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  • Fixed an issue with paging gump due to previous fix
  • Reports won't display staff members skills and stats anymore
  • You can now sell fishsteaks to barkeepers
  • Fixed bug where you could use skills through tools when that skill was disabled in the region.
  • LiftOverride is set by default on GuildContainers now
  • If you drag an item while overweight and get disconnected the dragged item will end up in your bank instead of at your feet.

Remove Trap Skill?? Did you fix it??
and thansk for this updates...


No sorry, I've been away and haven't had time to fix it.

Hmm it seems I forgot to add it to the bugtracker as well, what was the problem? You cant gain skill?

Yes when you train Remove Trap Skill you cant gain skillpoint and cant teach this skill whit mpcs...


Alright, I added it to the bugtracker.
Hopefully it will be fixed until next server restart.

and "Faction Trap Removal Tool" is useless...


  • Added a message to the skill ItemID when an item is already identified
  • Made all weapons and armor dropped by monsters identified by default
  • Removed faction stuff from tinkering menu
  • Improved functionality on the customregion skillblocker
  • LoS and range checks are now made with axes and polearms when cutting corpses.
  • GameMasters and above can now see guildchat. Increased hearing range on partychat (same as guildchat)
  • Filtered out some speech from hearall
  • Added a setting to the region controller "AllowSpecialAttacks" to allow criticals or not from the new weapons.
  • Changed kindling weight from 5 to 1
  • Enabled custom housing, more changes might be needed. Find out more here

  • Tweaked the old IN weapons and added a new bow: Black Widow. Left to do is recipes and quests for the recipes
  • Added an option to the region controller to move a player when they logout
  • Changed price on TaxidermyKit from 100k to 1k
  • Beholders now drop treasuremaps
  • You are now able to gain removetrap skill
  • You can no longer warn players that have a higher accesslevel
  • Increase goldrop in Training Grounds

OMG change log is so big it hurts my eyes to read it!:p

  • When you demolish a custom house the message now says the bankcheck is added to your backpack instead of bank
  • Changed bankcheck font to ascii
  • You can no longer craft items without having your tool in your backpack. For blacksmithing you must have your smithhammer equipped.
  • Minor modification to HearAll
  • Added an option to the regioncontroller: AllowSkillGain
  • Added invisibility potions to test
  • You can no longer recall or gate from the runebook if you move after doubleclicking it if it's not in your backpack.
  • AnimalLore now uses the standard RunUO gump to make it easier to see stats and skills on creatures.
  • Set tamable false on some monsters that you couldn't tame anyway.
  • Shipwrecked item names are now displayed properly
  • Players won't be attackable to each other anymore after dueling on DuelStone.
  • Stepping on custom event suppliers no longer cause server lag
  • Removed all 50+ warning messages from console.
  • Added Death by Dice controller.
  • Made dwarven battle axe twohanded
  • Modified the OnlineClientGump
  • Added a command to make it easier to spot multiple accounts logged in on the same IP.
  • Modified champion spawn

Did you solve the trophy problem??... Malik noted it his bug report...


Hmm nope, it's not on the bugtracker.
I'm not sure what the bug was, but send Malik a PM about it or post it in bugreports.

woho, big change logs!

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