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Posted by: Brandon
03-07-2012, 08:51 AM
Forum: Off-Topic
- Replies (23)

I'll start.

[Image: AWSaG.jpg]

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Posted by: ambien
03-07-2012, 05:49 AM
Forum: Off-Topic
- No Replies

This video is really funny and I think gamers will enjoy

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Posted by: Adam
03-07-2012, 02:40 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (5)


I just noticed that after killing several murderers my character turned karma grey (meaning I have a lot of negative karma).

I don't think that you should get bad karma for killing murderers. Sure some may argue that you are "doing a bad thing" when you kill the murderer, and there by you should get negative karma, BUT think about this, when you kill a player with NEGATIVE karma you get positive karma (last time I checked), and you are STILL doing a bad thing by killing him. You also get positive karma when you kill a monster, BUT you are still killing somebody, so if we go by the theory "killing somebody = bad karma" then everything should be bad karma and nobody would have any positive karma.

I think that it should be like this:

* Killing a blue player = always negative karma.

* Killing a karma grey person = no affect on the karma.

* Killing a criminal = always positive karma.

* Killing a murderer = always positive karma.

* Killing a moster = always positive karma.

How much karma you gain should be depending on what the person u're killing have in karma etc, but at least that would make more sense than what we have now in my opinion.

- Adam

(oh and keep in mind that I am not 100% sure that all these things I wrote above is how it is right now, all I know is that I turned karma grey from killing only murderers, and that it hasn't been this way on other shard I've played on, so I think something should change)

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Posted by: Raiden
03-06-2012, 11:29 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (15)


i hope its ok to post an spoiler about the Skull of Iniquity.

On any graveyard can you find a monster that has a special color in the name.
After you've killed the monster you have to loot only the skull of Iniquity.

[Image: 7fwupsjh.jpg]

If you found the Skull u have to bring it to Beaumont.

[Image: h44a5rpy.jpg]

[Image: yaxdcakq.jpg]

[Image: v4i63j8h.jpg]

Once you've found Beaumont you just have to say "Hail" and "Yes" to Him. Then you follow the instructions in the questlog and get your gift.

[Image: jgt3mzxo.jpg]

Bye Raiden

PS: I´m sorry for my bad english Smile

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Posted by: Doc
03-06-2012, 09:42 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (2)

Brit buymore shop
2nd floor around ignots place
more igntos for 10gp
ice for 12gp
ametist and bloodrock for 15gp
check it and buy faster

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Posted by: kyleus3
03-06-2012, 07:24 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (1)

I have not seen any stone tables around. Are they in this one? Does anyone have any for sale?
I am looking for stone tables and large wooden tables (reguar will do)

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Posted by: Serevok
03-06-2012, 03:45 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (2)

Rules of owning and using a buying machine:

Any player can own a buying machine. When you own machine, you loose (x)gp from your bank account each hour. It is neccesary to have them, othwerise your machine will be removed.

For setting type of buying resource you should click on a machine and target money in your backpack. Maximum amount of gold loading into a machine is 30.000. If there is a money lesser then 30.000 gp in a stock then the whole amount will be load into a machine, if it is more, then 30.000 will be load.Money loading into a machine can be ONLY after it complete unload.

After money loading into a machine there will be an image of buying resource and the menu where you can choose a resource you want to buy, by choosing one you go then to a menu of a buying price. Price is setting by + and - buttons to raise or down it.

In case that there is a buying resources or a gold in a machine, after using it there will be a menu of unloading bought resource. To get it you must click on a bag nearby showing amount of bought resources. Also, there is showing an amount of goods wich will be unload.Also, there is a delete button, by this button you can unload resources and reset type of buying resource. You can change type of buying resource ONLY if your machine is completely unload. When there is no money left in a machine, it becomes red color and if will be deleted after 2 days if you don't get all resources which it has.


To sell resource to machine you must use it and then target at resource in your backpack. After that you will get money, the amount depends on resource cost setting by owner of a machine and how much items you've sold.

Color indication:
Yellow color - machine doesn't has an owner and can be used by any player according to rules.
White color - machine has been loading by money and buying resource.
Blue color - machine is operating by it's owner at the moment.
Red color - There is no more money in a macnine, it should be loaded with more gold or unload.
Black color - machine don't has any resources and will be free after 5 minutes.
Clicking on a machine showing it's owner and how much 1 item cost.
Clicking on a resource showing how much of this item can be sold to a machine at this moment.

Source : The Abyss.

I think it would be interesting to implement this idea to facilitate trade between players entering the market and some items that are not seen as being marketed (flex cotton, leather, ingots, Deadwoods, scrools, blanck scroll ...)

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Posted by: Elia
03-06-2012, 03:42 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)

[SIZE="5"]What should be changed?[/SIZE]

What about splitting Journal and Chat?
Chat shows everything concerning talking.
Journal shows everything concerning not talking.

[SIZE="5"]Why should this be done?[/SIZE]
In order to make the in-game conversations more comfortable.
This would free us from scrolling the journal up and down in order to read something necessary. And a lot of popping-out system information [e.g. while macroing] won't disturb this pleasurable search.

[SIZE="5"]Examples to clarify[/SIZE]
If we open Journal, we can see everything we usually see there except general chat, #IN channel, guild channel and simple talking.

If we open Chat , we can see everything excluded from Journal.

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Posted by: Lederoil
03-06-2012, 02:46 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (10)

My problem is that I'm using a TV-screen as monitor and everything looks very small to me, especially the text. I'm wondering if it's possible to expand the gamescreen size but still keeping the same game resolution? (Bascially zooming the whole window so everything gets bigger)

Thanks in advance.

- Lederoil

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Posted by: MK18
03-06-2012, 01:27 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (7)

Hi guys, I'm plenty of precious ingots in my bank and I Really want to sell all of them BUT I don't know the price of each metal ingot.
Any merchants guild have a price list? Or someone can help me? I know just about iron, 10 gp each?

Thanks bye

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