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Posted by: Marronero
02-20-2012, 02:37 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- No Replies

Hi all, I'm training taming so I sell all the mounts I used for a good price. Here are some of the mounts and the price:

Righteous mustang: 20k
Light brown mustang: 8k
Silver mustang: 12k
Dappled Dream Mare: 50k
Chimera: 25k

Chat me in-game if you wanna buy or ask something!

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Posted by: Eru
02-20-2012, 02:33 PM
Forum: Voting Booth
- Replies (135)

**Merged other thread with this one, changed time-stamp on this post to be the top one**

Please hold voting until you're sure of your decision as we can't clear the poll or change your vote.

The concept is this: Add a gate to the Golden Casino so that when you step on it, it gives you a menu to select where you want to go. Only very basic locations will be included. 50-100 gold per trip will be charged.

An NPC will be added to those locations, "{Name} the Golden Casino Barker". You can speak to these NPCs to go to the Golden Casino for free.

Point: This will make rune libraries useless.

There is plenty of room for people to make rune libraries to other places aside from these simple places.

  • Hunting Spots
  • Resources
  • Resource areas (mining/lumberjacking)
  • Quest Areas
  • Graveyards
  • Misc points of interest
  • Islands you need a boat to get to
  • Specific store types for buying resources (mage, tailors, alchemists, fletchers, etc)

Point: This will encourage people to stand around the casino waiting for someone to step on the gate so they can kill them.

Counterpoint: There is only a single gate that you step on, then you can choose from any town or dungeon. The chances of picking the exact same thing as your prospective target is very small and not worth it.

Pointt: We already have recall and runes, this will just make people lazy.

Counterpoing: This does not get rid of the usefulness of runes or recalling. The charge will be more than you'd pay for normal recall reagents and provides a way for people to get to new cities or dungeons without having to run or take a boat there manually, or begging for a rune. This is especially good for new players. Also, since only basic places are added, it's not even close to a comprehensive library and people can still build their own.

Which Locations Will Be Included
Guarded Towns
  • Britain
  • Minoc
  • Cove
  • Jhelom
  • Moonglow
  • Nujel'm
  • Skara Brae
  • Trinsic
  • Vesper
  • Yew

Unguarded Towns
  • Serpent's Hold
  • Papua
  • Ocllo
  • Delucia
  • Buccaneer's Den
  • East Britain
  • Trinsic Barracks

  • Covetous
  • Deceit
  • Despise
  • Destart
  • Hythloth
  • Hythloth Fire Pit (outside area w/ dragons)
  • Shame
  • Wrong
  • Terathan Keep
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Orc Cave
  • Khaldun
  • Yew-Britain Brigand Camp
  • Yew Crypts

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Posted by: Ayleth Payne
02-20-2012, 11:37 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)

Now I know you can buy skills up to 40 off NPC's but I was thinking along the lines of buying skills off player vendors. The idea would be that you could only buy a skill the player of the vendor had and only to the level they have.

For example if player "x" has GM healing you can purchase healing up to 100 off player x's vendor. If player x only had 80 healing then that would be as high as you could buy. Player x would also get a percentage of the gold spent to buy the training (say 10%). The price for training would be set rather high, so as to make it worth macro'ing skills up (but to be honest I think you'd find lots would rather get free gains through macro'ing over spending gold on training anyway).

Just in some cases like myself, although I have been fairly lucky to have time to leave comp on and macro my skills up, this is not often the case. It would nice to have an alternative so I can enjoy hunting and then use that gold to train some skills, instead of setting a macro and walking away to do something else. Things like mining I don't really have the time to train up as it requires me being here for a lot of the time and that is not always possible. Would probably take me many months to get close to any decent level in anything that require me having to be present and doing gain by use.

Anyway, just a suggestion, I'll continue to trudge along either way Big Grin

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Posted by: Atlas
02-20-2012, 09:59 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (19)

A gift for you slimey bichez.
Copy and paste this into EasyUO for an updated version of the popular OzMining for Imagine Nation.

