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Posted by: imported_Pelletier (whipperwirll)
02-01-2007, 07:13 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

i was in brit grayyard and fighting skeleton i shit i was missing it and took awhile to even kill it with all my gm skills that just didnt seem good i should of been able to 1 hit kill a skeleton with my vanq but took forever have u check out this or is that how is going to be?

if i was a newbie i skeleton would be fucken hard to kill lol

seems all creatures are like that never hitting them always missing and when hit take shit for damage off

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Posted by: imported_chaO!!
02-01-2007, 03:00 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (31)

Well i must admit i was against the mergue and all that (at least till maka told me the reasons). But well i tried the beta and if pvp will keep on going that way i will be the happier guy over the shard. Its just like Old XUO mana regain its slow!!! Thats what makes runXUO PVP horrible now healers cant suck so hard (all of u know what kind of ppl i mean...) and PVP come back to skill. Now u cant crazy heal u cant crazy dump now its all about intelligence, skill and our friend the luck of course. I read some ppl on duel area saying PVP its fucked up... well guys if thats keep on going that way (what i really expect to...) i must say u welcome to REAL XUO PVP Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Sorry for my grammar but well im spanish what u expect ? :E

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Posted by: maka
02-01-2007, 12:57 PM
Forum: Announcements
- Replies (5)

We will get to working with the bugs you guys have posted and hopefully delive a little beter server for saturday. Feel free to think about the bugs that you havn't posted and post them in the bug forum tooTongue

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Posted by: imported_Unreal
02-01-2007, 09:19 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

Like maybe a Capture the flag or something with a set time so i can make sure to be home thanks peace

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Posted by: Griffen43
02-01-2007, 06:10 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (86)

Hi, I was on the Beta sever testing out some functions for me and 4 friends to play. I happen to notice the pvp is very fun and balanced but i also noticed most duelers who are confident in they're skills super spam words of power non-stop. I might get flammed for this but i think it reduces the pvping here into a game of chance instead of a game of skill, becuase of not knowing what spell is coming and reacting to they're action. I know many of you guys will make fun of me for it and call me newb but many of the Imaginiation players and I talked and agreed that super spamming pvp is very lame. I think words of power are great but not when they are super spammed. I belive once every so often a word of power being used to trick the emeny is good but not when someone superspams to the point of me lagging and disconnecting. I want to know what the staff thinks about this and maybe reducing the super spam because Im confident that if the greatly talked about XUO pvp is merly just spamming, many players like me will quit.

* i really like the balanced pvp but the super spammin makes it a game of chance and not skill.

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Posted by: imported_Dynamite
02-01-2007, 05:53 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

After i create my character and try to go in the world it shows and error saying client.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. Anyone knows whats going on? I installed everything as it says on the website.

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Posted by: imported_LiquiD
01-31-2007, 04:21 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (32)

Hi admins,

I thought this problem might be carried on to the new shard, however. I seem to lag.. and when i say lag, i mean theres no way you can pvp. On IN:R i was hitting 190 ping. Which for me, was great. I could pvp happily and be able to go hunting without being killed.

Currently on IN:X i am getting the same amount of lag as i was getting on XUO. I have taken a screenshot of the lag i am getting. The lag is rediculous and theres no possible way i could hunt or PvP at all. I know i am from Australia, but i have never gotten this type of lag on any other shard i have played on except XUO and now IN:X. I have the fastest internet connection Australia has to offer, so please don't come up with a suggestion like upgrading.

Hopefully theres something you can do, as theres a large amount of the playerbase that are from Australia, and ive talken to another 3 australian players that are pvp orientated and we find no point playing with lag that will end up being frustrating and pointless in that matter.

anyways heres the screenshot:

and please, tell me if you were getting ping like that, all day (because i have tried on different times of the day since the beta opened) if you would waste your time playing, if you were dedicated to pvp. I personally don't play on shards to socialise and hunt. I am pvp orientated. So think of it on my point of view.



