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Posted by: Sphinx
11-04-2011, 06:23 AM
Forum: The Yarn-Spinner's Tavern
- Replies (4)

The young elf road to the top of the ridge. He looked of the open fields of Britain as he sat atop his horse. He had never seen this land before but it already felt like home.
As he rode to the gates of the city on the hill she could fell the eyes of the men on him. No elf had been seen for hundreds of years in any part of Britannia. He couldn't blame them for staring at him.

The gates opened by unseen persons, onto the dirt road to the top of the home lined hill. He travelled up to the palace of the king and he saw many faces pressed against the glass of the windows. He laughed to himself at the human's curiosity. He to had been young not long ago, and had always been one to have to know about what was going on around him.

The crest of the great hill came into view, and so did the palace that adorned it. The palace of Britain had had many great kings rule over it, and to Malaki (the elf) it always would. Or so he hoped. When he reached the crest armoured soldiers stood in his way.

-"You cannot pass into the palace of the king unless you hand us your weapons. You may retrieve them when you leave," - one of the soldiers said.

Malaki glared at the soldier as he took his quiver of arrows off her back and handed it to him. Taking off his sword his practically threw it at the soldier.

-"You may now enter to see the king of Britain," - the soldier told him.

As Malaki enter the king hall all the mortals cast there eyes down. He had no idea why they did this, and he was willing to leave it that way.

-"Ahh, elf how may the court of Britain be of service to you?" - the king asked.

-"King, amin have been travelling for days from amin home in Rivendel when amin thought that amin elven eyes were deceiving me. Amin swear amin saw a band of Vampires, Daemon and Goblins travelling along the borders of lle land. Amin knew to myself as all know that them are rarely seen an any part of world nowadays except in their home town Serpent Hold, and amin thought lle would be obliged to know this information," - he told the king who had a look of horror on his face.

-"We have not seen any Vampires or Daemons since we took Britain over. Your news chills us to the bone. Thank you for warning us of our plight. And if you will leave us for a moment we shall discus what is to be done. And what ever we choose, we would love to have another elf on our side," - he told Malaki.

Until this time Malaki thought he was the last elf on the world but at the same moment two voices made themselves hear on Lord British Castle. It was Kandorin and his brother Elessar who sometime ago joined the Lord and fought along with him against those evil minions forces. Malaki couldn’t believe what was happening and same with Kandorin and Elessar, so they all seated on the large rounded table of Lord British and revealed lots of stories from their life. While they did this Lord British remembered the 3 Elves that the evil forces were arriving to strike again…A long battle was about to come again.

They talked for some time and another item was added to the meeting.. Kandorin and Malaki were talking together and they had the idea to raise again Rivendel, their lost home… Malaki told both that Rivendel was deserted, every single elf was killed and he was the only one who escaped with life because his father said him to leave while he had time and inform the humans of what was happening. Lord British was hearing this and said right away he would help in everything was needed to bring back Rivendel and the Elf spirit because he knew that elves were one of the few alliances he could have to fight the evil forces that were camping near his city and castle…So he called a few guards and ask them to make packs and help the three elves getting to Rivendel.
After two hours they left in a new journey heading to the secret and lost land of Rivendel…While they were on their way they found a strange human that acted like an Elf…Her name was Evangelia a different person from all other humans who took life in a different way aswell.

Kandorin and Evangelia got a great first contact and from the beginning his elves senses told him that she was an elf aswell not in body but in her soul. Kandorin called her to talk in private and told her what was happening and his thought aswell and asked her to follow them.

-"I am just a human but it would be an honour to work next to such an honourable elf as yourself." - she said

-" Amin feel that lle are more than a human and so that’s why it will be a pleasure for us if lle come along with us" - Kandorin said

-" Lle will love our land Rivendel, it’s the most calm and peaceful place in the whole world and its there that us elves learn most of our skills" - added Malaki
Evangelia smiled at both and started to dream how Rivendel looked liked.
After two days of trip they finally arrived to Rivendel. It was deserted but still it was conservated, as always no single sound could be heard there. Kandorin and Elessar were emotioned because it was long time ago since the day they departed from there and so memories came to their head. Malaki along with the Lord British guards went check all the places and then came and told the rest of the group that all was ready to be re-activated…And so Rivendel came back to life, a life lost for some time but now with these elves will be at full strength to fight evil forces and stand by the side of Lord British.

