to save all settings you use including hotkeys.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. I'll do my best to help you and there are a lot of Injection users on INX who will also be willing to help you!

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
06-27-2009, 04:30 AM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Oops! I posted in the wrong section. A mod can delete this thread. Sorry. Real guide is here:

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Posted by: imported_Andrew
06-26-2009, 03:29 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

Hey all
So, ive returned to IN after some time, now i see its running RunUO, I need to know a few things. Ive played some years on UO Gamers Demise, so i know all the mechanics of RunUO, but i see some vital changes inhere! So please answer these questions Smile

1. Is bandage speed depending on dex?
2. Attack speed, dex dependant?
3. FC/FCR is non existant i assume?
4. Does Meditation work inhere as it does on standard RunUO?
5. Monsters are like on RunUO i assume, so dragons use magic, unlike on IN1 where they kinda dident?
6. Can you bandage and cast spells at the same time?

Thats it for now, will probably post more Smile

ps. HI to all the old timers i recognize Big Grin

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Posted by: imported_Drama
06-26-2009, 08:39 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (3)

I just need some help whenever i try to drink a mana pot it says no item found. the item is in my pack in the open not in a bag, also just need some help setting up a harm hot key how do you set up a harm lasttarget hot key

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Posted by: imported_Reyn
06-25-2009, 11:02 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

Dont do it as you get almost the same amount of skill for 400gp if you train from a vendor.. other than that, JE T'AIME.

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Posted by: smoke
06-24-2009, 06:01 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (11)

Yeah well, there wasn't a contest thread so i made one for everyone to post there guide in instead of having 100 threads of spam.

How to get on injection a small guide:

Well it's pretty simple i'll post 2 screen shots first so you can get a good idea then i'll explain how to do it.

[Image: jkvs5j.jpg]
[Image: 2yo4hm0.jpg]

First off download and get Modians Legacy UO from here -->,com...Itemid,62/

After you do that patch it fully and try to patch it again to ensure that this will work.
Once you've sucessfully installed UOML follow this order in adding you're require files and injection files or it will not work.

-Patch UO
- Add in require files
- Inset injection clients into UO folder
- Install injection folder to desktop

-Once you do all this change the client DIR to your UO folder
-Then add a new server name it whatever you want and under the name put the login,2593 add it and save it. (make sure you save it).
-For the client Add a name and choose the 5.0.1 Client add it and save it.

Once you've done all this you will be able to log on injection but your not clearly done yet, you will need to type something in Version in the main tab where i circled in red, 4.0.1 and then make sure you click off the version check box and press save. (the boxs i have checked off are to my own preference you may use those if you like or test out other things but most of them create lag and are useless).

So finally you are on injection and it's stable and you're ready to play and set up your macros =]

Below is a guide on how to create macros for injection.

Since everyone is starting to use injection due to less lag, i guess i'll help out and post all the basic skills you need to pvp or pvm

Steps to setting up and using injection:

1. Go to the macro section add the line of the macro and put in a hotkey in the little bar below and press add hotkey
2. Go back to the main section tab and don't forget to click save or whatever you've done will not be saved
3. You can customize your injection appearence in the display section to whatever comfort you like
4. The waittargetobject person1 is used for partners theres a heal reflect and bandages for them, how this works is you make an in game macro called ,addobject person1. once that's done you click on your partner and all your macros for healing reflect and resing will work with whoever you targeted. Don't forget to save in the injection main tab or if you logout or crash it will now save.
5. Waittargetobject rune is very simalar it's a recalling macro you make a macro in game to say ,addobject rune and click on the rune and press the key that you have set for it and it will recall to the rune you have marked. Once again don't forget to save it's important to save because if you don't what you've done won't be saved.
6. That's pretty much it now enjoy and have fun with injection and if you have any questions post them and i'll answer them as best i can

waittargetobject person1; cast 'Greater Heal'
waittargetobject person1; cast 'Reflect'
usetype 0x0F0C (gh pot)
usetype 0x0F09 (other mana pot)
usetype 0x1F4A ;waittargetlast (light scroll)
usetype 0x1F33 ;waittargetlast (nos fs)
usetype 0x1F5F ;waittargetlast (xuo fs)
usetype 0x1F49 ;waittargetself (gh scroll)
usetype 0x1F50 ;waittargetself (reflect scroll)
cast 'Magic Arrow' ;waittargetself
waittargetself; usetype bandage
cast 'Paralyze' ;waittargetlast
cast 'Clumsy' ;waittargetlast
cast 'Greater Heal' ;waittargetself
cast 'Magic Reflection' ;waittargetself
cast 'Heal' ;waittargetself
cast 'Cure' ;waittargetself
waittargetobject rune; cast 'Recall'
waittargetobject person1; usetype bandage
cast 'Recall'
usetype 0x1F5F (precast)
cast 'Wall of Stone'
cast 'Teleport'

