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Posted by: KoyuKii
07-20-2008, 07:04 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

Hi, it been now like a year that i didnt play uo so now ive just installed it and i tried to connect on the shard and its not working! The screen stop at ''verifying account''.:confused:

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Posted by: imported_Vulcan
07-20-2008, 03:45 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

Dr. K wishes to purchase the static in maginicia at 3781 2118 for 2.25 million gold. As promised large statics will be auctioned. You will all have 72 hours to bid on the static if you wish to purchase it. After which time I will be selling it to Dr. K. You can post any questions here if you have them.

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Posted by: imported_Freddy_Bigbiceps
07-19-2008, 10:17 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (15)

Oi, Im trying to figure out if I have an account on In:x anymore. I havent logged in for some months, I do not have UO installed at the moment.

So, I was wondering, have you done any account wipes?


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Posted by: imported_Mephisto
07-18-2008, 02:18 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

I'm going to be taking a break for a while. A recent incident has me flustered beyond the breaking point. I'm not here to discuss it, and its not the entire reason why i'm taking this break. On top of that incident i'd like to point out that I play XUO-R to chat with old friends, to PVM, and to help my crafting God buddy Samild out. I Do not play XUO-R so that I can be XUOLighting scroll ganked. I Don't play XUO-R so i can be killed in the middle of hunting and then dry looted and left to take the long long LONG walk back to town because heaven forbid there is anyway else to get back. Honestly, I really don't care that the PVP system is not the style im use to, I DONT PVP. but when i can't even recall away after seeing the smallest little Bleep of a reds name while im hunting because of a spaming of power words thats so thick it's probably the cause of my lagging while trying to get away anyway, I have to consider the Pro's Vrs Con's to me staying. I am GREATLY appreciative to all the staff for their continuous efforts and time spent on improving the shard. The player base's Level of stoicism however is pretty much circling the drain and I find it increasingly hard to RP when i'm getting "WTFUXXOR STFU NOOB"ed at.

I don't have a "List of demands and changes" to hold over your heads. I have seen within recent discussion's held that there will someday be a way to filter out powerwords for those of us who do not care for them. I also know that trainable pets and IN weapons is in the list of things to do with development too, which excites me alot. Whenever these things get done, im sure samild will be sending me a shitstorm of IM's to get my butt back, and i know my curiosity will get the best of me. Do not take this post as "OMFG I'm better then the rest of you and these things need to be top priority" .. Pish no... the fact that im better then you aside, whenever these things get done is fine with me.

For Now, Das Vidania
,Love Daddy Juan

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Posted by: imported_BLack_Raider
07-17-2008, 02:29 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

hi all its Druid.bLacK
i missed all the mothe****ers from IN1 and like 1 week agoo i saw something about IN1 (taran posted something) and its deleted i want ask why?
why peoples wont understand it?!
there is a lot IN ***** still want play IN1 like old days
there is a lot people wont see (kal vas flam kal vas flam kal vas flam)(fakes)
there is a lot people want fight with rare armors and weapons(hh,hf,sov)
i changed my msn nickname to In1 reborn Contact me and i got like 20 message lol its only Druid's list lets think about it ...

plz dont delete this topic i can want what i want right_?(democracy)
its not only xuo its IN too soo if i want something about IN i would say
lets make a vote topic and see who ll want who ll wont

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Posted by: imported_Levatei Lasmanos
07-16-2008, 09:08 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (7)

We are gaining new players but slowly so jst a suggestion to either add in a Voting Stone leading to the most popular voting site or sending a pop up once a week when max players are on......

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Posted by: imported_Tabion
07-14-2008, 10:11 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (2)

Before I make it sound like its dead, I am only having an issue with the quick search/drop down box. The advanced search is working just fine.
When I do a quick search I get the following message:
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

I dont know if this was brought to anyones attention or if it even matters, but just in case I thought I would post it.

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Posted by: imported_PedroDiLara
07-13-2008, 07:24 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (2)

I think we could have some new pvp arenas... not that "boxes"... i mean something bigger with natural obstacles like stones, tress... even buildings.

I dont like that boxes that we have now... there is no strategy, you just need to be fast on casting and healing to win.

Bigger arenas can make mobility a weapon to win, obstacles will frizzle spells... i think it can be nicer... see its just my point of view, i know people like that boxes, but i dont, and im sure others dont too

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Posted by: imported_Sindern
07-13-2008, 06:55 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (5)

Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but you lose karma from snooping your guild-mates. Sad Seems like it should be allowed without karma-loss.

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Posted by: imported_PedroDiLara
07-12-2008, 11:00 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (2)

Clocks always looked useless... only to decorate my house i used one... so i found a nice idea to make them usefull. Set the time they show to the real Shard's Time, as we have ppl from all over the world, this would help a lot, like today: gm said something about skulls and to go there 21:00

but, 21h for who?

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