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Taran Wrote:*waits until Rabbi tries to use a Black Widow on an Eithka Ulesra*

humm, black widows had attacked really fast on ulesra?

smoke Wrote:humm, black widows had attacked really fast on ulesra?

You mean ... the Black Widow really isnt that good? Sad

  • You can now mine clay while mounted and while polymorphed
  • For staff: When adding or changing custom houses items will no longer dissapear and doors will no longer be converted.
  • Fixed DM scoring a bit.
  • Added .kickdm command to kick a player.
  • Made event shields movable.
  • Choosing 'End game' during chess match will give your opponent a scroll indicating you gave up against them.
  • Fixed an issue where you could equip blowpipes
  • Increased the range in which runebooks can be used
  • Added a fix for DM: You can not join while polymorphed

Awesome work Taran and team!

By the way, how can I make cannons from the last update?

we should test the dm Big Grin

Eighty Swords Wrote:Awesome work Taran and team!

By the way, how can I make cannons from the last update?

Cannons aren't craftable, they were added for a future event but it isn't ready yet.

Oh ok *thinks*... Thanks for the information leak Big Grin lol

From now on all changelogs will be posted here:

You can still discuss them here though.

Nice Work Posting all changelogs in one place, better to see the modifications that ocurred along those years.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

Accepting Carpentry orders!

Yeah that's what I figured.
And damn, have there been many modifications or what? Big Grin

All those changes! *.*

Looks Like you are building a new UO version! (IN:X Ultima Online comingo soon, next summer)

Would be the best version of all times.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

Accepting Carpentry orders!

lol yeah Big Grin

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