Changelog: 18:55:00/30 januari - 03:25:37/31 januari - maka - 01-31-2007
I'll try to be more active and post change logs in the future. I'll also spend a little more time describing what i change
Revision: 123
Author: maka
Date: 03:25:37, den 31 januari 2007
Resource stone now gives proper amoutn of pots. Speech doesnt have a line of sight check. Vendors take money from both the bank and backpack. Fixed ameditation bug. You can no longer "bug" recall/mark/gate to zones where you are not supposed to.
Modified : /Custom/Adds/Items/ResStone.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/Vendors/BaseVendor.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Skills/Meditation.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Spells/Fourth/Recall.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Spells/Seventh/GateTravel.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Spells/Sixth/Mark.cs
Revision: 122
Author: maka
Date: 01:00:33, den 31 januari 2007
Added spellbooks to event supplier. Fixed some naming issues. Fixed static wall issues. Containers have a different drop sound. Changed max weight. Changed guild abb to 25 chars. Fixed stam los on damage. Fixed general stam los.
Deleted : /Custom/Adds/Items/PitsRune.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Items/ResStone.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/SupplySystem.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/Sphere.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/StaticWalls.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Containers/Container.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Spells/Base/SpellHelper.cs
Modified : /Gumps/Guilds/GuildAbbrvPrompt.cs
Modified : /Gumps/Guilds/GuildmasterGump.cs
Modified : /Misc/WeightOverloading.cs
Revision: 121
Author: maka
Date: 21:08:44, den 30 januari 2007
Added the duel system and mage some changes for it to work, note the folder its in
Added safty message on invul regions. Fixed specific props for mag of reagents and event items. Made misc consumable event items = they dont consume on use. Added pitsrunes.
Added : /Custom/Adds/Items/BagOfScrolls.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/Duel System
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/Duel System/DuelstoneConfig.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/Duel System/Duelstones.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/Duel System/mySQLConfig.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Needs rescirpting/PitsRune.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/Others/Custom Regions in a Box V4.0/CustomRegion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/SupplySystem.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Resources/Reagents/BagOfReagents.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Scrolls/SpellScroll.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Misc/Bandage.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Misc/CharacterCreation.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Misc/ServerList.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs
Revision: 120
Author: fallzone
Date: 19:09:53, den 30 januari 2007
Fishing has been changed abit, the animation is still too fast, fish doesnt drop on ground and double clicking the pole doesnt work
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Engines/Harvest/Fishing.cs
Revision: 119
Author: fallzone
Date: 19:09:42, den 30 januari 2007
Fishing has been changed abit, the animation is still too fast, fish doesnt drop on ground and double clicking the pole doesnt work
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Fishing/FishingPole.cs
Revision: 118
Author: maka
Date: 18:55:00, den 30 januari 2007
Message: Added the event supplier system. Changed so that you can use capital letters on renamed weapons by [set isrenamed true. Fixed bow ridign anim. Removed dex penaltiy from plates. Remade a lot of consumable items to "event items" = they dont consume on use.
Modified : /Custom/Adds/Items/Mana Potions/BaseManaPotion.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/Items/PitsRune.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier
Added : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/EquipmentStorage.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/EventSupplier.cs
Added : /Custom/Adds/System/Event Supplier/SupplySystem.cs
Modified : /Custom/Adds/System/Sphere.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Clothing/BaseClothing.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/BaseArmor.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/FemalePlateChest.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateArms.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateChest.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateGloves.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateGorget.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Armor/Plate/PlateLegs.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Bodyparts/LeftArm.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Resources/Reagents/BagOfReagents.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Resources/Reagents/BaseReagent.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Agility Potions/BaseAgilityPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/BasePotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Cure Potions/BaseCurePotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Heal Potions/BaseHealPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/NightSight.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Poison Potions/BasePoisonPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Refresh Potions/BaseRefreshPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Magical/Potions/Strength Potions/BaseStrengthPotion.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Skill Items/Misc/Bandage.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Weapons/BaseWeapon.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Items/Weapons/Ranged/BaseRanged.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs
Modified : /Custom/Edits/Regions/GuardedRegion.cs
Modified : /Items/Skill Items/Magical/Misc/PotionKeg.cs
Changelog: 18:55:00/30 januari - 03:25:37/31 januari -
imported_Odium - 01-31-2007
gw, im dying to get home from the work so i can test this shit out.. keep it up
Changelog: 18:55:00/30 januari - 03:25:37/31 januari -
imported_Hydro - 02-01-2007
i think that yall need to fix the fact that you have to be so close to something to use it or open a door or anything i think the line of sight was more than 1 on tus
Changelog: 18:55:00/30 januari - 03:25:37/31 januari - maka - 02-01-2007
It's 3 tiles on most things. The doors can be different though, havn't looked into this.
Btw, this belongs in the bug section
Changelog: 18:55:00/30 januari - 03:25:37/31 januari -
imported_Fable - 02-02-2007
damn, thats alot of work, hard work too, atleast for me :p
Changelog: 18:55:00/30 januari - 03:25:37/31 januari -
imported_Fallzone - 02-02-2007
Fable Wrote:damn, thats alot of work, hard work too, atleast for me :p
Lol you should see all changes, id say maka has rewritten huge parts of whole runuo.