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Posted by: BlackBeard
06-12-2011, 03:17 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Welcome to me bar, Anyone have a drunk story can write it in a book and leave it at the bar. We soon be makin a library of drunkness first book is done by maktor soon to be a legend at the bar for having gotten a little drunk and sleeping with the lake monster after loosin his treasure to the casino.

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Posted by: Christina Thorn
06-11-2011, 08:31 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (3)

razor keeps crashing on me when i try to set up a new macro.
im on client and i have the latest version razor.

so please someone help me out thank you

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Posted by: soMa
06-11-2011, 06:30 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- No Replies

Think it's possible to eventually get a check system for silver coins, Trying to keep track of it is hard when saving up for a large amount.

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Posted by: Perfect
06-10-2011, 11:42 PM
Forum: Voting Booth
- Replies (30)

Ok this is a pretty crazy suggestion I'm just gonna throw it out there for discussion. I wish I suggested this when the server came out but I wasnt there then.

So my suggestion is to make it so you can trade resources/items/ or even gold for SKILL.

Like trade in 5000 Sulfur Ash to get 90 to 100 magery. Or XX amount of iron ingots to get GM blacksmithing.

The idea behind this is to eliminate AFK macroing. AFK macroing I personally think does nothing to better the server. You are just AFK with ur macro and not contributing anything to the server. Your time would be better spent hunting or doing something more active.

This will hopefully cut down on the time to get GM scribe/smithy/ alch all those crafting skills and stuff. And when I say time I mean AFK Time... The time and effort of grinding for the supplies will still be there. You will have to be online and active to get those supplies. Maybe even increase ammount of supplies/ items it takes to get GM skills. Like right now it takes 5k SA to get GM magery maybe make it 10k and eliminate the macro..

So the biggest problem with doing this now is that too many ppl have already GMed lots of skills and it wont be fair to them. I think you can compensate them some how or make the resources to get GM Skills harder which would even out the AFK macroing time.

The problem right now is that its kind of hard to PVP. Its easy to get PVP skills but the items seems tough. Liek 10 gh pots or 10 mana pots are being sold for 3k and 10 fs scrolls or whatever is being sold for high prices. This is not even close to how mcuh u need to duel or gank and its soo expensive... The very few ppl who have these GM skills will control the economy for such a long time until more ppl GM these skills. And the only thing thats in the way of more ppl doing it is AFK macroing time. If you eliminate that everything will be better...

This is just an idea that I had. I know a lot of ppl will be pissed the **** out about this so I don't blaime u. If i macroed all the skills with AFK time and shit right now I'd be mad also..

And I kno some will say this exists with Nickels, but I dont think so. nickels are too rare and hard to get it would be easier just to macro AFK. the big picture is to get rid of being away from UO and getting better at UO by being away!
Just something to think about. Maybe we can change this suggestion into something thats workable for new players or something..

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Posted by: BlackBeard
06-10-2011, 08:46 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (20)

Possible to have a ingame message system so if someone is afk macroing when they come back to there comp they can see someone sent them a message ?

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Posted by: Carding
06-10-2011, 03:47 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (19)

I won't lie, nostalgia is making me tempted to play. But I'd like to know how the server works (with respect to the old .51a sphere). I'm sure there are posts that cover some of this, but I had some very specific questions so I thought I'd just post and if someone points me at an FAQ I've failed to notice that's fine with me.

So, here goes:

1) Just to get a basic grounding, I assume the system is programmed to closely match the original IN in terms of weapon damage, how poison works, how bandages work, scrolls, uncapped skills etc. If any of that is untrue please enlighten me!

2) Do previously unused (broken) skills from sphere now play a role? Namely evaluate intel, anatomy, magic resist, etc. Also have you implemented bonuses that were previously broken e.g. damage bonus from having GM lumberjacking, magery bonus for GM inscription etc.?

3) Does poisoning skill do anything? It used to be mostly broken too I think.

4) What era of IN have you tried to recreate - invul + vanq + scrolls or high-end craftables like HFs, HHs and so on? How scarce (or not) are reagents for potions and blank scrolls?

5) Are you implementing any non-pvp features from AoS. e.g. high end tamables, champions, customisable housing, insurance etc.

6) Do all spells work as in sphere? e.g. have you deliberately kept curse, bless, mind blast etc. broken? Have you changed the dependence on int for some spells? Especially the (badly broken) mana drain.

7) How does your stat cap work?

8) Have you implemented the new combat mechanics; namely being able to hit moving targets without using the "attack last target spam bug"?

9) Do you use the old paralyse mechanics (unable to use items but able to cast) or the (intended) mechanics (unable to cast but able to use items)?

10) Wands? Magic jewellery?

I'll probably have more but that'll do for now. I probably got a bit carried away in fact, but I'd like to have a good understanding to see if it is something I want to get into. Also I would hate to relive the ridiculously disfunctional way the pvp system on IN ended up towards the end under Alric and KMs watch. Arya and I spent a long time making a patch to fix the economy and pvp problems on IN1 only to have it shelved because the admin wanted to maintain the "value of high end craftables" (probably the biggest reason the IN economy and pvp system died) - I'd hate to go through that again.

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Posted by: BlackBeard
06-10-2011, 02:22 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- No Replies

Be sailing the sea's, so if ye need an island we charge 5-10k depending on the voyage.
If ye fish ye cut us in on the fish.
If ye need help with sea serpents or Treasure maps cut us in and we shall sail ya.

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Posted by: Edward
06-10-2011, 04:35 AM
Forum: Off-Topic
- Replies (2)

If you guys are interested you can listen to me table chopping some Skrillex. Go to if your interested.

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Posted by: Asterello
06-09-2011, 10:56 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (2)

Is it just me or can anyone else use target relative location while mining in razor? I can't seem to get it work...

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Posted by: Shade
06-09-2011, 09:41 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (7)

For the few of you who used the patcher recently and ended up getting a corrupted multi.mul file here is a fix to correct the issue.

Download this
Close UO and all UO related programs
Extract the zip file into your UO folder, overwriting the old files

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