I will now begin to explain how to imput scripts and use them.

sub spam()

UO.exec ("msg .wop Kal Vas Flam")
wait (70)
UO.exec ("msg .wop In Vas Mani")
wait (70)
UO.exec ("msg .wop Por Ort Grav")
wait (70)
UO.exec ("msg .wop Kal Vas Flam")
end sub

exec spam

It's really simple first off go to the scripts section and edit current script, then copy and paste the scrim sub spam() up until end sub. The part where it says exec spam is a the trigger key where you put in your injection hot keys to use this script. so after adding the script to the edit current script click the save disk overright to autoload add your hotkey for your spam and then go to injection main and save your new functioning spam! Smile

I will now provide some simple easy macroing scripts that also go into the script/edit current script section but these do not require a hotkey you will add them the same and and save them to autoload but instead of adding a exec hotkey you can simply go in game and type EXAMPLE: ,exec alchemist.
Once your finished with a script and you don't want to macro anymore or ran out of resources and it's a macro that has a loop, make sure you go to the script section and click on the script name showing and press terminate to stop the script.

Other then that i've pretty much explained everything in detail if you have any questions pm me or post on the forums and i'll have you as best i can i'll now provide some scripts to help people who wish to macro or make there lives easier by making pots etc.


sub track ()
while true
uo.exec("useskill 'Tracking'")
wait (700)
end sub

Snooping: change the useobject by using ,info on someones paper doll pack and get the id and replace it

sub snoop ()
while true
UO.Exec("useobject 0x4052E6E5")
wait (2550)
end sub


sub peace ()
while true
Uo.Exec("useskill 'Peacemaking'")
wait (10500)
end sub

ItemID: once again change the waittargetobject id to the item you are using item id on.

sub itemid ()
while true
uo.exec("useskill 'Item Identification'")
uo.waittargetobject ('0x400C2C39')
wait (1200)
end sub

Disordiance: The same thing as itemID change the object to the animal you are using

sub dis ()
while true
uo.exec("useskill 'Enticement'")
wait (25)
uo.waittargetobject ('0x0001295D')
wait (1000)
end sub

Arms Lore: Also the same thing as Disordiance and itemid change the object to the item id your trying to lore by using ,info

sub arms ()
while true
uo.exec("useskill 'Arms Lore'")
wait (1200)
end sub

Mana Potions: get the supplys needed then run this macro, after read how to terminate the script when finished as posted above in the instructions.

sub alchemist()
while true
uo.exec("usetype 0x0F87")
wait (8400)
end sub

Shrink Potions: Same as mana pots but get the required resources instead of Mana pot resources

sub shrink ()
while true
uo.exec("usetype 0x0F78")
wait (5000)
end sub

Well that's all the scripts that i'm willing to share because some are made for me only but if you have any questions please ask away and i'll try my best to answer what i can.

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Posted by: imported_Shade
06-24-2009, 04:53 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

I just noticed that we do not have any injection installation guides and while I am not personally a fan of injection, everyone should be able to use it if they choose. Therefore I will be giving a very nice prize to the first person to make a detailed guide that everyone can understand.

The guide should include; detailed instructions on the placement of files, which client to use, explanation of general settings, and troubleshooting. I am not familiar with the program myself so if anything else should be included please be sure to add it.

As for the prize, well I have something in mind that I am sure the winner will be pleased with but if someone dazzles me with an exceptional and highly detailed guide I will up the prize even further.

To be eligible for the prize simply submit the guide in the player guides section.

Remember, the more players that have the choice of using injection, the more likely they will stick around and participate in the pvp. You will be helping the shard and earning a reward all at once! Now get to work.


In all fairness to anyone who wishes to contribute, this contest will be open for a week.
Also there may be another prize for a runner up, depending on participants.

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Posted by: smoke
06-24-2009, 04:24 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (2)


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Posted by: Eighty Swords
06-23-2009, 07:42 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (13)

In another thread the discussion of item count came up and here are some items that can be made stackable to help reduce the item count, and for convenience for players; sand, granite, clubs, wooden shields, keg ingredients (barrel lids, barrel staves, barrel hoops, keg taps, empty barrels).

I know there are some issues with stacking exceptional items (remove some and the rest become regular) so if the other items I mentioned can be made stackable even that would help.

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Posted by: imported_Reyn
06-23-2009, 07:09 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (19)

howsit going, thinking of playing the game, but im scared...

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