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Posted by: Moss
11-20-2007, 04:15 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

is there a way to macro taming?

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Posted by: imported_Nemo
11-20-2007, 04:03 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

ConnectUO = #3


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Posted by: Nex
11-20-2007, 03:42 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

Taran, could you take a look at them...

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Posted by: imported_Lindenwood
11-19-2007, 08:09 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)

I crash every other time I try to loot something. I get into some loop where it says I must wait to do that, then I cant move until I log out and back in. Obviously, that means I log back in dead sometimes. Whats the deal?

Id post this in the technical section, except Id like more than 2 views a day.

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Posted by: imported_WarMachine
11-19-2007, 06:25 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (4)

i cant use injection or razor only can conect by the fuking shit ConectUo Desktop wtf?? ... pls help thnx!Tongue

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Posted by: imported_Dotjr
11-19-2007, 06:21 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (26)

Just as a suggestion. These items were on the shard I used to play on. It might help with some of the pvp debate about using magery.

Basically the idea would be to have rings that allow for faster mana/stamina/hp regeneration. There were liche ring (mana), troll ring (hp) and another that I forgot the name of. These rings of course would be very difficult to make involving the need for high alchemy, tinkering, inscription and a couple of other skills to not make them so wide spread.

Just an idea.

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Posted by: imported_kcslic
11-19-2007, 05:38 PM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (5)

The undead lived in the time of the pirimides. These undead beings were once living souls. They were men who had lead there life in hate and greef because of the ways they were treated when they were living. All of that hate and all of thet greef was bubbling inside of them they just had to get it out somehow so all six of these beings that thought this the most killed themselves, because they thought it would releive the tension and it would help there soul rest. BUT IT DIDNT, The night after they killed therselves a strange noise was coming from inside one of the tombs. One of the workers whent down do se what it was he had to move a big stone in order to get into the tomb, but when he got in there the tombstone was moved to the other side of the room and the once dead beings were Gone!! These beings were never caught or killed and couldnot be killed buy anyone. This is why whenever night fell evryone gathered in one of the pyrimids and shut it air tight until morning came again. These beings were known for the rest of eternity as the Undead!!.

These socalled Undead creatures were known to kill. But when they did they wouldnt just instantly kill them they would make there enemys sufer. First they would naw on there neck and then tare off flesh little by little until there enemy eather dyed from looking at his wounds or from bleading to death. MMM what a painfull death i might add. One night one of the Brave citizents of Egypt went out to try to put these creatures lurking to an end. Yes he came back alive but only because he ran for his life. He came back and told the other viligers that these ctreatures were Skelotons, but not any skelotons they were "Deamond Skelotons" the skelotons of the few who killed themsels 100 years ago.

The details of the skeloton that was told by this man is they had red bones with some kind of wraping or paper hanging off three bones. And evry time they would take another victim, They would start to become more and more human again. To were eventually they will be so human you wont even be able to tell they were ever dead. They will blend in with the others and they will dovour there victims one by one until all of egypt is ruled by them~!~.

sorry i wasnt sure were to put my name In Gameplay so there ya go Tongue

Rp items,Skin collor change to pitch black or shiney red, Anything collored suprise me Smile

Azreal the storys been up for a while can u pleas post if its accepted or not i need to make sure all my soon to be guilmembers are wondering.

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Posted by: imported_Yankovic
11-19-2007, 04:36 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (10)


I have been in contact with several people from XS4ALL and came with the following result:

There are/were two issues. One is lagspikes because of packetloss. The other is a constant ping of 300ms.

As far as I know, the lagspike and packetloss should be fixed. However, if you still experience such issues you can post it here and it will be fixed as well.

The network administrator at XS4ALL told me that the 300ms ping is normal and cannot be fixed. This because it is intercontinental data, what go over two or more continents.
However, If you have a ping of ~150 to an other host in the Netherlands then do a tracert to that host and a tracert to and we might look if it can be fixed. (Note: another host means that it has a .nl domain or an ip coming from the Netherlands. So no things as the or whatever I saw in an other topic)

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Posted by: imported_Aghast
11-19-2007, 01:39 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

I read that people would like to get some new info on the front page. So i thought i would make a post you could link to on the front page.

*There might be a lot of spelling/grama errors since English isen't my native language*

Important info about lag!

Yankovic Wrote:Greetings,

I have been in contact with several people from XS4ALL and came with the following result:

There are/were two issues. One is lagspikes because of packetloss. The other is a constant ping of 300ms.

As far as I know, the lagspike and packetloss should be fixed. However, if you still experience such issues you can post it here and it will be fixed as well.

The network administrator at XS4ALL told me that the 300ms ping is normal and cannot be fixed. This because it is intercontinental data, what go over two or more continents.
However, If you have a ping of ~150 to an other host in the Netherlands then do a tracert to that host and a tracert to and we might look if it can be fixed. (Note: another host means that it has a .nl domain or an ip coming from the Netherlands. So no things as the or whatever I saw in an other topic)

Donations and voteing

Taran Wrote:I just bought a new Vbulletin version, thank you everyone who donated! Big Grin
I'm glad many of you are willing to help out the shard, it means a lot.
> Click here to get to the post! <

polls that people should look at.

Russian forum moderator
Where do you live?
Stackable pots - please read the post carefully before you vote

[COLOR="White"]Random big posts from the general forum:[/COLOR]

Leave The PvP How it IS!
PvP Observation.
1v1 Tournament!!
Website downtimes
RP Items difficult? I think not

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Overview over current guilds


Empire - Guild Leader is Messiah
Vikings - Guild Leader is JuggoBuggo
Akatsuki - Guild Leader is Joe Black


Guardians - Guild Leader is Allanon


Vampire - Guild Leader is Valas
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Daemon - Guild leader is Tabion

*Don't see your guild on the list? visit link below*
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Player guides

[Razor] Improved Heal/Mage/Resis/Eval/Medit
[Razor] Train Magery/Eval/Meditation/Resisting Spells
[Razor] Train Healing
[RAZOR] Tailor with restock

Misc posts of interest

Latest changelog
RP stories and rewards
Britannia Times Contest!

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Posted by: imported_wold
11-19-2007, 09:24 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (4)

Just with the news of maka having computer problems. Does IN:X actually have any other developers/scriptors who can deal with the bugs/tweaking that needs to be done?

if not i suggest maybe getting a very active staff member who can help out maka... it must be hard for him all by himself :confused:

just a suggestion.. dunno

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