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Posted by: imported_Ken
10-30-2007, 01:49 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

Please read your pm its urgent

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Posted by: imported_Kano
10-30-2007, 01:39 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (155)

After playing on this shard for >48 hours as well as reading this:

Puck Wrote:Im not the best person to setup an argument for this, but atleast try understand my point of view...

i understand, u made it possible for ppl to move their characters to increase the amount of players playinghere, but what about the ones who doesnt, caus of economic shit with 500gp at start ur force to do what...? macro 100 stats and go kill some shitty zombies with ur bardiche, summon a blade spirit and wait for it to kill some gargyle?

And no, i dont care about "tricks" or "ways to do it that way or bla bla bla", when u start a new char from zero, economics are very important, simply because this isnt ***** opiate anymore, where y could macro almost any skill possible without even wasting regeants, but who the **** realy cared? IT was all about pvp anyways.

Ya im sure there are plenty of tricks to do, but for ppl who got their chars moved, i bet had a realy "nice" start, and for the "new" once, we get shitty 500gp to invest in what?
I refuse to make a tailor char who stands at the tailor macroing for cash, caus this isnt why i got back to UO.
Atleast give us 10k-15k gold per account, that would be enough for a gang of players to buy a house, invest in raising skills such as magery and what not. Dont make this into some shitty WoW-wannabe game where u waste 90% of ur time on getting materials for X, then spend 10% of the time acctualy pvping, caus we all know, this is a pvp game.

If no this, we should had atleast started with 2x65% skills(TRY SUMMONING ENERGY VORTEX @ 50% MAGERY), maybe its to late now, maybe its not, but i know it can be fixed!

I'd have to agree with Puck.

Most (all) of you do not know me yet, but you will. This server looks great so far. Great playerbase, great staff (from what I've seen), good stability even though it's still beta, and an apparent willingness from the staff to appease its playerbase.

However, I think that transferring skills/money from previous characters has already semi-butchered the economy. Players starting with GM crafts have a huge advantage over those who had to make new characters. Yes they "earned it" in the past, but honestly, it was under different circumstances. This is a new shard, and I think that the vets should have been awarded a "Less than GM" amount, of the skills that they had on their previous shard, to make all players put in atleast some work before achieving ultimate-char-status.

Well anyway, it's too late for that. I can tell you that since my friends and I have joined, we have been macroing for 80%+ the time since the shard launched. As of right now my swordsmanship is 82.3, healing at 65.9, tactics 66.1 and parry is 63.8. IMO This is a good gain rate for combatish skills.
However, I tried macroing magery, but abandoned the idea swiftly. I know this is a small sample, but it's just an example: I went from 50.0 to 50.4 by casting ~90 night sights. Each night sight cost 10g worth of regs. 90casts(10g) = 900g for .4 points or 2250g for one point until you get to 60, where gains get exponentially tougher. Some quick calculations lead me to believe that it will take (~22.5k to get to 60.0 skill, ~33k to get to 70.0, another ~45k to get to 80 etc. etc.) a daunting amount of $ worth of regs to GM magery, as well as several FULL days of macroing. IMO this is a bit too much for one of the most pivitol skills in pvp. Since new players started with only 500g, and no crafting skills or anything, we are in even worse shape.

This would not be a disaster if everyone on the shard had started on a level playing field, but this is not the case. It is impossible for new characters to catch up with the vets, since we got the worst of all worlds. No money (not that big deal), no skills, skills being expensive to raise, slow rates of raising skills, and no way to really have a good income, since our skills are so low. This creates an Infinitely growing gap between the vets and the noobs.

Let me guess... Reply = Wow Kano, we just met you and you're already whining? Yes it is true. But I am not whining because I am lazy and do not want to work for a good char. I believe that EVERYONE should have to work for a good char (on THIS shard, not a previous one), but since this is not the case, we should be given an opportunity to get to that level semi-quickly. I truly believe it is for the good of the shard, both for vets and noobs.

If you do not believe me, think to the future. Will INX continue to grow or even maintain it's current high playerbase, if month old chars without enough magery to recall away or even cast Greater Heal without fizzling are getting slaughtered by vets with newbied spellbooks, Vanq weaps and rare armors which were all but handed to them? What happens then? The noobs have to spend a bunch of time putting together another spellbook (huge pain), so that they can cast their miniscule amount of spells that work infrequently at best? Now, during the time it takes them to mine ingots to afford money for a spellbook that the vets already have permanently, the vets are off killing more noobs without a chance to defend themselves. The gab continually grows. That was a long run-on sentence, but I think my point is valid: give the new players a chance to catch up to the vets.

So what is a solution? One solution would be to set all vets GM skills to <85 or so. My foresight leads me to believe that the result of this would be something like vets: "lol cya", so that is probably not the best solution.

Another solution would be to lower the cost of regs, and raise the gain rate on magery, so that new players would be able to not only GM magery within a couple days of hardcore macroing, but AFFORD to GM magery within a couple days of hardcore macroing. This seems like a reasonable solution. The staff has already done a wonderful job of changing the rate to what they see fit, but as a player I feel it's my job to report to the devs my take on how my characters skill development is going. Please post replies, because the staff will nothing unless they feel the need to.

Thx for reading,

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Posted by: Seele Esser
10-30-2007, 01:00 AM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- No Replies

Today was a most uncomfortable day.... I have recently come back to Britannia to find that the Gods walk in flesh. Not only that, but they help the mortals... What a disgusting sight this was..

