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Fishing AFK Checker - Printable Version

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Fishing AFK Checker - Raziel_ - 05-07-2012

I believe everyone who tries out fishing is aware of this...
Well when you are out at sea fishing you get hell lots more afk checks than when you are mining or lumberjacking.. i believe the reason is because you hit the water with the rod way more often than when you are mining or lumberjacking!
It is so annoying, just so you can have an idea.. in 40 minutes of fishing i had 15 checks!! thats almost 1 check every two and a half minute!
I don't know if i am doing anything wrong, but in case i am not and it happens to everyone else, please reduce the odds of the afk checker while fishing... i know it's to prevent afk gathering but i don't believe it was designed to be annoying otherwise it should do the same with mining and lumberjacking =x

Fishing AFK Checker - Eru - 05-08-2012

It's completely random and isn't based on which skill you're using, so by fishing, you can cast 2-3 times per second, whereas mining is only once per 3-4 seconds. Lumberjack can be once every 5-6 seconds or more. So, you'll see a proportionately larger number of anti-afk gumps from fishing. No simple way to make it so that it doesn't happen, though.

Fishing AFK Checker - Raziel_ - 05-08-2012

I know it's random, i've read in other posts and you said what i said about the reason i think it shows way more often..
Couldnt you just change the random range for fishing? i dont remember how exactly the random happens but maybe increasing the chances of coming a non match would do it...
because right now an efficient way of fishing makes you hit the water 3 times in a second..
so you can have an indea while writing this post i had 2 checks lol