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Posted by: soMa
01-29-2012, 03:09 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (7)

If your new get these resources and sell um to make money. Fishing is one of the top money makers and is entertaining with sos, nets and sea monsters.

Looking to buy Large amounts of un-cooked fish or bird ...
Calling all fisherman im buying large amounts of un-cooked food.

Looking for Iron Ingots 10gp Each - Will also buy old copper for 8gp each
Looking for Regular or Oak wood 10gp Each

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Posted by: Nasir
01-29-2012, 03:18 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (18)

I was having a conversation with someone on the internets and I remembered this old site.
I'll just leave this here.

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Posted by: Snotrocket
01-28-2012, 06:11 PM
Forum: The Yarn-Spinner's Tavern
- Replies (2)

Mega woke up it was raining.. Mega was on da ground mega looked around and saw bodies everywhere Hoomies pointed ear hoomies and goblins mega had no idea who mega was or wut had happen to mega next thing mega know two hoomies on horseback capture mega take mega to some building and beat mega for days and days asking mega questions mega had noga idea of wut they wer talking about and mega could not answer dey questions mega would not even if mega could remember! mega could not remember megas on name but dey kelp calling mega snotrocket... dey left mega der to die mega remember da smell of burning flesh and rotting bodies was making mega very hungery... mega lay der fer 3 days and finally mega was able to chew through da ropes dey had mega tied up wit stoopied hoomies noga no how to tie a rope!! mega stped out into the open not remebering whoga mega was or whoga megas family wus or if mega even had any family... so dis is da begging of a long quest for mega to find out wut happen to mega and megas kin.. mega has a feelin its gonna be a long journey...

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Posted by: Craditz
01-28-2012, 05:35 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

i have noticed the past few days that the player base had been 40+ players with alot of new faces really good to see id like to thank all the gms for there hard work and to think taran for bringing back IN to its former glorly in alot of ways i think this hard is better then in1 the only thing diffrent is the old players we miss but theres nothing we can do about that LONG LIVE IMAGINE NATION AND LON LIVE THE WOODLAND MERCHANTS!!!!

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Posted by: Shadok
01-28-2012, 04:23 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (6)

These runebooks don´t get a mark showing who created them.

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Posted by: Atlas
01-28-2012, 05:54 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)

I suggest that when spell-casting, only the initial cast causes an unequip to occur, rather than twice (again after the spell actually casts).

It seems annoying and pointless to me to have it twice. This would probably speed pvp up just a hair as well, by allowing an early re-equip.

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Posted by: Gang
01-28-2012, 03:50 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (3)

I made this one for a friend and thought I'll share it. I know not many people here use injection, but if anyone is interested I'll share more of my scripts...

So basically the description is - If you have alchemy less than 100.0 it will attempt on making Lesser Poisons, make sure you don't move the ingame gump as I made it click by coordinates(Screw the RunUO menus, Injection runs smoothly on sphere ones xD)
If you want the script to restock NS then drop Nightshade on the ground, it will attempt to pick it up from the ground as soon as you run out of it.
If you have less than 100.0 poisoning it will apply the poison on dagger after the pot is made, so make sure you have the dagger in pack as well. If you already have or will reach GM poisoning while afk it will just make lesser poisons and drop piles (200 each) on the ground.
If you will be poisoned (fail when applying) it will cure you and heal up to 100hp as well.
I recommend taking enough bandages and Pitcher of water, as it will attempt to wash bloody aids when you have more than 20 of it, also you can just drop clean bandages on floor and it will attempt to pick it up when you'll have less than 30.

That is it, no need to set anything up, just make sure you have dagger/mortar/pitcher of water/enough nightshade and bandages on the ground.

sub alch_pois()
    VAR counter
    While UO.SkillVal('Alchemy','1') < 1000
        if UO.Count('0x0F88') > 1 then
            counter = 0
                counter = counter + 1
            Until UO.InJournal('You put the') OR (counter>15)
            if UO.SkillVal('Poisoning','1') < 1000 then
        If UO.Count('0x0F0A','0x0000') > 200 then
Sub Restock_Ns()
sub DropPP()
sub g_poison()
    var pp
    var dagger='0x0f52'
    var c=0
    If UO.FindCount() > 0 then
            c = c + 1
        Until UO.InJournal('You apply the') OR UO.InJournal('You fail to') OR UO.InJournal('You have made') OR (c>2)
        UO.Print('You have no poison potions')
sub check_poison()
    if UO.Poisoned() then
        until NOT UO.Poisoned() AND UO.Life>99
sub check_aids()
    if UO.Count('0x0E21') < 30 then
    if UO.Count('0x0E20') > 20 then

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Posted by: DOGIS
01-27-2012, 01:25 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)

All right first of all i'm sorry for my english , but i'll try... the idea is - on sphere are a lot of mounts...and each day ppl
change it , retame...and more ppl just get mount..and lost it just sometimes....for example atm we are taiming Wizzard mustang (2 tamers 96 and 87 taiming) more then 3 hours...
and how much is it cost after ?! - correct around's really nothing...couse a lot of animals. My idea is - to make few quests...where need to use an animals i'll give 3 examples...
1)For example , when u kill an animal(any tamable animal) for example 1% what u get special ball (each spawn drop their ball) (if for example on sphere 2 spawns of green mustangs it's 2 different balls) and when u click on that give u an info
is animal respawn or not...for example like info (d_click on the ball - "u cann't see nothing or U can see Green Mustang 8795,4956 Yew) it will kill a lot of mobs on a sphere...(p.s: and to do what u ca use telekiness to loot a body of that pet) couse everyone will kill a spawn...
prices will raise...all sh*t pets...(gm tamers) will kill by theirself...couse of course them no need spend their time to know is there animal or not..easier to spend onced 1-2-3-5kk , and get info about their animal.
2)the second idea it`s - craftable pet , for example new kind of mustang....for example shadow must be doing from 1xblack +1x white +1x silver or something like that
3) the 3rd idea is - new's a really small dungeon , or a ship where u could come inside just if u have quest item , to get that item from npc u must to trade to him an animal in dungeon the same mobs like on a map , but with better drop...or something...what ppl , wanna go there...
4) one more idea visit me , when i wrote this post , for example an altar with name of the pet.. (Saphire Mustang) (just 1 spawn...randomly) and when u put on altar r's dissappear and (depends from animal , then better , more chance) his soul after dieng will go to Saphire mustang
Saphire mustang will respawn somewhere randomly and u get coordinats like a msg...for exa,ple if regular mustang give u 5% chance and black oclock 15% , if u put on altar it together u've got 20%...max 51% for good result...(each 30th is a new rare pet...what u can get Just from altar) % much more less.... max for example 10%-15% and of course...if before mustang gave 5% now it will be 1-2% and oclock - 4-5%

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Posted by: BlackBeard
01-27-2012, 12:48 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (3)

Im having issues connecting all of a sudden, I was logged on during the day and at some point I got disconnected from Uo while at work. Now It won't let me connect after typing in the use name and password it hangs for a few seconds and then says couldn't connect try again later.

Any Ideas ? Nothing has changed since I got booted so Im at a loss.

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Posted by: Atlas
01-27-2012, 11:40 AM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)

When casting, it obviously unequips one's weapons/hands. If you re-equip while in mid-cast, it will unequip a second time when the spell actually casts.
I believe it should only unequip that first time

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