In my conquest for powers though, I have come across a being that I thought I would not meet this early. A daemon, by the name of Tadion, if i recollect correctly. What a beautiful creature this was, with its red skin and aura of blood from a recent kill.

He told me his tales, as I told him mine. I was amazed to see how much had changed. Daemons walking amongst man, still hated, but lesser than before.

At ends day, I brought him to my lair, where we talked to the God of Gods Maka, and he told us about himself.

A day not wasted, I would say. My conquest for power will continue.

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Posted by: Frosted
10-30-2007, 12:26 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

Hello everyone. Just thought I would let you know , i played this game several years ago. Missed it , so I decided to return. Your Server seems like a good one , from what I have read. Look forward to meeting all of you.

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Posted by: imported_Puck
10-29-2007, 11:35 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (20)

Im not the best person to setup an argument for this, but atleast try understand my point of view...

i understand, u made it possible for ppl to move their characters to increase the amount of players playinghere, but what about the ones who doesnt, caus of economic shit with 500gp at start ur force to do what...? macro 100 stats and go kill some shitty zombies with ur bardiche, summon a blade spirit and wait for it to kill some gargyle?

And no, i dont care about "tricks" or "ways to do it that way or bla bla bla", when u start a new char from zero, economics are very important, simply because this isnt ***** opiate anymore, where y could macro almost any skill possible without even wasting regeants, but who the **** realy cared? IT was all about pvp anyways.

Ya im sure there are plenty of tricks to do, but for ppl who got their chars moved, i bet had a realy "nice" start, and for the "new" once, we get shitty 500gp to invest in what?
I refuse to make a tailor char who stands at the tailor macroing for cash, caus this isnt why i got back to UO.
Atleast give us 10k-15k gold per account, that would be enough for a gang of players to buy a house, invest in raising skills such as magery and what not. Dont make this into some shitty WoW-wannabe game where u waste 90% of ur time on getting materials for X, then spend 10% of the time acctualy pvping, caus we all know, this is a pvp game.

If no this, we should had atleast started with 2x65% skills(TRY SUMMONING ENERGY VORTEX @ 50% MAGERY), maybe its to late now, maybe its not, but i know it can be fixed!

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Posted by: imported_Smurtle
10-29-2007, 10:33 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

Is music a nice addition to here?

Hope so, I'm almost at GM.Big Grin

If anyone wants GaryB and me to rock out with our lutes out, we go for 5k a minute.Wink

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Posted by: imported_BRAKE
10-29-2007, 10:31 PM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (5)

Hola hoy me e levantado y me e metido al ultima use mi personaje llamado nazgul mire los skills k habia subido por la noche y me pareceian que habia subido poco entonces lo deje subiendo stealth mientras iva buscando una dungeon... cuando derepente me di cuenta que no llevaba runas asi que segui caminando y llege a una ciudad llamada cove alli compre una runa y de paso marque esa misma y me diriji al cementerio de cove dondo me puse a matar esqueletos liches momias y vampires sacando dinero y subiendo mi skill, luego volvi a cove y de cove a pits y lo deje subiendo en brit fianlmente ya me fui a comer.

Despues de Comer:

volvi a conectarme aver si era gm ya y aun no tenia 65 puntos de stealh asi que fui a dar una vuelta cn chusco por si habia alguien para matar y encontramos a sandokan y a kenji y les hicimos un muro de piedra encima y una bruja negra les mato y les loteamos me volvi a ocllo guarde las cosas y fui a brit y estaba sandocan y llamo a los guards me mataron y me fui a resucitar espere a ser azul y lo deje subiendo stealh hasta ahora que me he conectado.

bueno este a sido mi roleplay espero que me pinten el cuerpo por esta breve historia,


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Posted by: imported_Taran
10-29-2007, 09:06 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

I just wanted to say that I'm quite busy these days, and not just with UO stuff. When I work I work 11 hours a day including every other weekend.

On top of that this is what I have to do right now:

  • Answer 37 e-mails (I already answered 50 yesterday and 30 the day before that).
  • Make a changelog
  • Write an announcement for xs4all about UO and our server
  • Fix statics for INers
  • Help those players whose importcharacter command messed up
And that's only the major stuff, I have a lot of other stuff to do that concern UO as well, can't even remember everything.
So as you understand, I won't be able to answer everyone as quickly as I would have hoped. It might be a couple of days before I can answer, but I will do my best to answer faster.
But since I work 11 hours a day I don't really want to spend the remaining 2-3 hours working as well. So give me some slack if you see me do some stuff I enjoy instead of answering your e-mail at that specific time.

Oh and please don't e-mail/PM me more than once about the same issue. I will read all e-mails/PMs I get and reply back if necessary.

Thank you for your time Wink

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Posted by: NeCRo
10-29-2007, 05:32 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (11)

omg blade its too weak ,it cant even kill a normal orc... it should be more powerful...

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Posted by: NeCRo
10-29-2007, 05:30 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (80)

I think you should raise a bit the skill gain because you allowed accs from beta ,and import characters..... so its not fair for the new ppl have to deal with ppl gm alchemy,magery,or whatever since day one. rigth now its too hard i were 2 nigth macroing stealth and its only 65% when in all others servers that i played you could get gm in 1 nigth. if i need 4 days or more to became gm stealth, how much time i will need for gm alchemy or mining,blacksmisth,...?

just my point of view

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