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Posted by: Hope
05-14-2011, 12:48 AM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (6)

I use a mac myself and figured there may be some of you who might appreciate the fact that you can play Imagine Nation on your MAC!
For those interested in using CrossOver Games for mac, heres a very basic/simple tutorial;

1) Get CrossOver Games and install.

2) CodeWeavers Top Bar Menu > Configure > Manage Bottles.

3) Click the "+" sign, it will be next to the "-" sign, this initiates creation of a new bottle.

4) Name it Razor+.NET.

5) Once your bottle is ready, click "Install Software".

6) First thing you should install is .NETFramework 2.0, it will be on the list of "Runtime Support Components", this is essential for razor. Go ahead and Install that.

7) Download and install Razor.
Go back to your bottle, choose Install Software again, this time select "Other Application" and then choose razor_latest.exe as your installer File, it should be in your downloads folder. (Razor is not supported by codeweavers, hence the selecting of "other application"... the UO installation will be similar.)

8) Next, make sure you have your bottle selected, go to the "Advanced" Tab and create an archive. It should save it directly on your hard drive.

9) Download Ultima Online Mondain's Legacy from after its downloaded, Install UO in your bottle, this will be very similar to step 7. Choose Other Application, and then your Uosetupfile.exe (it wont be called that, its "setup" and a bunch of random numbers. just make sure you know where its at!)

10) Once UO is fully installed, be sure to run the "default" UO patcher that comes with the UO installation, patch your client to about 6.014.3, then stop it.

11) After you patch your client, download the IN patcher files manually in the zip folder on this page - Copy and past these files into your UO folder, be sure to do this step after the first patch with UO to client 6.014.3, otherwise you will be walking into walls and not seeing the world correctly.

12)Browse Razor and find your UO folder, you will have to go through like 100000 folders to find it, but it is there. At this point, razor shouldn't be working, hehe. At least it wasn't for me at this point. Heres what you do next..

13)Go to manage bottles, and select "Add From Archive". Simply goto your crossover games top bar menu and select programs > razor > (Razor+.NET-2) (the -2 indicating the second bottle installation form the added archive) Now you should be able to input IN's Server name as well as the port number. If you cant input a port number, you missed a step, likely step (13). (Port number: 2593 , Server Name: ; be sure to enter these values into razor!)

14) Hopefully you can log into Imagine Nation and have some fun!

Refer to Eru's Page with the link below and follow instructions to find the UO download and Razor Download.

NOTE: The IN Patcher is made for windows computers, and will not work with a mac, so be sure to download the patch files manually as indicated in step 12!
Also, here is a very helpful video you may reference for a visual understanding..
(his crossover may look slightly different than yours, mine looked different, but its the same idea).

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, I'd be happy to look into it for you, I know how it feels to be "lost" so to speak.. Goodluck!

<3 Hope!

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Posted by: Asterello
05-13-2011, 09:56 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (4)

I am trying to login to my account and keeps telling me my account credentials are invalid Cry I am 100% positive I am using the right username and pass. I logged in a couple hours ago and now I can't get on! Please help!

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Posted by: Israfil
05-13-2011, 07:24 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

If you would like a vote stone placed in your guild hq please page and we will be happy to add 1 for you.

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Posted by: Malaki
05-13-2011, 03:48 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

First off I can't believe all of you are still playing. I guess it just keeps going and going and the community of IN keeps going strong! Glad to see all the familiar names and paulie can suck it Smile glad to see you outta the slammer man lol

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Posted by: Israfil
05-12-2011, 06:05 AM
Forum: The Yarn-Spinner's Tavern
- Replies (5)

Role-play Rules

Do not refer to real life situations.

This includes exchanging out of game personal information about yourself. You can use party or guild chat for this as well as private messages Using abbreviations of any sort is strictly prohibited.


The use of "faces" falls under this rule as it is an abbreviation of emotions. Whenever a race or trait of any kind is being role-played, the facts of the role-play must never be broken

If a player chooses to play the role of a murderous villain who lives his life to slaughter everyone he meets, it would not make sense for him to be helping any other person. Likewise, if someone was to play the role of a holy man who lives for the good of the people, this person cannot kill for any reason.

These situations and definitions of ones background purely depend on the story they are to follow. Clearing up any uncertainties in ones story can prevent misunderstandings and common issues that may occur. If a holy man wants to kill, it should be included in his story that he wishes to purge the world of evil.

If a guild is role-playing, the guild master will be held accountable for the actions of their members. This rule only applies if the guild master does not require their guild members to write their own background story. If a guild master fails to keep their guild members from breaking character, the entire guild is subject to lose all rewards.