[COLOR="white"]Elves what are they

Daemons, humans, or dwarfs

No they are creatures that have pointy ears

Can hear for miles

Mysterious elves

Light footed


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Posted by: Sphinx
11-04-2011, 06:20 AM
Forum: The Yarn-Spinner's Tavern
- No Replies

In the days before the night, I used to travel from Britain to Minoc. I had many friends in those roads and I visited them at least once per moon change. When Britain falled I hidden myself in the woods for a long time. And I had Izarael's help.
Izarael is one of the kindest elves of the wooden realm. She thought me many things and I spent almost all my nights on the road in her house and company. She was strong with the magical powers and patient. I thought her the arts of the tailoring and she was very thankful to me due to that. In fact, she was better than I in that art because I didn't had time to train it but she did. She was always with time. Time was a gift in the wooden realm. It was special, different. One day seem to be a whole year. And maybe it was.

In the night before the Night, Izarael saved me. A few monsters were hunting me and I was tired and wounded. My horse was hungry and he couldn't help in my escape. I left Daemon Spark in a valley with food and I promised I would return. I knew that if I would die, I would die alone and my horse didn't deserve the same fate.
I start to run but the orcs reached me. It was a small group of orcs but their leader was a wicked monster of the mountain. I realize that I would have to fight so I raised Narsil, my blessed sword, yelled: Elendil and killed two orcs. My sword was fast and furious but the Captain of the orcs hited me on the head and I fell. I casted a heal magic and a protection magic. There was no escape. I prayed for my soul and thrown a rock in the orc's captain head and he stopped for a moment. I tried to hide in the trees but it wasn't possible. I saw someone in a tree and asked for help but I couldn't see who it was because this mysterious person was using a hood... Luckily it was Izarael, and even if she was not very skilled with a bow, she knew how to use her mental powers. She casted a magical arrow and hited the orc's captain head and he falled.

I fainted. When I woke up it was raining. I could recognize the golden bed. It was Izarael's house. She was sitting near the door and looking at me with a smile on her face. "Good to see that you're alive" she said. I smiled back but fall asleep again...
Leaves fell... Trees grew up... Spring has passed... And the time and the seasons passed by...
Izarael told me that I slept for a month. I believe that one of the vile witches casted a strange spell on me when I was leaving the Britain's bridge. She told me that I was poisoned and that I would need a special elixir. She said that I would need special reagents from the north. I was very wounded and tired but I knew I had to go. After I get my good old bow and my trustworthy sword I asked Izarael a horse and I promised I would send it back.

I ride to the south and found my horse. Daemon Spark was waiting me exactly where I left him. I sent Izarael's horse back to the wooden realm and I was heading the north. After a human's time week I found the reagents in the old sir Faharim's house. He wasn't there by that time but I left a few gold coins and took the road to the Izarael's house. When I reached there she made me the elixir and I drunk it. I was really tired and slept...
When I woke up there was two fines cloaks folded in the table. It was white and made with a soft cloth. Under the table I saw two dark blue boots and it was shining. Beside the cloak I saw two dark blue gloves and a piece of paper written in golden letters. I read it. I recognized my loved friend's letter in the first line... it was...
"My beloved Elessar, you'll start to feel better when you wake up. I fed Daemon Spark and it's waiting for you in the stable. I made you a cloak because the one you had before was destroyed. The orc's captain cutted it a moment before I killed him. I thought that Kandorin would want a new cloak too and I made another cloak exactly as yours. Your boots seem to be really dirt. I asked Lady Yavänna and she gave you new boots and one of her magical gloves. She asked you to give new boot and gloves to your brother too. They're special. You won't feel cold. She said that those gloves has a few of every dead "Elf's Soul", those who fought in the First Old Battle. They're unique and made with the sapphire dragon's scale. It will provide you a good protection and heat. I asked her to bless it and she said that you should take good care of it. "Profect" is the name of those blue boots that you can see under the table. It's made with the Anuir's river water socketed in it. It might protect you with the Light of the Eldar. It's your now and don't forget to give it to Kandorin. Accept it with all my love. I went to a long journey to the sea and I don't know when I'll return. Make good use of it. Remember to visit me sometimes. Your friend, sister and pleased love, Izarael. And in the end of the letter she wrote: "Namárië et Anar kaluva tielyanna"
I weared the cloak, the gloves and the boots. I was already using my "Brother's Soul", the robe that Isildur gave to us.

The one that make pair with my brother's robe. I got my hat, also crafted by Master Isildur - The Elvish Angel, my special and loved hat...
Before leaving I wrote a letter to Izarael. I get on my horse and went to the west. The wind whispered me a tale from the west. I found my brother in the old tower near the sea and I gave him the "Elf's Soul", the "Profect" and the "Elvish Cloak of the Forest". He didn't knew anything about my fall and he was helping to take Britain out of the Night during that time... Time passed by and I went to Britain again... It was the first time since I fell... I was afraid but my brother was with me but we didn't entered in the city. We stayed at the bridge gazing at the walls... "This Night won't last longer, brother. I won't let it" Kandorin said...

