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Posted by: Raziel_
05-07-2012, 11:11 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (2)

I believe everyone who tries out fishing is aware of this...
Well when you are out at sea fishing you get hell lots more afk checks than when you are mining or lumberjacking.. i believe the reason is because you hit the water with the rod way more often than when you are mining or lumberjacking!
It is so annoying, just so you can have an idea.. in 40 minutes of fishing i had 15 checks!! thats almost 1 check every two and a half minute!
I don't know if i am doing anything wrong, but in case i am not and it happens to everyone else, please reduce the odds of the afk checker while fishing... i know it's to prevent afk gathering but i don't believe it was designed to be annoying otherwise it should do the same with mining and lumberjacking =x

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Posted by: Coldrake
05-07-2012, 05:18 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (22)

How is everyone doing? It looks like you're enjoying IN all over again Smile I just wanted to say HEY to everyone. Big Grin

Art thou down with the Nation? Oh, it's true!

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Posted by: Coldrake
05-07-2012, 05:09 PM
Forum: Off-Topic
- Replies (7)

Hello all. I hope everyone is doing well, it's been a while since I have poked my head into the IN forums. I just wanted to extend an invitation to all the IN'ers who might be looking for a new MMO. I am trying out a new MMO called TERA Online. It is an action combat MMO... "Experience an Action MMO beyond 'point and click' where skill, position, timing, and aim determine success in combat." It is a triple-A rated game in Korea that was revamped for the Western market.

I watched a lot of videos, read reviews, and got sucked into all the hype. I had pretty high expectations for the game. After playing for a week or so now I can say that this game is pretty fun. What I like about it, and what I think most of you who are UO fans will like about it, is that it is a free for all game. Meaning, it is not faction based. On a PvP server, you can kill anyone at anytime outside of major cities. Also, they have embrased the "Red" (outlaws is what they call it) concept, where you can choose to be red to other players... with the ability to attack or be attacked anywhere. The other cool thing that makes this game stand out is the combat system. It is a lot of fun and seperates the good players from the noobs. You cant just lock onto a player or mob like WoW, you have to aim your shots, dodge attacks, roll out of the way, etc. Healers have to aim their heals too, you cant just stand on the side and mash keys.

redruM - I don't know how to contact you anymore since I am not on ICQ anymore. But if you read this, message me on here or facebook. I already KNOW you, Vae, and company will like this game Smile

To everyone else, I welcome you to come join us. Nasir just joined Xander and I and I would like to see more INers running around. We are playing on the server Basilisk Crag. My character names are: Karnidge, Black.Krow, Massaker.

Remember, it's not the size of the dog in the fight... it's the size of the fight in the dog.


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Posted by: Hiraku
05-07-2012, 02:50 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (3)

i found only today the trick to go inside the prince room and then all way to the secret word to go over the king blue platform,
its very very well done,
anyway the problem is that i already killed all: king, queen and advisors already time ago, going behind the blue platform and summoning a creature on the border,
i thought it was legit and was the thing to do actually, doing this you can't say "all kill" because targets still cannot be seen but they start attacking your summon and follow it down the platform, this is the bug
so you can easly kill them all after they came down

only today that i found the right way i understood it was a bug..

maybe to solve this, the blue wood could be moved close to the wall so that you cannot walk behind...

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Posted by: ElvenBane
05-07-2012, 05:31 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

Hi I was jailed was wondering if a staff member can hop online so I can talk to them.

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Posted by: necrophagist
05-07-2012, 04:15 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

just wanted to share a website i found , they give you money in any device you want and you can transfer it to your paypal account instantly , there is no minimum to transfer , everyone should go there ! use my referral too , it gives more % of money when u get reffered and have refferral , you can easily make 5$ in a week and buy a death shroud for example , or you keep it for a huge static house Cool very nice website

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Posted by: Raziel_
05-07-2012, 03:40 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (2)

Is it possible to be killed while frozen by the afk check?

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Posted by: bloodrock
05-07-2012, 12:21 AM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (5)

2nd Floor of the Buymore

Potions: Shrinks 65gp each, Greater Heals 90gp each, Mana Potions 110gp each and more potions to come

Amethyst Ingot for 20gp Each

Feathers 5gp Each

Vendor name is Yardley


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Posted by: Judas
05-06-2012, 11:11 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Dont know who is still playing ultima online from way back.
I was the mighty afk macro crafter xD
Rememember few detaills, like BoJ (my guild) and our competitiors SIN.
Used to use a lot of UOInjection to make them funky scripts.
I loved the trading and pvp the most about the game.

Also the admin JustinTime ect.

I remember it was a blast. Hope IN is still doing great.Big Grin

If someone would like to give a few details about what happend last 10 years, it would be great.

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Posted by: Harl
05-06-2012, 10:05 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

A lot of 5 letter words.

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