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Posted by: imported_Magus
09-20-2007, 05:10 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

I was looking over the servers on the top200, and I found my self looking at Neverlands, And the GM's have designed a few new houses for the players to buy aswell as the older sphere ones.

You can find the houses here:

Anyways, I just thought it was really cool, and I would just love to see this on IN:X seeing I, and I suppose the rest of you are pretty damn tierd of the regular sphere houses by now.. And before you start flaming me for the SPHERE REPLICA!!!!!! thingy.. Could you just listen to me.

IF these houses were made by staff, or someone with a good design sense, they would just give players new houses, new things to buy and save money for wich I believe helps the economy ;P shit I don't care! make em expensive as hell, I just want new god damn houses!

They could also be good for Roleplaying and Class reasons.. I mean you could design an Order/Chaos house/castle/keep/whatever, for those who can't aford a static in brit/SH could still get something abit less expensive to buy for their chaos/order guild. These are just small ideas I'm comming up with right now...

And Yes I know! Sphere ****ing replica but I mean... We have already played SPHERE!!!! FFS It's the gameplay we love!!!! the pvp, the hunting, etc etc. More houses is just thing to save up money for etc etc.

Come on.. Just think about it......

.......Let the flames begin... (allthought..Havn't been much of that going around latelly...weird...hmm..."submit new thread"...)

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Posted by: imported_Nemo
09-19-2007, 07:16 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (2)

I rememeber back in the odl XUO i found a file that changed the look of armor and weapons and made it look insane.

anyone know where the conversion from this.
[Image: armorewwiq4.png]

[Image: armorniceml2.png]


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Posted by: imported_Nemo
09-19-2007, 06:51 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (33)

i was looking through old screenshots of in and Xuo

PLEASE tell me we wont be having gay colored stuff, ex. purple forges random pink triangles fomr the ground, ice colored tombstone looking things to get regs. purple walls in arenas.. . etc, if so, Please rethink about keepign thi color, i wont wanna play in a server that looks like it was colored by a 3rd grader.

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Posted by: imported_Mephisto
09-18-2007, 11:45 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (14)

Listen Carefully....

..this is very very serious.....

... I know IN is launching Soon.. . im overcome with happyness...

But when you pick a date... Please Remember...

Anytime BEFORE September 25th....

Or at least a Week After....

Because everyone and their mother will be buzy for that week. (At least)

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Posted by: imported_Nemo
09-18-2007, 08:45 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (17)

Quick question, are we going to be able to make weapons out of ores?

If not i think we should, just leaving the damage to be basic like an iron Bardiche, just with a cooler color.

so we dont have players running around with an adamantite bardiche that does 50000 dmg.

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Posted by: imported_Tiesto
09-17-2007, 11:14 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (46)

okay i bringed this up to know where will the gank happen in inx, on xuo people usually ganked in: occlo and britain bridge so this was were all the war happened. Where do you IN players ussually ganked ?

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Posted by: imported_Nemo
09-17-2007, 05:23 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)




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Posted by: imported_Druid_black
09-17-2007, 09:44 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

I hear some ppl sayings INX will be opened in 2 weeks!! true or not?

druidblaCK *****!

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Posted by: Mortis Drakul Noctem
09-16-2007, 08:48 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)

Greetings. I am a role-player seeking for a decent shard in where to play UO, this shard seemed awesome when I first heard of it, but once all was installed and ready to run, I initiated RAZOR, the UO window flew open, I inserted an Account Name and a Password but suddenly it did not connect. I pondered the possibilities and I ask you the one that seemed most probable.
Is the server offline?
If so, then could I now when it might be online again?
If not, then what else could be causing this?

I await a reply, thank you for your attention. Smile

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Posted by: imported_Nemo
09-16-2007, 05:40 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)

Why dosent someone make an installer for this game. that all you do is Download one file open it and it includes uo and the files required to play along with a lil desktop icon?

more convenient and easier for newcommers

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