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Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: thehubmurrayhill
10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Elemental
01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Elemental
12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Ermac
06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Ermac
05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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Anyone buying feathers?
Just wanted to say how badly it sucks that I can't play! but wow!! 200 players?!! First time I've ever seen numbers soo high since the early 2000's on the original IN. (Billy the Kid, Sven, redruM and Ralire Darkmoon days - As I remember them).
Surely donations are high enough to get an awesome server in America!!! take it to a new level!! ))))))) (Sorry, I just couldn't help myself). Being extremely stoned and having an account ready and trained on a 200 player server that you love,... and unable to play!!! = Frustrating as hell!!!!!!!!
Lots of love,
Khal Drogo and the Forsaken crew.
Is there any way we can add a rare dye tub buy back? for maybe like 1/3 of the price for example 75-100k. I remember on IN-X I had so many doubles and nobody wanted to buy them :/ I also think this would boost the value on all rare tubs.
Just thought I'd throw it out there
Hello, I have an idea for your consideration eru or taran. PVM Arena. Theres multiple ways you could set it up. You could go for singles. Which would be multiple arenas each with 1 player in it running on a timer that is the same for all the players. In this style you could either do it by who kills the mobs the fastest or have a progression style. The progression style would be the player killing waves of monsters and whoever gets the farthest without dying wins. By doing it whoever kills the fastest you could have a set amount of waves with a timer in between each wave and whoever gets through all the waves first wins. Or you could do it as a group survivor style. In this style you could do waves of monsters and if you die you're out. Whoever is the last standing wins. Obviously pvp should be made to be impossible otherwise it wouldn't be fair and would defeat the purpose of this arena type. There are a ton of possible ways for this to go and I think it would be a fun idea! I would make this a more coherent paragraph but I'm tired and its late.
We died.
Request: Taran and/or Eru check out the revamped Ghost HQ that Makaveli and I have created sometime It's quite Ghastly... We have the money to cover the additions.
-A bunch of dead people
Edit: Our text is ghost text unless the reader is using or is GM spiritspeak?
well i believe i have a pretty good idea for balancing weapons in multiple aspects. there are so many different spots that we've been talking about this that i think it's time for me to make a poll. i'd like to get a consensus of how other players and staff feel about this idea.
problems regarding weapon performace in general:
-the average damage of weapons is not in question here. what is in question is the RANGE of damage. weapons can hit for 1 hp, or they can crit HARD. this goes for any weapon. you can crit for 40 with a kryss. you can crit for ~85 with a a hally and ~80 with a bardiche. you can crit 60's easily with a hammer pick. yet, you can also hit for 1 hp. increase of minimum weapon damage and decrease of maximum won't change the average damage of any weapon, but it will make weapons quite a bit more reliable and it will seriously make them a lot more useful in all situations. the humongous crits are entertaining, but it shouldn't be this way IMHO. the chance to get a null hit should be your chance to miss, every hit should at least do some measurable damage, and there should be a chance to get a reasonable crit. this actually brings me to another problem which i will get to later.[+]
-in autosupply tournaments, i think supplying +25 tactics vanqs does more harm than good. the duels would be much better with normal vanq weapons and a slight tweak to weapon damage range. a bit off topic but a better solution to the referee would be to have armor removed after x time (pretty common i've seen, i think gang supports this idea and i do also) or even set a durability on the armor in autosupply so that it breaks.
problems regarding weapon value and availability
-the server is flooded with loot table weapons. people have tens of thousands of them (i bet) yet there is almost no circulation. LOOT TABLE WEAPONS SHOULD BE RARE/VALUED/EXPENSIVE. having tactics bonus, which increases hit rating here, is a HUGE advantage in a fight. although it doesn't matter because everyone always carries +10 +15 +20 power, which makes the ones without a tactics bonus incomparable and out of the question in a 'serious' duel or even while ganking... this is because the drop rate is much too high, although, with the only craftable weapons being either really high cost or underpowered (sometimes both), it's necessary to have a means of supplying weapons to the community and therefore the high drop rate of magic weapons is indeed needed; right now. this brings me to the whole point of this post:
in my opinion, there needs to be a way to easily craft usable weapons that aren't resource heavy. what also needs to happen in my opinion is a complete wipe of all magic loot table weapons, as well as a significant reduction in their drop rate. the reason i say this is because the + tactics you get from them is taken for granted way too much because of how easy they are to get.