Follow all of the instructions! I left plenty of comments in there to make things easier to understand (hopefully)

; OzMining 1.0
; This is OzMining 1.1 Edited by Atlas
; For mining on the Imagine Nation shard.
; Features:
; - Moves around the mine randomly
; - Mines a tile clean of ore before moving on to next one
; - Smelting when overweight
; - Banking ore when you have certain amount of weight after smelting
; - Notifies you with a sound if your character is dead and stops the macro
;   ( might only work in windows xp.. )
;   ( replace sounds with some other ones if you use another OS. )
;      -Removed this because it doesn't work on windows vista/7...copy/paste from old version if you want it back =p
; - Upates in 1.1
;   *Patched up the infinite looping of failed mining [constantly loosening rocks] with a time-limit catch.
;   *Added convenient global variables/constants to top for easy editing.
;   *Enabled smelting of 'smaller stacks' (i.e. ores in stacks of 1, 2, and 3)
;   *Allows exclusion of unwanted ores.
;   *Found major error where all #CHARPOSY's were X's...hopefully fixed
;   *Cleaned up certain bits...and made some more messy =]
;   *Commented like a mother****er!
; Known bugs:
; - Macro gets "stuck" mining too fast sometimes  -patched up, but not 100% fixed
; - Sometimes gets suck on "Can't Get There" [more rare]
; ============= User variables and instructions ================================

; You can find out ID of a container by having EUO running and opening a container.
; on the right side of EUO window, expand "Container Info"
; #CONTID variable holds the information. For example: LHUGMMD

; Change this to the ID of container in your bank where you would like
; your ingots to be placed.
set %ingotContainer MHDDDND

; Change this to whatever ID your bank container has.
set %bankcontainerID ITESOMD

; Edit these integers according to how often you wish to bank/smelt your ore.
; If you set the value closer to your max weight (so lower values), it will bank/smelt more often
; Set it to ZER0 for default.  Typically the bankweight var should be slightly MORE than smeltweight
set %bankweight 80
set %smeltweight 50

;Change these to whatever ores you wish to skip after digging once.
;The script will see when you dig the ore once, and move on to the next spot.
;If you don't want it to avoid ores, simply set the "you_dig_some_[ore]" to some short string of characters.
;Example: "gjrkgj" or "you_dig_some_Atlas" ... CANNOT be blank or a common phrase.
set %Ore1 you_dig_some_Atlas
set %Ore2 you_dig_some_Atlas
set %Ore3 you_dig_some_Shadow
set %Ore4 you_dig_some_Rose
set %Ore5 you_dig_some_Verite
set %Ore6 you_dig_some_Gold
set %Ore7 you_dig_some_Ice
set %Ore8 you_dig_some_Amethyst

; Change these X and Y locations (using .where) to change your desired pathfinding points when banking.
; Change the Z if there's a third number using .where (if the ground inclines/declines)
set %pfPosX0 2562
set %pfPosY0 491
set %pfPosZ0 0

set %pfPosX1 2558
set %pfPosY1 506
set %pfPosZ1 0

set %pfPosX2 2562
set %pfPosY2 513
set %pfPosZ2 15

; Change the "forgePosX/Y" below (using .where) to change your desired pathfinding locations to the forge
; (Should already be correct for Mt. Kendall)
; ================================================================================================

set #LPC 10
set %forgePosX 2574
set %forgePosY 490
set %ingotTypes RMK_BVI
set %forgeTypes JBG_JJ_SMF
set %toolTypes QPF
set %status idle
set %bankID DMMRJMD
set %DebugMode #true

event sysmessage Starting OzMining 1.1

while #charghost <> YES
  if ( #WEIGHT > #MAXWEIGHT - %smeltweight )  ;smeltweight value here
      gosub GoSmelt
  if %status = no_more_ore
     set %status idle
     goto MoveToNextSpot
  if ( #WEIGHT > 400 )
     gosub GoSmelt
  set %jrnl #jindex
  gosub MineThisSpot
  gosub ProcessResults

sub MineThisSpot                                                  ;sub MineThisSpot
  set #LPC 10
  if ( %status <> idle )
  finditem %tooltypes C
  if #FINDCNT > 0
    set #lObjectId #findId
    event macro 17 0
    tile Init
    Tile Get #CharPosX #CharPosY 2
    set #lTargetTile #tileType
    set #lTargetX #charPosX
    set #lTargetY #charPosY
    set #lTargetZ #charPosZ
    set #lTargetKind 3
    target 10s
    event Macro 22 0

    set %status mining

sub ProcessResults
set %theTime #TIME                                               ;sub ProcessResults
  while %status = mining
      set %jrnl #jindex
      scanjournal %jrnl
      if you_dig_some in #journal || You_have_moved_too_far in #journal || Someone_has_gotten in #journal
        set %status idle
        set %theTime #TIME
      if you_loosen_some_rocks in #journal  ;This is where it loops infinitely sometimes
        set %status idle

