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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
01-12-2008, 05:14 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (15)

I could've sworn that you could mine while polymorphed as a daemon in the past. Why is it that you can equip armors and weapons in poly form but not a pickaxe? Can we get this fixed?

*smirks* Thank you.


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Posted by: Eighty Swords
01-12-2008, 12:38 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

since i am so nice, i made a HUGE donation... want to know what it is? ok, ill tell you, even if some people are jerks sometimes... so yea...

i donated 3 r/r cloths, 1 r/r wep, 50k and a team tourney ticket to a random player on INX. enjoy random player Smile

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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
01-11-2008, 08:46 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (15)

Hello Everyone,

Today, I just wanna invite you all to see how the Scarecrow sees INX in his eyes. Since the start of the Beta, the fights/arguements we've had, all amounted to nothing in the end as we all can see. The shard's great.. with SEVERAL active players to chill with...

[Image: 100108.jpg]

[Screenshot Taken Earlier Today.]

There's an EXTREME amount of action, in occlo, serps and especially bridge when Prototypes around. The ganking experience is usually great and there's tons of people to kill and joke around with, very fun if you ask me.

Take a look for yourselves Smile...

[Image: gankkk.jpg]

[Image: y54y5644.jpg]

[Image: santiage.jpg]

[Screenshot Taken Earlier Today.]

Also, this shard is not only about killing and pwning kids, it's about interaction and having fun when there's nothing else to do, we needa work together.. Here's the perfect example of showing how much a "team" all of our INX players are. We together are an economy. We need eachother...

[Image: wow.jpg]

[Screenshot Taken Earlier Today.]

This shard has several great things to offer, great hunting which i could not include in this at this specific moment and im sorry about that, because the Gravedigger was not in Yew Crypts and the Guardien of Destard was dead already :evil:, but i can assure everyone that plays and wants to play or did play and is waiting for more players to play... i ask you all to look at this carefully and see what fun is going on on the INX shard while your not here... The shards growing everyday, theres no multiclient so those 120 people online ARE active.. they are ALL there. If there are any complaints about there not being enough players on the shard i can tell you straight up that yesterday mourning, i had 28 kills i ganked 37 vs 4 at brit bridge for two hours for the heck of it just to have some PK fun... Ask any of the active players that were there, even the Omega Legacy was present... against me and my other 3 of course :eek:. It was GREAT! I've never been in such an intense gank scenerio and all of you can experience it as well...

Here's an example of how many players have been active within the last two days.. I had 28 kills yesterday morning and today when i woke up...

[Image: 100.jpg]

That's all i wanted to say to you all... The Economy is growing everyday more and more and we need to stick together, no matter when Taran or any other staff come back, we don't need to stress and worry, they work hard on this, let's make our own fun, start ganking, go out and explore, GM new skills, train your PVM or PVP. There's MANY things to do in this shard, we all just need to stop, think and get active!

Thank you very much.


Scarecrow [Prototype].

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Posted by: imported_Shar
01-11-2008, 03:10 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

I was wondering if Taran is back yet.

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Posted by: Galens
01-10-2008, 12:32 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (27)

Everyone says Dev's/Gm's are lazy, don't do nuttin, etc. Well I am here to prove you wrong. I spent 6 hours with a half as hard programming system then what the gm's use, just to finally perfect this simple script with no bugs.

I seriously spent 6 hours on this. Code has to be perfect. I drank 4 cups of coffee, ate 5 burritos, and smoked a pack of cigarettes.......

#Practicing Variables, If structures, while structures, Import structures

#Author: Lucas John Hoage
#Version 1.0 Open Beta
#Copyright: None/Open Source
#Time spent: 6 Hours
#Time Start: 11:30 P.M. Eastern Time Zone
#Time Finish: 5:23 A.M. Eastern Time Zone


#In order to use/view/edit this code, you must have Python 2.5.1 installed on your computer. This is for windows users. If -
#the installation asks you to update anything, press ignore, its a retard. Once installed go to Python, Python IDLE (GUI), then -
#when it loads, go to file, New window, in the new window, copy and paste this text into it. save as anything, BUT make sure it -
#ends with .py Example:, then save as python file py, pyw, txt. After that, go back to the IDLE (GUI) and -
#hit file, open, and open the file you saved. Now, have fun and enjoy. Do not feel hesitant about editing the script, its a -
#good way to learn. Trust me, this shit took 6 ****ing hours. This is merely the beginning of Python programming. Enjoy ^_^

