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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
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05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
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04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
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06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
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03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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World save/haxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please no time warp... PLEASE NO TIME WARP...
Hey guys
Ive been away from uo for a while and i got the urge to play again and found this shard, man im happy i did.
Ive played uo for a while now mainly sphere and freeshards. Just wondering if i know anyone here from any of the following shards. Santiago,hestia,mythik,pbr,coldfireuo,etc.
cya ingame
It has no provisioner, would be nice if it did.
i cant open gump's i cant nothing after 5 mins only , client is crash .... why ? i reinstall uo 10 times and problem never is fixed.. what's the problem? i download all the files of inx.
First u need to get a plant bowl.(provision shop)
Fill with fertile dirt (40).
Water it twice.
If it says bowl of soft dirt. It is perfect for planting a seed in.
(too little is bad Too much is bad)
After u plant the seed. It will take one day (23hrs) to grow and then there is the health problem(s) to deal with.
Everyday the plant may soak up one dose of water some times it dont but pay attention to what is on the plant menu.
If there is a Yellow - by the pticher of water icon then it needs watered. Just one time. The plants must be locked down!!!
The water goes like this
Yellow - underwatered
Yellow +slighty overwatered
Red - Severly underwatered
Red + Severly Overwatered
Now for the health problems and fixes.
Problem=Fix (all potions must be Greater Cure, Poison, Heal, Strength)
Infestation = Greater Poison
Fungus = Greater Cure
Poisoned = Greater Heal
Diseased = Greater Cure
Resist = Greater Strength
The symbol on the left is the problem on the menu goes
1.Looks like a spikey catepillar and the potion to fix is directly on the right side
2.Fungus is a mushroom and potion to fix is on the right directly across.
3.Poisoned is a skull and the potion to fix is on the right directly across.
4.Diseased is a purlpe puke icon but requires a Greater Cure to fix.
*Greater Strength is to raise the resist of the plant from getting infested with insects or fungus. *
The flower icon(Upper Left) is another menu that leads to the cross,self pollenating or resource gathering or the set to deco mode option. Only on days 7-9 is when u have a chance to pollenate (self or cross). It may take up to 8 more days gathering seeds from the plant or resources. But it will only produce seeds or resources if it is healthy. On day 9 and after that is when the deco mode is available.
Health menu (plant HP Bottom middle of meun)
Plant Growth (Upper right hand Corner of menu)
No symbol = Error or Not grown at all.
Red ! = Invalid location.
Red- = Not healthy must be healthy or vibrant to grow.
Yellow - = It has not been 23hrs since it last grew.
Blue + = Successful growth.
Green + = Successful and got an Extra bonus from being in fertile dirt.
Hopefully anyone reads this they get an understanding of what happens from the start of raising deco plants. Now here is my way of raising deco plants.
1.Bowl of fertile dirt(40). Watered twice to start with.
2.Plant seed wait 23hrs to see what health problems show up.
3.Tackle all health problems early with one potion to each problem. And a strength potion to boost it resistance. (younger ones are more vunerable to health problems than older plants Too many potions of one kind may kill it). I give my Deco plants at least 1 Greater strength potion everyday this keeps the resistance up to avoid infestation and fungus. If you don't take care of the problems that occur it will eventually kill the plant.
4.Water if needed. (sometimes it dont but this is fine pay attention to the pitcher icon if not sure single click the bowl that the plant is in and it should say a bowl of soft dirt which is perfect. Look at the water section for better understanding Up near the top Not enuf water is bad and too much is bad)
5.On day 7 you will see what u are raising.
6.Days 7-9 Pollenate however u want (cross or self)
7.If it is producing seeds it will be needed tending to stay healthy and produce seeds or resources until it produce all it can.
8.Plants go thru stages of growth 1-9 you can easily spot these numbers in the upper left 9 is maxium and the starting stage of seed production.
9.The plant bowl in the bottom right is to abort the plant and possibly kill it if too late however tho u can save it in the beginning like stage 2 maxium i think.
10. Have kegs (full 129) of Greater Heal,Cure,Strength,Poison. All potions must be Greater. And a water trough (infinite water supply).
11. If anyone has a problem with this guide which I know is not the best there is a post in questions and answers Deco plant raising that I started. Rabbi left a reply with a link to the guide I learned from but you have to read the entire thing to get a understanding on what to do and how to fix problems that happen with deco plants. If there is any questions go to the questions and answers forums and reply to my post there I will check on it everyday to help anyone that has a problem whit raising deco plants.
