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10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
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Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
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04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
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06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
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03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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Hi All,
Any idea what is the best way for this?
Khal Drogo
Hey everyone,
Can anyone advise what the best potions are to make throughout GMing alchemy.. I am starting with 55.0. What is the best potion to start doing and when should I change.. etc etc.
I used 2000 ginsing making gh potions and I only gained 0.1.. ? Any advise?
Any help would be appreciated.
Khal Drogo
Still happening =/
Back on IN1 you could use the .flip command to make the normal crafted small tables into few different types. Looking on Pandora's box i found all the item IDs:
Counters - 2877 | 2878 | 2879 | 2880
All tables in between these item numbers:
2923 - 2960
Also looking in the Deco tab theres a few different types that could be added to Carp
(Bamboo tables, Colored runner tables, Log, Red + Green table cloth)
Would be nice to have this again, I know theres a house deco tool, maybe this could just be added to that flip button on it.
Después de siglos y intentos fallidos nace en el mundo de Britania en un pueblo llamado DELUCIA una nueva especie.
Un experimento de un alquimista y un elfo muy viejo llamado Murdock que se encontraba viviendo en el pueblo de delucia ya que su raza habia sido estinguida y su apariencia era muy humana entonces solamente sabia de su esistencia el pueblo de delucia.
El puso su gran saviduria que obtuvo durante su gran vida y el alquimista puso sus experimentos y pociones para crear una especie que pueda ayudar a su pueblo a evitar invasiones y saqueos.
Esta especie es inconfundible su cuerpo es corpulento y estatura media su color de piel es verde cupper.
Tienen la habilidad de esconderse y atacar muy rápido con el arco pero también tienen un defecto la claridad de la luz no puede tocar su cuerpo si no sufrirán grandes quemaduras por eso siempre llevan puestas las elven túnicas y unas elven Botas.
Estas túnicas y botas las creo el tailor de delucia solamente para esta especie nadie las podrá obtener ya que llevan un hechizo del mago del pueblo que en el momento de su muerte desaparece de su cuerpo.
Asà el Rey del pueblo llamado Assab nombro a esta especie como Elvens Elfs a tanto fue la admiración del rey hacia ellos
Que les otorgo el nombre de Devilman y Doc Dos antiguos guerreros abatidos por las invasiones que sufria el pueblo ellos recibieron una buena casa en delucia y una cuantas misiones que hacer entre ellas entrenarse hasta tener habilidades y hechizos disponibles para adentrarse en el magnifico mundo de britania una hazaña que nunca nadie de esa ciudad intento.
Pero el pueblo necesitaba la ayuda inmediata de esos dos elfos ya que las provisiones del pueblo escaseaban y sufrÃan muchos ataques.
Tras unos años de entrenamiento y perfección ellos consiguieron todo lo que el Rey Assab les ordeno asà el les nombro Guerreros Oficiales del pueblo y les dijo que estaban preparados para la nueva hazaña de adentrarse en el mundo de BRITANIA.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
If the shard appears to be down, post here to ask about it. (Any other threads will be merged with this topic.)
Staff, if you know anything about a server outage, post here as well.
I was going to macro magery tonight, but then found out if i try to cast poison on an item the spell fizzles. Therefore I will be logging off for the night due to frustration from lack of possibilities I have found to macro it.
So, I accidently bought 20,000 blank scrolls, and started inscription. I was wondering what the benefits of scrolls were. Is it just lower mana cost and cast failure rate?
Also what the fuck is a killbook?
Selling pb stangs and pandas....taking offers for them let me know what you want and how much you will pay. Remember there 100 nickels which isnt cheap. Also if you would like something else that could be bought with nickels let me know and we can work out a deal.
The following old OSI quests have been added in game so feel free to try them out. They all have unique rewards or special items to obtain. Once you find the quest npcs simply click them once and select talk to begin a quest. All of these quests are repeatable and can have varying rewards or tasks each time.
The Witches Apprentice
Starting location: Off the road that leads to Yew from Britain, near a brigand camp. Find Grizelda.
Estimated completion time: 10-25 minutes
Level of difficulty: Very Easy
Ambitious Solen Queen
Starting location: Solen hives, which can be accessed at 4 different locations. Find the ambitious queen.
Estimated completion time: 5-10 minutes
Level of difficulty: Easy
Study of the Solen Hive
Starting location: South east of Britain Bank.
Estimated completion time: 4-12 minutes
Level of difficulty: Very Easy-Easy
Solen Matriarch
Starting location: Solen Hives, dead center of the nest. Find the solen matriarch
Estimated completion time: 5-20 minutes
Level of difficulty: Easy
Collectors Quest
Starting location: A tavern in Ocllo. Find Elwood McCarrin.
Estimated completion time: 10-35 minutes
Level of difficulty: Easy-Medium