[+] neglecting non + tactics weapons can actually hide and mute certain aspects of the core PvP and cause us PROBLEMS while trying to create a beautiful balance [+].
having + tactics should be a privilege not a right, so to speak.
so, say tomorrow all loot table weapons are wiped, and the drop rate drastically reduced. this makes weapons super unbelievably valued/expensive/rare right? this pisses some players off, right? this breaks balance, right?
ok now think about this same scenario, only the following system had been added a week or two before the wipe/drope rate change:
-shadow iron weapons are craftable from ingots (same ingot cost as iron weapons*), they are ruin with no accuracy
-gold weapons are craftable*, they are might with no accuracy
-blood rock weapons are craftable*, they are force with no accuracy
-mytheril weapons are craftable*, they are power with no accuracy
-black rock weapons are craftable*, they are vanquishing with no accuracy
i hope these ideas seem as logical to others as they do to me. these changes would be a big boom for the economy, shard structure, as well as create much more enjoyable PvP; in my opinion of course. please vote but more importantly respond with your opinion of this idea, and other ideas that you have to reach the same goal.
You thought I was kidding didn't you? :lol:
for all of you sickos:
I noticed the gump art was updated today, no nekkid paperdolls and the old spell icons were back so I took it on myself to provide you with the latest patch supporting the naked paperdoll as of 3/1/12, unsupported by the official team I'm sure .
All you have to do is back up your old gumpart.mul and gumpidx.mul found in your in-uo installation and drag and drop the new ones.
When a new GUMP patch comes along it will probably override it, don't worry! Post here and I'll update it to the most recent patch.
Side note:
I've also included the old spell icons, I won't be doing them by myself as thats 64 icons to go through :eek:, so if you do happen to replace them yourself be sure to post here.
Virus scan:
The suggestions forum has been a mess lately. The purpose of this forum is to suggest changes, explain why they should be implemented, and allow others to input their opinions on whether the idea is a good one or a bad one.
The goal of this is to find out what the problem is, then fix it if it exists. If you need help on how to debate, try google or this page: http://www.ehow.com/how_2092700_debate.html
The goal is NOT to have the people who are able to post the most and loudest on the forums dominate the conversation and make a thread an impossible 12 pages of arguing with nothing of value. Lots of perfectly decent ideas succumb to TL;DR because of this.
I've written up a list of things to include and not include in a suggestion based on common sense and logic.
Include the following:
- What should be changed, added or removed?
- Why should this be done?
- Examples of what you mean to clarify if necessary.
- Proof, numbers or at the very least a sound argument for your position.
- Do you agree with the original poster.
- Why is the original suggestion Good/Bad?
- Proof, numbers, or at least a very sound argument for your position.
What NOT to include.
- Short posts that are either "Agree or Disagree". A simple vote in a poll will fix this.
- Flames against the original idea. If you have to resort to name calling or trolling to argue a point, your argument is probably garbage anyway.
- Hearsay, personal information, accusations or questioning others' skills.
- A repetition of an argument that has already been made. Assume that everyone has read the argument, then provide more if necessary. Or even better, edit your original post to clarify.
The bottom line is this. If you can imagine yourself reading the thing that you wrote like this, it's fine to post:
If you would look more like this while reading your post, then just hit the back button and skip responding.
You're just mad because you suck at PVP. Learn to play noob pvp is fine. (why is PVP fine now and why would their idea be bad?)
That idea's dumb, mana regen is fine just drink a potion. (What would be the negative effect of buffing Meditation?)
This is not {insert some shard here}. (Why does that even matter? Why is their way worse than ours?)
F*** You noob. Come say that in game and i'll kill you and take all your cupcakes. (Completely unrelated and will be deleted. Don't be a farm animal.)
Quote:Anger is never without an argument, but seldom with a good one.
-Indira Gandhi
Quote:Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it.
-Edward de Bono
Quote:Convincing yourself doesn't win an argument.
-Robert Half
Quote:Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance.
-Robert Quillen
Quote:He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak.
-Michel de Montaigne