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looking good

keep up the good work staff

  • Mounts that you own are now grey to you (attackable), even if they are karma blue.
  • Lightning scrolls now kill you if you get 0hp when using them
  • RunUO 2.0 update. Now fully synced with Rev 200.
  • Added a delay to herding, changed messages a bit
  • AnimalTrainer now checks for gold both in backpack and bank
  • Changed messages on AnimalLore to appear over the mob
  • Changed messages on Eval Int to appear as Asciimessage
  • Added a delay to camping
  • Added a say command
  • Added a small waterfall addon
  • Changed herding so animals will go to where you command them even if they have follow on someone.
  • Hopefully fixed the issue where players would get fame/karma gains from a person he didn't attack.
  • Changed skillgain on tracking
  • Incognito now display Man and Woman instead of a man and a woman
  • Some message changes to npc speech
  • Changed sound and effect and messages on some spells to replicate Sphere
  • Added wands to loots
  • You can now train skills at vendors again
  • Some changes to custom speech.
  • Fixed some messages when training skills at vendors.
  • Fixed bugs that appeared when we updated to a newer RunUO version.
  • Fixed treasure map names (still not working properly but that could be a client issue. Will need more testing).
  • All spells are now allowed in town
  • Fixed it so all mobs play their swing animation and face the direction of their attacker when swinging.
  • More changes to wands, they should now work exactly like Sphere. Added wands for all spells.
  • BaseRanged anims now work!
  • Changed message when trying to mount a horse that was untamed.
  • Made it so you still gain lockpicking on locks that are beyond your skill.
  • Cleaned up the old modified XUO spell systems. Got away from about 4 casts and null checks, one overhead, 3 type checks and messy code. It was restructured a lot and made more efficient
  • Changed it so it will only give you a message if you can't make any potion in a potion group.
  • Added a first person message for when you fail making a mixture...
  • Changed title on rares vendor and put some nice clothes on him.
  • Changed raredyetub cost to 600k
  • Changed guilddeed cost to 250k
  • Removed some sellable items from the provisioner

OMFG!!! keep the nice work going ! love ya all specially maka taran n jhonny

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Nice Update

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

SombraX Wrote:Lol... my bad hehe

Hahaha ;p

Soooo..... Whats left?

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

i guess the loots?

- regards, Fable

The high priority bugs left to fix are:
  • Fix polymorph and summon creature so they work and don't crash the server (happened after a RunUO update)
  • Remake tracking so it works like Sphere
  • Remake cooking so it works like Sphere

Taran Wrote:The high priority bugs left to fix are:
  • Fix polymorph and summon creature so they work and don't crash the server (happened after a RunUO update)
  • Remake tracking so it works like Sphere
  • Remake cooking so it works like Sphere
FAUK tracking.
FAUK Cooking.
Big Grin

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

stfu Tracking Kicks ass!!

omg i was kidding, but not really

[Image: untitled1copyyb3.png]

Ahá just 3 bugs to fix, this is going live real soon i guess :o

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