#Note: All keywords close in " marks, are case sensitive and are coded to continue the program.
#Questions? Comments? email them to [email][email protected][/email]

import sys

Prize1 = 1
Prize2 = 2
Selection1 = raw_input
Pr1 = True
shop = True
shieldM = True
sword =  250
shield = 250
storeM = True
store = raw_input
buy = True
checkoutS = True
checkoutSW = True

while Pr1:
    Selection1 = int(raw_input("Please choose a reward 1 or 2.\n"))

    if Selection1 == 1:
        gold = 500
        print "You receive 500 gold!\n"
        Pr1 = False

    elif Selection1 == 2:
        print "I am sorry, but you do not have any gold to visit the 'store'!\n"
        gold = '0'
        print "You receive nothing!!!! Try again.\n"

    elif Selection1 != Prize1 and Prize2:
        print "That is not an option, try again.\n"

while storeM:
    shop = str(raw_input("Do you wish to use the 'store'.\n"))

    if shop == 'store':
        print "Welcome to my store, please take a look around.\n"
        storeM = False

        print "I don't understand what you want.\n"

while shieldM:
    store = str(raw_input("I have a 'sword' and \
a 'shield' for sale! Which would you like to 'buy' some sir?\n"))

    if store == 'buy':
        shieldM = False

        print "I do not understand what you want.\n"

while checkoutS:
    if gold > 0 or 'shield' or 'sword':
         buy = str(raw_input("Care to buy anything else?\n"))
    if buy == 'shield' and gold >= shield:
        print "Let me get that real quick...\n"
        print "*You have received a shield!*\n"
        gold = (gold - shield)
        print "You now have ", gold, "gold left!\n"
    if buy == 'sword' and gold >= sword:
        print "Let me get that real quick...\n"
        print "*You have received a sword!*\n"
        gold = (gold - sword)
        print "You now have ", gold, "gold left!\n"
    elif gold == 0:
        checkoutS = False

while checkoutSW:
    if gold == 0:
        print "I am sorry, but you have ", gold, "gold left. It is not enough to buy any item here! Come back when you have money sir!\n"
        checkoutSW = False

This was my first attempt at programming a basic program, with Python, ever. I've only been studying Python for.. 3 days now? Its fairly easy to learn, but a damn cranky ***** if you're not careful.

I hope this program will inspire the other community members to delve into programming.

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Posted by: imported_Darkichus
01-09-2008, 10:16 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (28)

ok...i noticed that there are some pretty hued rides...and nice Orns/Zostriches etc..

but i came with a conclusion..and i think many ppl agree with this:

All the rides that have been found by players...and it's no fun, cause those ppl will just wait (and they definetly know when) for respawning, and they'll just gate those rides close to they're home...lure it inside tame it etc.
On and on again...
I think something has to be changed fast, cause others like to have a nice ride to...i think all the ppl who play on this shard..includes me.(only i just sell the few i have, cause i don't have my favorite ride yet Smile )
So here some suggestions or ideas, whatever you want to call these..:

1 - All Spawns from rideables changed every month.(that way all gm's have something to do Rolleyes and there will be no waiting for spawn anymore...:p a chance for everyone.)

2 - More Spawn places, even in Trammel.

3 - Can't gate ride, only when tamed .

4 - Nightmare Tameable.Wink

5 - Special Hued Ride (like a NeonBlueLlama or whatever looks special:lolSmile every Trammel or T2A...ofcourse not on the easiest place to get.

6 - Maybe Some Race Events??? :lol: ...some place to other place, first - second and third get prize....:eek:

So...if one of these Suggestions/Ideas is going ingame...i like to see that in changelogg...or else hear it ingame...

Thnx for reading and i hope to notice one or all of these ingame...

Greetingz Darkichus.Cool

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Posted by: imported_Vulcan
01-09-2008, 08:19 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (29)

Bongminion wishes to purchase the first room in the building southeast from britain bank. The auction starts at 500k. If nobody else bids it will be sold to him for 500k. This is a guarded static so it will be public.

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Posted by: imported_ShadarWar
01-09-2008, 08:05 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

Ok this is a honest question so please don't flame me or get mad. When is Taran coming back? They said after the holidays and its the 9th and no news. Doesn't look great that the homepage has no updates when were suppose to be attracting new players.

just my 2 cents

- some newb

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Posted by: imported_ShadarWar
01-09-2008, 07:22 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

Yea i know alot of you are saying big deal. But oh it feels good thought i would share the joy. Smile Good luck to all you people stuck in the 90's There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep it up.

- Some new player

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Posted by: imported_KYO1
01-09-2008, 05:00 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

lol okan is going around saying he is maka and saying he is closing the shard in a week. dont believe him and give your shit away

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