      if there_is_no_metal_here_to_mine in #journal || you_can't_mine_that in #journal || target_cannot_be_seen in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
;===================================== Exempt-ore-type vars here =====================================
      if %Ore1 in #journal || %Ore2 in #journal || %Ore3 in #journal || %Ore4 in #journal || %Ore5 in #journal || %Ore6 in #journal || %Ore7 in #journal || %Ore8 in #journal
        set %status no_more_ore
        gosub MoveToNextSpot
        set %theTime #TIME
      ;if for_validating_your_presence in #journal     ;Commented out - not needed for Imagine Nation
      ;  set %status no_more_ore
      ;  gosub MoveToNextSpot
      if #TIME > ( %theTime + 14 )  ;This is a catch to prevent infinite looping
      {                             ;It keeps track of time. As soon as 14 seconds have passed, it moves on to a different spot after 10 second pause
         set %status no_more_ore
         wait 10s
         gosub MoveToNextSpot

sub MoveToNextSpot                                                   ;sub MoveToNextSpot
  set #LPC 1
  if ( %DegugMode )
      event sysmessage ++ Trying to find a new location to mine...
  set %GotoX #charposX
  set %GotoY #charposY
  set %oldX #charposX
  set %oldY #charposY

  set %randomInc #random % 5
  ; negative or positive?
  set %nDirection #random % 2
  if %nDirection = 1
     set %randomInc %randomInc * -1
  set %GotoX %GotoX + %randomInc

  ; Random amount of tiles to a direction
  set %randomInc #random % 5
  ; negative or positive?
  set %nDirection #random % 2
  if %nDirection = 1
     set %randomInc %randomInc * -1
  set %GotoY %GotoY + %randomInc

  if ( %DegugMode )
      event sysmessage -- Initializing tile info...
  tile Init
  tile Get %GotoX %GotoY 2
  if ( %DegugMode )
      event sysmessage #tilename / #tiletype
  if ( #tilename = cave_floor )
      if ( %DegugMode )
          event sysmessage Found cave location...
      event pathFind %GotoX %GotoY
      wait 10
      if ( #charposX = %oldX && #charposY = %oldY )
         goto FindNextSpot
  if ( #charposX <> %oldX && #charposY <> %oldY )
      if ( #charposX = %GotoX && #charposY = %GotoY )
          set %status idle
      goto FindNextSpot
  set #LPC 10

sub GoSmelt                                                          ;sub GoSmelt
    set #LPC 1
    set %oldX #charposX
    set %oldY #charposY

    event pathFind %forgePosX %forgePosY
    wait 2s
    if ( #charposX = %oldX && #charposY = %oldY )
      goto SmeltOre
    finditem  DWJ C    ;Check stacks of 4+ and smelt
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      set #lObjectId #findId
      event macro 17 0
      goto CheckForMoreOre
    finditem  GWJ      ;Check stacks of 3 and smelt
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      set #lObjectId #findId
      event macro 17 0
      goto CheckForMoreOre
    finditem  EWJ      ;Check stacks of 2 and smelt
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      set #lObjectId #findId
      event macro 17 0
      goto CheckForMoreOre
    finditem  TVJ    ;Check for 1 ore and smelt
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      set #lObjectId #findId
      event macro 17 0
      goto CheckForMoreOre
    wait 1s
    if ( #weight > #maxweight - %bankweight )  ;BANK WEIGHT VALUE HERE
      gosub BankOre
    event pathFind %oldX %oldY
    wait 2s
    if ( #charposX = %forgePosX && #charposY = %forgePosY )
      goto FindNextSpot

sub BankOre                                                          ;sub BankOre
  if ( %DegugMode )
      event sysmessage ++ Going to bank ingots...
  event pathFind %pfPosX0 %pfPosY0 %pfPosZ0    ;Should coincide with pathfinding varibles/coordinates at the top
  wait 1s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> %pfPosX0 && #CHARPOSY <> %pfPosY0 )
      goto BankingStep0
  if Can't_get_there in #journal
      gosub MoveToNextSpot
  event pathFind %pfPosX1 %pfPosY1 %pfPosZ1
  wait 1s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> %pfPosX1 && #CHARPOSY <> %pfPosY1 )
      goto BankingStep1
  if Can't_get_there in #journal
      gosub MoveToNextSpot
  event pathFind %pfPosX2 %pfPosY2 %pfPosZ2
  wait 1s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> %pfPosX2 && #CHARPOSY <> %pfPosY2 )
      goto BankingStep2
  if Can't_get_there in #journal
      gosub MoveToNextSpot