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Posted by: maka
01-31-2007, 09:53 AM
Forum: Announcements
- Replies (5)

I'll try to be more active and post change logs in the future. I'll also spend a little more time describing what i changeTongue

Revision: 123
Author: maka
Date: 03:25:37, den 31 januari 2007
Resource stone now gives proper amoutn of pots. Speech doesnt have a line of sight check. Vendors take money from both the bank and backpack. Fixed ameditation bug. You can no longer "bug" recall/mark/gate to zones where you are not supposed to.
Modified : /Custom/Adds/Items/ResStone.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/Vendors/BaseVendor.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Skills/Meditation.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Spells/Fourth/Recall.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Spells/Seventh/GateTravel.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Spells/Sixth/Mark.cs

Revision: 122
Author: maka
Date: 01:00:33, den 31 januari 2007
Added spellbooks to event supplier. Fixed some naming issues. Fixed static wall issues. Containers have a different drop sound. Changed max weight. Changed guild abb to 25 chars. Fixed stam los on damage. Fixed general stam los.
Deleted : /Custom/Adds/Items/PitsRune.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Items/ResStone.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/SupplySystem.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/Sphere.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/StaticWalls.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Containers/Container.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Spells/Base/SpellHelper.cs
Modified : /Gumps/Guilds/GuildAbbrvPrompt.cs
Modified : /Gumps/Guilds/GuildmasterGump.cs
Modified : /Misc/WeightOverloading.cs

Revision: 121
Author: maka
Date: 21:08:44, den 30 januari 2007
Added the duel system and mage some changes for it to work, note the folder its inTongue Added safty message on invul regions. Fixed specific props for mag of reagents and event items. Made misc consumable event items = they dont consume on use. Added pitsrunes.

Added : /Custom/Adds/Items/BagOfScrolls.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/Duel System
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/Duel System/DuelstoneConfig.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/Duel System/Duelstones.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/Duel System/mySQLConfig.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/PitsRune.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/Others/Custom Regions in a Box V4.0/CustomRegion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/SupplySystem.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Resources/Reagents/BagOfReagents.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Scrolls/SpellScroll.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Misc/Bandage.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Misc/CharacterCreation.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Misc/ServerList.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs

Revision: 120
Author: fallzone
Date: 19:09:53, den 30 januari 2007
Fishing has been changed abit, the animation is still too fast, fish doesnt drop on ground and double clicking the pole doesnt work
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Engines/Harvest/Fishing.cs

Revision: 119
Author: fallzone
Date: 19:09:42, den 30 januari 2007
Fishing has been changed abit, the animation is still too fast, fish doesnt drop on ground and double clicking the pole doesnt work
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Fishing/FishingPole.cs

Revision: 118
Author: maka
Date: 18:55:00, den 30 januari 2007
Message: Added the event supplier system. Changed so that you can use capital letters on renamed weapons by [set isrenamed true. Fixed bow ridign anim. Removed dex penaltiy from plates. Remade a lot of consumable items to "event items" = they dont consume on use.

Modified : /Custom/Adds/Items/Mana Potions/BaseManaPotion.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Items/PitsRune.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier
Added : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/EquipmentStorage.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/EventSupplier.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/SupplySystem.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/Sphere.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Clothing/BaseClothing.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/BaseArmor.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/FemalePlateChest.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateArms.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateChest.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateGloves.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateGorget.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateLegs.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Bodyparts/LeftArm.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Resources/Reagents/BagOfReagents.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Resources/Reagents/BaseReagent.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Agility Potions/BaseAgilityPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/BasePotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Cure Potions/BaseCurePotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Heal Potions/BaseHealPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/NightSight.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Poison Potions/BasePoisonPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Refresh Potions/BaseRefreshPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Strength Potions/BaseStrengthPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Misc/Bandage.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Weapons/BaseWeapon.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Weapons/Ranged/BaseRanged.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Regions/GuardedRegion.cs
Modified : /Items/Skill Items/Magical/Misc/PotionKeg.cs

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Posted by: imported_Dr.K'
01-31-2007, 04:27 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

This test server is full GM skills...>.<
i just want to train my own GM skills not by given...Sad
When will the Real server public?
i will login on-time...

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Posted by: radish
01-31-2007, 02:52 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

i just wanted to test it out but it seems like i cant get past the account name and password part of logging in. Says there is some problem communicating with origin. Do i need to download a client or something?

**can i use Ultima Online Renaissance or do i have to use a new version like AOS or samuri empire.

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