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  • Fixed a message issue with witch quest when gathering resources from a corpse.
  • Players no longer have to be in the middle of Bomberman to be added to the game.
  • You can no longer start another bomberman when one is already running.
  • Staff: DM, CW, CTF and BM now uses namespace Server.Custom.Games (will have to be re-added in game)
  • Staff: You can now use .startgame and .endgame to start/end Bomberman and Deathmatch
  • Staff: .r now resses players even if the region is set to no res.
  • You can now use .score to display scores in CTF and Color Wars. Will also work in Deatmatch just as .dmscore
  • Added an option in Color Wars to have 2 team home locations.
  • Added a 5 second delay when using dices
  • Staff: Added a prop to teleporter: DeleteOnUse, will delete the teleporter when someone steps on it

come on dice delay now..

Thanks for the .score command! I've been asking for that one for a while Smile

smoke Wrote:come on dice delay now..

Wouldn't be necessary if some people didnt just spam everyones journal for nothing Wink

  • Fixed bug where arrive messages would not display even if BroadcastMessage was disabled
  • Staff: Added a new prop: ConsumeItems. When using custom eventsuppliers weapons now keep the hit and miss sounds. Added a prop to the regioncontrol: NoFameLoss
  • When using multiple spawnlocations in color wars players are now evened out amongst the spawnlocations.

  • Minor change to CWTelepad
  • Staff: If you set a moongate to Dispellable false it no longer requires another moongate at the target location to work
  • Changed Painted Images in the Collector's Quest to prevent confusion
  • Made some adjustments to the Shapeshifter
  • Added two new mounts that have taming and mounting requirements
  • Made an adjustment to AnimalTaming.cs: Added taming restrictions to the new mounts
  • Added PayHairDye: Allows players to dye hair with custom hues, at a price
  • You can now get a daemon heart from cutting Algazars
  • Added a new quest Den Of Evil: Find Akara in Vesper for more information
  • You can now display another title on your paperdoll by locking the skill with the title you don't want to show.
  • Fixed so explosion potions work properly in events

Taran Wrote:
  • Added a new quest Den Of Evil: Find Akara in Vesper for more information

Can anyone say plagiarism? lol

Eighty Swords Wrote:Can anyone say plagiarism? lol

Ah yes because nothing else on this shard is based on ideas from other games...
Besides I wanna play D3 and have been compensating with D2

Here's a tip: Amazons are piles of crap now. Don't roll one expecting it to be the crazy killing machine it used to be.

Shade Wrote:Ah yes because nothing else on this shard is based on ideas from other games...

I said it because it's the exact same quest name and NPC that gives it to you lol :p hey I'm not complaining!

Shade Wrote:Besides I wanna play D3 and have been compensating with D2

I can't wait for D3 but I've a feeling we will wait even longer for D3 then we have been waiting for Star Craft 2!

Eru Wrote:Here's a tip: Amazons are piles of crap now. Don't roll one expecting it to be the crazy killing machine it used to be.

From what I've seen javzons are still pretty solid although I haven't made one in about 5 years, bowzons suck balls for anything other then a norm and maybe nm rush, hammerdins kick ass but are kind boring to play, doesn't leave much at this point since I hate sins, druids, necros lol

Is Akara a NPC?? Because Ive tracked all over Vesper and I havent found him/her!

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

Yea I can't find her either, and I looked outside the town too like the graveyard, the tailor shop to the north, some houses out to the west, etc.

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