  set #LOBJECTID %bankID
  event macro 17 0
  wait 10
  if ( #CONTID <> %bankcontainerID )
      goto Openbank
      event sysmessage Your bank CONTID (bankcontainerID) is incorrect.  ; -Atlas
  finditem %ingotTypes C
  if #FINDCNT > 0
      Exevent Drag #findid #findstack
        wait 10
        Exevent Dropc %ingotContainer
        wait 10
        goto BankMore
  wait 1s
  event sysmessage ++ Going back...
  event pathFind %pfPosX1 %pfPosY1 %pfPosZ1
  wait 1s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> %pfPosX1 && #CHARPOSY <> %pfPosY1 )
      goto GoingBackStep1
  event pathFind %pfPosX0 %pfPosY0 %pfPosZ0
  wait 1s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> %pfPosX0 && #CHARPOSY <> %pfPosY0 )
      goto GoingBackStep2
  event pathFind %forgePosX %forgePosY
  wait 1s
  if ( #CHARPOSX <> %forgePosX && #CHARPOSY <> %forgePosY )
      goto GoingBackStep3
  set #LPC 10

For those of you who want to take the time...this will make editing the script for mining elsewhere much easier. Simply edit the relevant variables and values and it should work :p
DOWNLOAD EasyUO: - if this link isn't proper, someone let me know and ill edit. I took it from old thread

If you're lazy and don't want to do that, PM me and I'll do it for you...for the right price Wink
Also PM me if there are any bugs or the script isn't running properly.

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Posted by: Silverwolf.
02-20-2012, 06:39 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (68)

I think that this is lame. There's MANY other ways to resolve the issue without disabling it all together. I think that thats pretty childish, hate the word but "care bear", mommy daddy, server.

If you dont like swearing, there should be a filter to #$@@ it out for each individual who doesn't want to see it. If a specific individual is spamming swear words in a retarded way, he should just be warned, and delt with individually. I dont know about you but its not like theres flame fests and out of the normal incidences for this to have happend.

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Posted by: Be|gar
02-20-2012, 06:17 AM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (1)

ok so i need a skilled carp/tinker to make me all kinds of furniture. take a look at this list and shoot me a price.

6x magincia thrones
6x wood bench
8x small table
6x yew wood table
6x large table
2x corner display case
2x full bookcase
4x wooden shelf
15x wooden chest
2x spinning wheel S.
1x loom S.
1x bulletin board S.
1x dog house
2x pentagram

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Posted by: Hal
02-20-2012, 04:06 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (25)

hey guys

i'm not sure if the server has anything like this implemented but the GM's should definitely look into it. I currently play a on server with this implemented and its really fun. But since i like sphere game play more I am moving to IN. By the way I was an old time IN player from back in the day.

Anyways. The King, Queen and citizen system goes like this. Every city on the map has an election stone with an election once a month. The winner of the election becomes King or Queen (depending on gender of course). Only citizens from that city may vote in that cities election. On this server all new players start off as citizens of Britain then after a couple days they can revoke their citizenship by typing I revoke my citizenship and then they are able to become a citizen of another city. For players items from NPC's from the city they are a citizen of are much cheaper. For example if you are a citizen of Yew regs are only 2gp each but for that same character in Vesper regs are 5 gp each.

Kings also have some control over their cities. For instance the King can set a town bonus so that all citizens of that city get that bonus. For example the King of Minoc can set a town bonus for mining. Thus, any citizen from minoc gains skill in mining faster. King of Yew could set lumberjack bonus etc.

Kings also have the ability to exile players. For instance you can say I exile Bob and from that point on whenever Bob enters the city he is exiled in he becomes grey.

Then there are the RP benefits of Kings and citizens which are too many to mention.

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Posted by: Hal
02-20-2012, 03:50 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

hey guys

how does poisoning work here? I'm deciding whether or not i want to have it as one of my starting skills.

do weapons have poison charges? like for example if you poison a katana will it have a number attached to it with how many poison charges.

i'm wondering if poison is something i want to have as a starting skill for a pvp build or if i would be better off just having an alt start with the higher poison.

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Posted by: Elcid
02-19-2012, 11:40 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (18)

How do i go back to the old spell icons?
I dont like these new ones.

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Posted by: JoKer
02-19-2012, 09:33 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- No Replies

Sup everyone,if anyone wants uncooked fish steaks PM me i have a tons. Im Also selling message in a bottle ( MIBS ) 10k.kind of cheap since you get 4k cash in every chest + random amor-weap magic + regs.

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