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Posted by: Mister Pickles
05-17-2012, 05:45 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

05:24    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:25    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:25    In-game     VivaceCaboose: (Public) grrrrrr
05:28    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:30    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:32    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:33    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
05:34    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:36    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:39    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:40    In-game     [Fizzle PVP] The gate in the Golden Casino fades away.  Anyone inside the area has 5 minutes to finish their battle before being returned.
05:41    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:43    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:44    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
05:45    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:48    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:50    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:53    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:55    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:56    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:58    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
05:59    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
06:01    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:03    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:06    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:08    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:08    In-game     Hiraku: (Public) np
06:10    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
06:12    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:14    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:17    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:19    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:21    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:23    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
06:24    In-game     henry: (Public) could someome please res me at brit bank
06:24    In-game     Hiraku: (Public) lol
06:24    In-game     henry: (Public) please, just north of the bank, my body will rot
06:24    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:27    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:31    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:32    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:34    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:37    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
06:38    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:40    In-game     [Fizzle PVP] The gate in the Golden Casino fades away.  Anyone inside the area has 5 minutes to finish their battle before being returned.
06:40    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:42    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:44    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:48    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:49    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
06:49    In-game     [Order Spy] Help!! Murderer's and criminal's are skulking around Serpent's Hold statue! Teach them a lesson!
06:51    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:54    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:55    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
06:58    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:01    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:04    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
07:04    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:08    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:11    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:13    In-game     A deathmatch has been started, type .joindm to join!
07:13    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) is anyone fighting the boss in east britain ?
07:14    In-game     Halforth Sigrun: (Public) never tried it
07:14    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) well someone must be fighting it somewhere
07:14    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) because its not here and i keep seeing the message.
07:15    In-game     [Order Spy] Help!! Murderer's and criminal's are skulking around Serpent's Hold statue! Teach them a lesson!
07:15    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) its that or they bugged hte event lol
07:15    In-game     Ed the Architect: (Public) bugged event
07:15    In-game     Halforth Sigrun: (Public) strange, yeah mabey its been drawn away
07:15    Ayleth    its broken and bugged out for the last few hours
07:15    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:15    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) awww ok makes sense, thanks Ayleth.
07:16    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:17    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) Eru probably changed this in haste then didnt made any verification , and proceeded
07:17    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) to go play Diablo 3 instead
07:17    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) lol
07:17    In-game     (DM) A death match has started!  You can join the fray by typing .joindm (Supplied! Prizes for kills!)
07:17    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
07:17    Ayleth    probably
07:17    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:21    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:23    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:24    In-game     (DM) A death match has started!  You can join the fray by typing .joindm (Supplied! Prizes for kills!)
07:25    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:27    In-game     Default: (Public) who want to duel in dm??
07:27    In-game     Default: (Public) im alone...
07:27    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:29    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
07:30    In-game     (DM) A death match has started!  You can join the fray by typing .joindm (Supplied! Prizes for kills!)
07:30    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:34    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:35    In-game     (DM) A death match has started!  You can join the fray by typing .joindm (Supplied! Prizes for kills!)
07:35    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:37    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:39    In-game     A deathmatch has ended
07:39    In-game     Default has won the deathmatch!
07:39    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
07:39    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:40    In-game     [Fizzle PVP] The gate in the Golden Casino fades away.  Anyone inside the area has 5 minutes to finish their battle before being returned.
07:42    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:44    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:47    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:50    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:52    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:54    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
07:56    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:57    In-game     [Order Spy] Help!! Murderer's and criminal's are skulking around Serpent's Hold statue! Teach them a lesson!
07:58    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
07:59    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:02    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:04    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:06    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
08:06    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:08    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:10    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:12    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:13    In-game     Anita: (Public) Hello, i'm not getting a gump to choose my bonus starting skills, is it still working?
08:14    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:18    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:20    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:20    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
08:23    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:24    In-game     Leonard: (Public) isnt the chamber of virtues on the east britain?
08:24    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) the event is bugged.
08:24    In-game     Leonard: (Public) Oh, i see
08:24    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:25    In-game     Leonard: (Public) BTW, Hello Gale
08:25    In-game     Galehaut: (Public) hi ! c;
08:25    In-game     BenSa: (Public) Gale!
08:26    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:28    In-game     Leonard: (Public) Dont know how some peoples can actually win on these Jackpot machines..
08:28    In-game     BenSa: (Public) spend alot xD
08:28    In-game     BenSa: (Public) and u maby win
08:28    In-game     BenSa: (Public) lost over 3,4 mil in that casion xD
08:28    In-game     Leonard: (Public) Holy crap..
08:29    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:30    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
08:31    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:34    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:37    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:40    In-game     [Fizzle PVP] The gate in the Golden Casino fades away.  Anyone inside the area has 5 minutes to finish their battle before being returned.
08:41    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:42    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
08:45    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:47    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:49    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:52    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:53    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:55    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
08:55    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
08:57    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:01    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:02    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:03    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:05    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:07    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:08    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
09:09    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:11    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:14    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:16    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:18    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
09:19    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:22    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:24    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:25    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:28    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:30    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
09:30    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:32    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:34    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:36    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:39    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:40    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:40    In-game     [Fizzle PVP] The gate in the Golden Casino fades away.  Anyone inside the area has 5 minutes to finish their battle before being returned.
09:41    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
09:44    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:45    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:47    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:49    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:51    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
09:52    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:55    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
09:59    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:02    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:03    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
10:05    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:07    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:09    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:12    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:14    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
10:14    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:17    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:20    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:22    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:26    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:27    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:28    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
10:30    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:32    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:34    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:35    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:36    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:38    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)
10:39    In-game     [Event] The shrines of Britannia are being manipulated by evil forces!  Hurry and purge this taint from our shrines!
10:40    In-game     [Fizzle PVP] The gate in the Golden Casino fades away.  Anyone inside the area has 5 minutes to finish their battle before being returned.
10:42    In-game     [Event] The shrines have now been cleansed, but the dark powers have gathered together in Britain's Chamber of Virtue.  Defeat this new enemy! (East Britain: Player looting in boss's chamber temporarily disabled)

