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please, don't implement malas/ilhesnar. =P

Jerek Stormgard Wrote:Can we hope to see Ilshenar and Malas in the future...?


for the moment no. the whole of either map will not be accessible. there is however, 1 event coming from XUO whose arena was in ilshelnar. there are also some other areas (such as pits) found in malas.

GM Pande

  • Tweaked loot
  • You can now use Sewing Kit on leather
  • Removed dex penalty loss on some armor pieces
  • Fixed issues with begging, it should now work properly
  • Removed effects when casting manadrain on players (spell doesnt work on players)
  • Increased Vampires' magery damage
  • Added scrolls to reaper
  • Fixed bug with potionkeg not displaying shrink pots
  • Alchemy messages now only appear for the person making them
  • Removed bones from lootdrop for serpents
  • Removed Auto-dispel and rummage from some mobs
  • Fixed issue with hiding where ghosts could reveal hidden players
  • Packanimals are now karma blue for other players
  • Vendors now have less gold in their backpacks
  • You can now drop items into a locked chest
  • Removed HornedHides, HornedLeather, BarbedHides, BarbedLeather, SpinedHides and SpinedLeather.
  • Finished guilddoors, added command to check what GuildID a person has
  • Modified the animaltaming algo a bit
  • Bottles and trashbarrels are now craftable
  • HarborMaster is now karma blue
  • You can now use commands when hidden with spell. Fixed so .wop works as intended when hidden with spell
  • Removed map restrictions from Malas
  • EV's no longer attack hidden players
  • Passwordchange pages no longer display desired password
  • Rearranged the scripts a bit, removed some old INR scripts that wasn't needed.
  • Added some error checking code to Notoriety.cs
  • Made provocation harder.
  • Fixed 2 bugs (possibly 3, can't recreate it) with guards.
  • Fixed so that you wont turn crim if you heal monsters with bandages.
  • Lowered the fail rate on DP and manas.
  • Fixed an issue where only the owner could lock down items.
  • Made clubs a little worse, so that people can macro mace.
  • Minitrashcan made them like trashbarrels.
  • Changed all the vendors stock to random.
  • Changed 15 to 20 characters on the guildabrebiation name.
  • Changed the stuck help so you get teleported to a random spot. Fixed bug where you could end up in Trammel.
  • You can now only use Archery Butte if you archery is below 30
  • Added response to "I must consider my sins" if not a guardcandidate
  • You can no longer get wool from summoned sheep
  • Gargoyle pickaxe removed from loot
  • Made it so that crim and murderers have different hue in the menu on menu.
  • Added name filtering to the on menu, ".on mak" will give you all players online with "mak" in their name.
  • Changed who gump hues.
  • Increased the corpse open distance, loot distance is the same.
  • Club now requires 3 logs to craft instead of 4
  • You can now dye pouches
  • Added antimacro gump to farmable items and when you cut sheep for wool
  • You now gain resisting spells when hit by magic arrow
  • You can now recall off boat keys
  • Fixed issue where peacemaking would make you unable to use another skill
  • All masks are now dyable
  • Changed back gold drop on TreasureMapChest so it's 1000*lvl again
  • Changed mana pot code a bit.
  • Changed potion code. Made so that all spells have a drinking delay (could have been used to "bug" macro alchy)
  • Changed the sell prices for alchemy to balance alchemy skill gain.
  • You will now get a pair of scissors when you create a char with tailoring
  • Changed the mages buying prices for scroll. Was an issue with fireball.
  • Made magic resist twice as hard to gain
  • You can now loot while hidden
  • Minitrashcans now remove items inside it after 20 seconds instead of 3 minutes
  • You no longer animate if you're out of ammo when shooting, also added a message
  • Healers can't resurrect you in houses anymore
  • Changed default vampire shroud hue to 1150
  • Theres now an animation when crafting items when using carpentry just like sphere
  • Changed vendor restocking, it is now 20-40 mins. If you kill the vendor it will restock. Restock timer will change every time it restocks.
  • Fixed so that untamed creatures no longer disappear in houses.
  • Changed bottle weight from 1 to .2
  • Ogre lords now makes even more damage
  • Fixed bug where shooting with a ranged weapon would consume 2 ammo instead of 1

Very nice update mate.

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woohoo Big Grin keep em coming maka Big Grin

sorry for late reply :p

GM Pande

  • Changed "charges left" msg on runes to display over the char instead of a sysmessage
  • Lowered chance to tame an animal if your taming skill is lower than mintameskill on the animal
  • Fixed bug where magic arrow would consume double resources
  • Failing to create a scroll now only consume half mana
  • Blank scrolls are now craftable through the carpentry menu
  • Fixed so items have an 's' at the end when stacked
  • You can now use the stuckmenu even if you are a murderer
  • .wop now reveals you if you are hidden with skill (not spell)
  • Increased timer on PolymorphSpell, also added sound
  • Fixed so mobs drop hides again
  • Fixed another plural name issue
  • Shrinks should now be easier to make, also it now consumes only 2 batwings instead of 8
  • Made plate armors a bit easier to craft
  • Removed magical fishes and treasuremaps from fishing. Treasuremaps because they aren't displaying properly and we need to fix that first
  • added a new command "addtobank" that will make easier and faster give prizes on tours
  • Fixed bug where Fireball would consume double resources
  • Added guildchat from XUO. Usage: ".g [<text>|list]"
  • Fixed bug where you would be able to get ressed inside houses
  • Wands now have a delay again
  • Fixed bug with AnimalTaming that would make the chance to tame algo completely messed up.
  • Dispel and massdispel are not harmful actions anymore
  • Creatures can now teleport through moongates
  • Added a range and LOS check when getting ressed by healers
  • Nerfed FrostElfChieftan
  • Fixed bug where you couldn't dispel polymorph and some other dispel bugs
  • Made a script that automatically syncs the SQL-database so the server wont crash anymore (I hope)
  • Added GuildContainer
  • Dispelling gates or casting stonewall on gates now prevent teleporting.
  • Added pickaxe as a reward for mining. Also made some changes to the RewardGump.
  • Added a new pitsteleporter (not in use yet)
  • Fixed you you cannot provoke vendors and so it's a criminal act (To-do: Fix the messages popping up saying they are attacking you)

Nicely done, sir!

i wonder when xtreme monsters will be put?

вот так и живем...
[Image: ccljubg0fwgo3.jpg]

Thank you Taran, much appreciated.

uhm...i suggest to all the staff and the game developers and whoever makes the read some of the topics in "suggestions & ideas"
i placed a few...others placed some...and besides the start of this topic is written "weekly update of changelog"or something like that...but i don't see any updates and changes since dec. 1st...or so...i can be wrong.

i and others had many discusions about many things...and i think its a good idea to let us vote for stuff that might spoil us, but things like more special rides spawnlocations, more hues for rides, nightmare tameableRolleyes and random spawn locations etc.
just read some of the "suggestions&ideas" and make a new changelog soon, more agree then only me.

gr. Darkichus.Confusedurprised:

[SIZE="2"]I am as a Stone in Focus, as a Structure from Silence...:neutral: But on the other hand i am a Master of Violence...:badgrin:[/SIZE]
[Image: 27341416.jpg?4418597]


- Just some Newb who wants to make this shard the best!

"Don't Just be good, Be good for something."

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