Writing a RP story

Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. If anyone submits a story they do not have the rights to use, that person will be jailed for a minimum of one week and additionally lose all rights to ever apply for role-play rewards ever again. Your story has to be of reasonable length all we ask is roughly 1 page long.

Breaking character is only allowed under the following conditions.

If your helping a new player out.
Speaking privately to a staff member.
Speaking in private with guild members only.
If something is too hard to express through your role-play you can type it in brackets. Do not abuse this.
While using guild chat, party chat or private messages you do not need to speak in character.
If an event requires you to break character you may do so only at a staff members consent. This almost never happens.

Punishment for breaking RP

You will be given 2 warnings 3rd offense you will lose your items. If you lose your items you will need to be in perfect RP at all time to get the items back. If you are lucky enough to get the items back if you lose them again you will have a permaban from rp items.

Do not over do the request of RP items at most you will get 3. Death shrouds will not be given out easily they require perfect RP at all times, this will be watched closely. The watch period is based on how staff feels you RP it could be 2 days to 2 months

If someone is insulting, making fun of you or harassing you because your RPing please page and a staff member will take care of the situation.

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Posted by: Darken Rahl
05-12-2011, 01:58 AM
Forum: The Yarn-Spinner's Tavern
- Replies (1)

enter shrouding chambers

"Darken's time is near master, the time has come he will finally learn of his true nature and place in this world" snarls G. Wallace.
"His dreams are tainting, his growing confusion of his origin grows far more irritable than ever before".

"Yes Wallace, its about time he took his rightful place on the throne, I grow old and ever wiser, and far more tired of seeing him grow up merely as a a man.."

"Bring him to me! Alas, the day has come.." under breath "My son..".

enter Darken's chambers

*Thunder Crashing*
(Sits up with haste
breathing heavily

"Shh baby, it was just another one of those nightmares.."

"Every night at the same they are trying to tell me something.."

"Go back to sleep.."

"I.....I love you."


It is time...

"Wha...What? Who's there?"
Daaaar-- "Show yourself!"
Come Darken, follow me now.

(Darken experiences an overwhelmingly sharp pain in his head, then suddenly passes out).
enter shrouding chamber
Baby.....Baby...wake up...wake up baby..
opens eyes

"Hello Darken."
"Who are you? What do you want?!" Yells Darken.
"Its been a long time my son, a long time indeed".
"But your..your not even human! How can you call me your son? I DEMAND you to speak truth NOW!"

"SILENCE! I am dying Darken..I do not have much time. You have been brought here to be shrouded and become the kin you were meant to be since you were born. You are twenty-one winters, and YOU are NOT a man!" screams Darken's father, Drac, King of Dragon-Kin.

" A great time of reckoning is upon us, you must take your rightful seat on the throne and be the leader you were meant to be.. our nation is divided and your our Kin's last hope, I have not the strength or the health required to bind our people, to bind them back to the powerful and feared nation we once were".

"But I...I.."

"You must rebuild our empire, for me, for your mother, for our people".

" mother? I never met my parents, I have no parents. I am a gift from the divine".
"You are a gift, my must now rise".
Darken Stands

"Wallace! Bring me my sword and robes!"
"Right away my lord" snarls Wallace.

"I have awaited this day, my son...."
"Father..I just know.."

"Here they are my lord!" screeches wallace.

"Here son, fit like a king you must be.."
"I just have..I have so many questions.."

"In time you will know my son, in time you will know"

(Drac hand's Darken his ancestral sword of Dargoth, covered in gems and jewels unknown to man, it reads, "Darzacus" on the side. He also hand's him a Robe of Dargoth Kings and a Dargoth King Amulet, so he can rebuild the empire and save the lives of of his people).

"Rise my son, be the king your meant to be and rebuild the empire and claim your love as king!"
A Burst of light and the room shows itself, revealing the ancient relics of Dargoth and its people, the king and wallace. They began to lift off of the floor and into the air, looking up with a smile then began to vanish into the heavens of Dargoth....

The room goes black..
To be continued..

