poisoning -
Hal - 02-20-2012
hey guys
how does poisoning work here? I'm deciding whether or not i want to have it as one of my starting skills.
do weapons have poison charges? like for example if you poison a katana will it have a number attached to it with how many poison charges.
i'm wondering if poison is something i want to have as a starting skill for a pvp build or if i would be better off just having an alt start with the higher poison.
poisoning -
sm0ke - 02-20-2012
If your going to PvP I suggest Inscribe/Alch/Magery/Resist
poisoning will go up with alchemy but yes i've heard it's used in this pvp
poisoning -
Hal - 02-20-2012
sm0ke Wrote:If your going to PvP I suggest Inscribe/Alch/Magery/Resist
poisoning will go up with alchemy but yes i've heard it's used in this pvp
ok but this didn't answer my question
but it brings me to another question. Are the inscription benefits to magery damage? if not i would not have inscript as one of my starting skills
poisoning -
Eru - 02-20-2012
Poisons do have charges when applied. I think the stronger the poison, the fewer the charges. I'd say that it's not worth picking as a starting skill since it's very easy to gain skill in when you do alchemy.
Inscription won't affect spell damage and I'm pretty sure that poisoning skill doesn't affect mages' poison spell, though I may be wrong.
My personal recommendations for starting skill are:
Magery (to get started strong)
Smithy (since it used crap-tons of resources to raise)
Carpentry (to get closer to the sweet-spot of being able to make scrolls)
Any other crafting skill. I picked fletching.
The reason is that it's really really easy to come up with macros to raise most skills, only you still need resources to raise the craft skills. So, it makes more sense to me to raise the craft skill as much as possible with the starting boost.
poisoning -
Hal - 02-20-2012
i don't plan on crafting at all.
So ive started with magery, archery, healing and resist.
poisoning -
Habibi Jones - 02-20-2012
Eru Wrote:Poisons do have charges when applied. I think the stronger the poison, the fewer the charges.[[Yep from my experience this is how it works, and it's very noticeable]] I'd say that it's not worth picking as a starting skill since it's very easy to gain skill in when you do alchemy. [[Yep]]
Inscription won't affect spell damage and I'm pretty sure that poisoning skill doesn't affect mages' poison spell, though I may be wrong. [[Poisoning skill does indeed affect your poison spell strength]]
poisoning -
Skuntig - 02-21-2012
I went with Magery, Archery, Healing, and Inscript. I wanted to be able to do whatever right away and still get a bonus on a craft. You should start with magery as one regardless of what the others are for any character in my opinion.
Resist is very easy to train with fire fields.
poisoning -
Sierdes - 02-21-2012
Quote:So ive started with magery, archery, healing and resist.
That's what i started with, and it went really cool ^^