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Posted by: Locke Cole
09-02-2011, 06:18 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

Was just wondering if there are any active RP guilds?
I know alot of people are on vaction
I miss the big braveheart style brawls.:lol:

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Posted by: Makaveli
09-01-2011, 10:46 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (87)


I found some old skool screenshots i think this is from year 2000 till whatever...
there are like 100+ screenshots so have fun watching!


this is how imagine nation must be!! :twisted:

[Image: makaveliintruhq.png]
[Image: taranw.jpg]
[Image: unledmdc.jpg]
[Image: aedz.jpg]
[Image: hunterryuanedraxvsaviad.png]
[Image: hunterryuanddraxvsvampiih.png]
[Image: hunterryuanddraxvsaviad.png]
[Image: aviadwestwoodandnasvsko.png]
[Image: weddingfromcarliandkama.png]
[Image: uomooo.jpg]
[Image: uolric.png]
[Image: wizg.png]
[Image: uologwall.png]
[Image: trucameintovvvvampiregu.jpg]
[Image: trucameindaemonguildhou.jpg]
[Image: tagtourney3.png]
[Image: tagtourney2.png]
[Image: tagtourney.png]
[Image: tagtourneyquestmeandbal.png]
[Image: swanisbmp.png]
[Image: suaspontehitbmp.png]
[Image: spellx.png]
[Image: shinarewithrosegorget.png]
[Image: ringoinapinkprison.png]
[Image: pwnzblackguardwithverat.png]
[Image: polydintodaemonwithblac.png]
[Image: parabyfriendswithoutreg.png]
[Image: minis2.jpg]
[Image: minis1a.jpg]
[Image: yohhispaperdolllookslik.png]
[Image: lastseenoftrae.jpg]
[Image: kerith.png]
[Image: kerithpaperdoll.png]
[Image: justintimeinjail.png]
[Image: justapic.png]
[Image: jailed.gif]
[Image: guildname.png]
[Image: gmcooking.png]
[Image: gmaryaglory.png]
[Image: gankn.jpg]
[Image: fun2yw.jpg]
[Image: funmj.jpg]
[Image: fighting.png]
[Image: fakestatue.png]
[Image: explsiononthewedding.png]
[Image: explsionandchainlightin.png]
[Image: ebilivy.png]
[Image: dressedassanta.png]
[Image: dorusandme.png]
[Image: dodvskoc.png]
[Image: colordwallandwispbmpop.png]
[Image: chrismisstreeinbritain.png]
[Image: chainlighting.png]
[Image: uo00286go.jpg]
[Image: uo00234qw.jpg]
[Image: uo00121kh.jpg]
[Image: uo00108uy.jpg]
[Image: trinbankgathering0tq.jpg]
[Image: thrandilvskaze0qa.jpg]
[Image: sadasdasdxv.jpg]
[Image: ringhk.jpg]
[Image: pic024i.jpg]
[Image: oldpicmtkendall30zr.jpg]
[Image: oldpicmtkendall24lq.jpg]
[Image: oldpicmtkendall9xj.jpg]
[Image: okdpicmtkendall45zw.jpg]
[Image: naamloos3y.png]
[Image: lycontort.jpg]
[Image: lolzu.png]
[Image: lolgm1.jpg]
[Image: lolgmg.jpg]
[Image: lastdaythecreatorslastp.jpg]
[Image: instaff0vh.jpg]
[Image: hues.jpg]
[Image: hehi.png]
[Image: hehen.jpg]
[Image: fightatbritbank7hu.jpg]
[Image: ergaranazgulenik.png]
[Image: earthelement2.jpg]
[Image: earthelement.jpg]
[Image: dracula2o.jpg]
[Image: dooma.png]
[Image: britbridgebattle9lk.jpg]
[Image: britdies2.jpg]
[Image: britdies.jpg]
[Image: adszqih.jpg]
[Image: 24494819.jpg]
[Image: 54069224.png]
[Image: 17957178.png]
[Image: 2v25yb.jpg]
[Image: 55892101.png]
[Image: 1buyukblacktrusawas7bp.jpg]
[Image: 75525927.png]
[Image: blackrockskincolor2.png]
[Image: evinplaceofrezkilledeve.jpg]
[Image: beginoftouneyiplaywitht.jpg]
[Image: banish1.jpg]
[Image: banish2.jpg]
[Image: wow1xntht.jpg]
[Image: turkjail.jpg]
[Image: tourney3.jpg]
[Image: tourney2.jpg]
[Image: tourneyq.jpg]
[Image: questboat.jpg]
[Image: myloot.jpg]
[Image: losttourney.jpg]
[Image: lol3killedmachbuthadtog.jpg]
[Image: lol2qg.jpg]
[Image: killedkeithdiedbicksick.png]
[Image: kewlt.jpg]
[Image: ibne.jpg]
[Image: fireinshop.jpg]

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Posted by: Barbie
09-01-2011, 10:19 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

I would ike to know if mount like mustang , orn etc.. spawning like in IN1 ? i mean in the wild and respawn same place after a certain amount of time ? Im asking because i travaled alot and found nothing except some llama spawn and horse. Thank you

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Posted by: AptaR
09-01-2011, 10:07 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

If this is where all the IN players went, what happen to all the XUO fans?

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Posted by: Christina Thorn
08-31-2011, 09:45 PM
Forum: The Town Crier
- Replies (1)

Just opened up a Rune Libary right at the bridge going to Lord British castle theres is a few rune book there and more will be added.
And dont forget to check out the shop across from the rune libary.

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Posted by: Rit Scarforge
08-31-2011, 08:49 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (22)

Supremely Accurate Kryss of Vanquishing.

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Posted by: Harold Miner
08-31-2011, 09:29 AM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (3)

For some reason, i can't put a price AND description. I'm able to put either one or the other. Here is the syntax I've tried:

price, description
price description


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Posted by: Shad
08-30-2011, 10:10 PM
Forum: Voting Booth
- Replies (9)

The Bank weight is 65000 stones should we raise it higher

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Posted by: Christina Thorn
08-30-2011, 07:56 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (5)

Making public Houses in town markable. I mean its unguarded anyways and i dont think house in town can be set to private.

so my question is can we change it so we can mark inside public shop run by players?

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Posted by: kyleus3
08-30-2011, 07:33 PM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (6)

Okay I am new here. Trying to get this fully working

I am going to try to give full details of what is going on.
Running windows 7 o.s.

I installed UO Client: Patched it to

Then ran IN Patcher.exe that I placed in the UO directory. Ran that (in adminstrator mode) Clicked Patch In, that ran, completed. Launch, it opened up razor that i downloaded and installed and put in the UO directory also (tried outside the directory and inside the directory) I reinstalled UO twice now with restarting the computer. I got the server set up in my razor, logged in and created a character. Got in, was running around okay, until I try to go to some portals (excuse me i do not know which one it was but it was located in GB) but I cannot walk, everyone is naked, and i can't see my backpack. Any ideas?

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