12. Hopefully this guide simplyfies things and helps anyone interested in deco plant raising. Good Luck!!!
Thanks Taran it wouldn't let me post in the player guides for some reason.
Im training my animal taming on a mustang,but i wanna know if differents mustangs needs differents taming lvl... If so, can someone tell me the highest lvl i need to tame a mustang and what kind of mustang it is? Or maybe im better to tame something else? Im now at 72 taming.
I and a friend are sharing an IP most likely permanent but we are two different people, can a Gm assist us in this problem? Thanks!
Razor kept crashing my client so I made EUO macro for carpentry. It restocks 50 boards and SS at a time and makes scrolls. Just modify the container IDs for boards, SS and where blank scrolls should be placed, grab materials for 1 scroll and craft it then run the macro. Only works with saw as a tool and using boards, not logs. Just add IDs of other tools into %tools variable if you need to.
; OzCarpentry (Blank scrolls)
; Setup:
; 1) Set the container variables
; 2) Grab 1 SS and 1 board
; 3) Craft one scroll
; 4) Run the macro
; Variables
set #LPC 1000
set %tools EGG
set %boards TLK
set %scrolls DPF
set %SS RZF
; Modify the 3 variables below
set %containerBoards OTNQNMD ; Container where boards are
set %containerSS VYEHKMD ; Container where Spider silk is
set %containerScrolls OTNQNMD ; Container where blank scrolls should be put
; Finds a tool to be used
finditem %tools C_ , #BACKPACKID ; Carpentry tools
if #FINDCNT > 0
set %tool #FINDID
event sysmessage ++ No carpentry tool found! Halting...
while ( #TRUE )
chooseSkill Carp
if ( #skill > 999 )
event sysmessage ++ You have GMed Carpentry! Congratulations! Halting macro.
; Checks for materials
finditem %boards C_ , #BACKPACKID ; Boards
if #FINDCNT > 0
finditem %SS C_ , #BACKPACKID ; Spider Silk
if #FINDCNT > 0
gosub Craft
gosub RestockSS
gosub RestockBoards
sub Craft
set #LOBJECTID %tool
event macro 17 0
while ! ( #CONTKIND = IOIB && #CONTSIZE = 530_437 )
set %clickX 285 + #CONTPOSX
set %clickY 410 + #CONTPOSY
click %clickX %clickY dmc
set %wtfTimer #SYSTIME
while ! ( #CONTKIND = IOIB && #CONTSIZE = 530_437 )
finditem %scrolls C_ , #BACKPACKID
if ( #FINDCNT > 0 && #FINDSTACK > 49 )
gosub Unload
if ( #SYSTIME - %wtfTimer > 10000 )
sub RestockSS
finditem %SS C_ , #BACKPACKID
if ( #FINDCNT < 1 )
finditem %SS C_ , %containerSS
if ( #FINDCNT > 0 )
Exevent Drag #FINDID 50
Exevent Dropc #BACKPACKID
event sysmessage ++ No more Spider Silk to restock from! Stopping macro...
wait 10
sub RestockBoards
finditem %boards C_ , #BACKPACKID
if ( #FINDCNT < 1 )
finditem %boards C_ , %containerBoards
if ( #FINDCNT > 0 )
Exevent Drag #FINDID 50
Exevent Dropc #BACKPACKID
event sysmessage ++ No more boards to restock from! Stopping macro...
wait 10
sub Unload
finditem %scrolls C_ , #BACKPACKID
if ( #FINDCNT > 0 )
Exevent Dropc %containerScrolls
finditem %bolts C_ , #BACKPACKID
if ( #FINDCNT > 0 )
goto MoveMoreScrolls
Bring it back! That and Heaven's Fury!!
I was in the duel arena today and honestly those Black Widows should do less damage because in two hits u can bring someone's life down to 50 and the delay to hit again isn't slow either it's pretty fast.
Ask anyone who's dueled against one u basically are forced into healing yourself since the thing does so much damage i mean 50dmg in 2 hits with a delay of almost like an elven bow is crazy. It's a cheap way for people to duel no offense, if anything they should do less dmg vs humans as they are meant for hunting.