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Posted by: Sphinx
11-04-2011, 06:17 AM
Forum: The Yarn-Spinner's Tavern
- No Replies

The Chaos returned and the war against Order aswell, but these ones were passing for a difficult moment due to the lost of many order guilds and to the fact too of order knights let their heart chose the evil side, the side that now was the most powerful and each day was raising even more. In the Paradise the Gods were seeing everything and trying to find a way to victory they discussed the possibility of sending 2 persons of their race you help the orders that were needing more then ever.

All the gods agree and were chosen two children, brothers to come to middle earth to fight the big nation chaos were becoming. One of them was called Kandorin, his father gave him that name because he always helped people and defeated all evil forms in the world, he name meant "Cleaner of Souls". In the other half was Elessar, very different of his brother, Elessar always helped people but in a different way of Kandorin. Elessar didn’t like wars and blood in ground so he always tried to avoid all those things, that’s why his name meant "Light Healer".

The two brother's were sent to a beautiful place in the earth called Rivendel that was the home of elves…They started theirs journey by becoming elves and starting all their endless magic and weapon training. In their time in Rivendel were few the times that they got out but still they made many friends. Each day was passing and the battle time was arriving and the two brothers were informed by a Phoenix sent by the gods that at that time Order and Chaos were fighting for Britain, a Glorious city, were the Lord British Castle stands…

All the elves in Rivendel in their last words to Kandorin and Elessar said Namarië and wished good luck for their trip and further fights…Has prize of their training and all they did, Isildur Markus made a special robe and hat for the two brothers. The robe was named Brother's Souls, Kandorin received a Wizard Hat called The Elvish Wing and Elessar received a Wizard Hat called The Elvish Angel. It was given by the gods a gift too, it was a spell book to each of them, the spell book was beautiful white leather binding and the title "Sacred Tomb" inscribed upon the binding. After all this the brothers walk into the dark forests near Rivendel and started they journey to Britain…

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Posted by: Keeper
11-03-2011, 11:19 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)

Was sitting in class today and got to thinking of IN1 and remembered when people would use bear bombs on locations or outside of houses and you would be screwed if you recalled in. Also the Blue Bears that could be used in hunting as your pet those were pretty handy.

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Posted by: Habibi Jones
11-03-2011, 07:25 PM
Forum: The Yarn-Spinner's Tavern
- No Replies

Ye goblins been stinkin' up me home-port for too long. I can't stand to see nor smell ye stinky arses in Cove no more! I shall raid your town, kill your merchants, and slay your guards... Let it be known, ye scags, I be comin' for Cove and I be bringin' me mates... Cove will one day be a haven for thieves, criminals, scoundrels, and killers alike!

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Posted by: Atlas
11-03-2011, 05:18 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (1)

Let me know if you're looking to buy mustangs or other rides (orns and rarely a plain Zos)
I sell them at reasonable prices, based on rarity or difficulty.
I'll also accept commodities like bulk iron, resources, etc. of equal value

Wizard Mustang: 45k
Sand Orn: 30k
Sapph Mustang: 40k
Plain Orn: 25k (Rare)
Tan Mustang: 15k
Chimera (Liquid/Ice colored Llama): 60k (1 in stock/Rare)
Silver Mustang: 25k
Golden Palomino (Mustang): 30k
Blizzard Mustang: 80k (very Rare)
Mytheril Orn: 20k
Snow Mustang: 40k
Dull Green Mustang: 30k (Rare)
Righteous Mustang: 35k

Emerald Mustang: 35k (Out of Stock)
Wicked Mustang: 30k (OoS)
Daemon Mustang: 35k (OoS)
Reactive Mustang: (OoS)
Blackrock Mustang: (OoS)

Let me know if you want to see colors IG

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Posted by: Lamby
11-03-2011, 05:14 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (11)

How about a 'forum' button on the bottom of threads or even just a back to top button?

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Posted by: Emerald
11-03-2011, 07:27 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (2)

Okay I was wondering if I have to have a House to be able to place a vendor? Or a Shop I assume!


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Posted by: loclgod
11-03-2011, 05:23 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

I would like to be able to play with my roomate on the same ip address. Please get back to me and let me know what i need to do get this arranged. thanks

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Posted by: Craditz
11-03-2011, 04:04 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (4)

Where do i find it looked on yahoo and google all i got was abounch of bullshit websites anyhelp would be nice thanks

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