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Posted by: Hiraku
05-16-2012, 01:42 PM
Forum: Voting Booth
- Replies (21)

you want that mounts can be killed from outside houses or not?

i never understood why they can be killed actually....

so one guy that want for example keep safe his nightmare has to buy a castle ?!

and if i like any different house but still have a nightmare?
and i'd be lag friendly too this way, anyway
vote and lets see what you think about it

to me is pretty obvious the choice..

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Posted by: Hiraku
05-16-2012, 12:58 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

as title,
which house i got to build in order to let my nightmare be safe into?

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Posted by: Mister Pickles
05-16-2012, 03:40 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (3)

Will we ever be allowed access to Ilshenar and Malas? Britannia and T2A are starting to become stagnant so it would be nice to have new land to explore.

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Posted by: tranith
05-15-2012, 11:35 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Was a long 2 weeks but now im back to the forums Smile
watch out girls
predator is on the hunt

Gmed, Alchemy, Begging, Lockpicking and stealing in those 2 weeks, not to bad, considering alchemy was about already 80ish

Oh and my ex-girlfriend gave birth to our beautiful boy. Kemper Stirling Lee Bridges Smile woot

But im still on the prowl cant keep a hard guy down

Ok im done, back to my lines and drinks, keep fit and have fun

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Posted by: Kamal
05-15-2012, 10:39 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

Firugred I might give this game a try again ? Anyone still remember me?

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Posted by: Nasir
05-15-2012, 07:20 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Lately, the forum moderators have been receiving an over-abundance of reported posts for things that aren't actually against the rules. I thought I would post this here, in a more visible spot, so ya'll know what's actually moderated.

It should be noted that harassing and flaming are pretty loosely defined and 9 times out of 10 aren't enforced as long as it's in good fun and not outwardly jackassafiric.

Quote:No harassing! Your post will be deleted and your account may be suspended.
If you must flame each other, keep it strictly in the Off Topic section.
If you are making a flame-type post in the Off Topic section, please keep the title clean.
Please post in the appropriate section.
Most times we will correct any mistakes but do not make this a habit.
Posts in the wrong sections risk being deleted.
Again: Advertising for other shards is not allowed.
Doing so may result in punishment on your player as well as your forum account.

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Posted by: Ayleth Payne
05-15-2012, 12:18 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (10)

Vendor Kolina

Selling all levels of Exceptional Armour, only the best quality here.

Should you notice an armour set out of stock, PM me and I'll get it made or look back later as I restock daily.

Armour Sets with Plate Helm:

Exceptional Iron: 2500gp

Exceptional Old Copper: 3000gp

Exceptional Shadow: 3000gp

Exceptional Silver: 5000gp

Exceptional Verite: 5000gp

Exceptional Rose: 6000gp

Exceptional Gold: 6000gp

Exceptional Ice: 8000gp

Exceptional Amethyst: 10000gp

Exceptional Valorite: 12000gp

Exceptional Bloodrock: 20000gp

Exceptional Aqua: 25000gp

Exceptional Fire: 25000gp

Exceptional Mytheril: 35000gp

Exceptional Dwarven: 40000gp

Exceptional Black Diamond: 50000gp

Exceptional Black Rock: 100000gp

Exceptional Oceanic: 200000gp

Exceptional Heather Shields:

Iron: 150gp

Old Copper: 200gp

Shadow: 200gp

Silver: 350gp

Verite: 350gp

Rose: 550gp

Gold: 550gp

Ice: 750gp

Amethyst: 900gp

Valorite: 900gp

Bloodrock: 1400gp

Aqua: 2200gp

Fire: 2200gp

Mytheril: 3000gp

Dwarven: 3600gp

Black Diamond: 4300gp

Black Rock: 7200gp

Oceanic: 10000gp

New Stock arriving soon!

You better be quick, stock is moving fast and who knows how long these prices will last!

More stock is to come at a later stage. Tinkered and Tailored goods will soon be available.

Only the best for you!

So where can you find Kolina?

That's easy, go to buymore right across from Britain Bank, Vendor is on first floor right near the stair case dressed in hot pink!:

[Image: Vendor.jpg]

So come on, check out my goods today!

If you don't like my prices, come find me and make an offer, who knows I might just take it!

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Posted by: Eru
05-15-2012, 01:38 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

Taran and Diablo III are born on the same day, it seems, so I found this cake for you:

Happy birthday, you old fart. Big Grin

[Image: yHRP0.jpg]

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Posted by: Dark Link
05-14-2012, 09:48 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

I have a house, as a safe place for us to spar.. I would like to raise all my combat skills. Anyone interested? Those sparring dummies only let you raise your skill to a certain point, right? I'm basing my assumptions off how it worked on IN1.

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