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Posted by: OnE
05-11-2011, 03:46 AM
Forum: The Yarn-Spinner's Tavern
- Replies (3)

A long time ago in a small Romanian village there was a lady named Gwen Vamp. She wasn’t very popular among the town’s people. She was a drunk and a prostitute, with only a selective group of cliental. One stormy night on June, 6th 666 A.D. while walking down a dark alley, she met a strange man dressed in all black who wasn’t one of her “regulars”. This strange man seemed to take control of her once she gazed upon him. They began to have sexual relations. The strange man bit Gwen on the neck while they were getting hot and heavy. After their session had ended the strange man seemed to vanish into thin air. Gwen was very lethargic, pale and loosing blood quickly. She was able to make her way to the doctor’s house. As she made it to the doorstep of the doctor’s house she passed out and fell against his door, waking the doctor up. The doctor immediately yelled for his assistant and together they were able to bring Gwen back to life. Gwen made a full recovery thanks to the town doctor and his assistant.
On Friday March 13th, 667 A.D. Gwen gave birth to a boy named Lucian. This was very strange being that Gwen was unable to get pregnant. Once Lucian was born, the town’s people began surrounding Gwen’s hut with pickaxes, pitchforks and torches. They were yelling, “Witch, we will burn you alive and your devil child.” Gwen, in fear for her baby’s safety, was able to sneak out of her hut and run with Lucian to the doctors house and drop him outside on the doorstep with a note. Gwen had to think fast. She ran and grabbed a burlap sack filled with a bunch of different items, then she wrapped that in a blanket and began running down the streets yelling, “Come and get me and my baby!” Once she was spotted by the town’s people she began running towards them. The town’s people immediately grabbed her, brought her to a stake and light her and her baby on fire. The town’s people were cheering, “Yay the devil and her baby are dead!”
Sometime later, the doctor and his wife took young Lucian and moved to Transylvania. When young Lucian was old enough to fend for himself he took to the streets. The doctor and his wife died shortly after from old age. Lucian began to realize that he had aged significantly slower than everyone else. He also realized he began to develop a strong sense of smell to blood. Lucian wondered why that was and why he was always craving raw meat from the local butcher. Shortly after that he began robbing local blood banks as well. Time went by and Lucian began to crave more and more blood. This craving became extremely unbearable. The raw meat from the butcher and the blood from the blood banks were not satisfying his cravings. One night, Lucian targeted a group of young men. Lucian was again surprised how easy he was able to take down the 6 men. Once he had them incapacitated he had an urge to bite their necks to drink their blood. Lucian did just that. Once he was finished he felt stronger and the thirst for blood was temporarily gone. Lucian began his reign of terror.
Around 800 A.D. Lucian encountered other vampires, however he learned that these vampires had weaknesses such as sunlight, holy water, crucifixes and stakes through the heart. Lucian had been in a fight with another vampire before over some “food”. Lucian quickly ripped the cold heart out of the vampires chest and proceeded to feast on the human being. During the fight with the vampire Lucian sustained a cut on his arm. Lucian was able to dip a bandage into some human blood and wrap it around his wound. This technique combined with Lucians rapid healing ability he was able to quickly recover the slight wound he had obtained. Lucian had gained a reputation among the other vampires as a “Day Walker”. He also had developed a nickname of “OnE” due to him being the first of his kind. This nickname stuck with him through the ages and it is what Lucian went by.
OnE’s reign of terror continued for the many years to come as he grew his clan. OnE’s relentless, vicious clan will forever be known as [Vampires].
Then one day in the 21st century, a new breed of sparkly vampire had come to light. This new breed must have come to be from cousins sleeping with cousins (keeping it in the family). These vampires attended high school, feasted on raw meats (not humans), they wore Abercombie & Fitch and put far too much makeup on. This group was known as [Vampire]. This group was very weak and not respected among the hierarchy. They had to wear shrouds to cover up their preppy clothes from all the criticism they endured. Also to cover up their soft pale skin.
OnE despised these fake sparkly vampires and vowed to not only target humans but to annihilate the clan known as [Vampire].

Requested donation items: NONE
Requested possible healing script to be added for [Vampires] – Heal with blood vials/bottles or bloody bandages.

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Posted by: Halo Dalgion
05-11-2011, 12:34 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (14)

I am simply asking that every please pray that I GM blacksmithy with my 63k ingots left. I really have my doubts for I have used over 100k ingots now from 90-93. I do not want to go back to the mines so please pray for me and my family that I am blessed. Thanks. Big Grin

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Posted by: Edward
05-10-2011, 08:45 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

I am wondering if an old IN player can get back into Daemons. I use to be in Daemons back in the day, then left when they kind of went inactive close to the end. Some of the Daemon members and me formed Reapers and I was in that until the shard came to an end. So, if you guys would have me I would love to become a Daemon again. PM me if possible. Thanks!


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Posted by: Edward
05-10-2011, 08:39 AM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Hey everyone, crazy to see that this shard came back up. I played on the original Imagine Nation server. I am downloading the nec. files now and hope to check things out. It's been so long, brings back a lot of good memories. I hope everyone is doing good!

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