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Posted by: Be|gar
07-11-2012, 02:20 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

chat link been down since friday....*disapproving frown*

and also for some reason i'm an op? guess cuz i'm the only one in there most of the time *tear*

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Posted by: Solthorn
07-10-2012, 09:16 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)

Title says it all. I think it would be cool and it would encourage people to work together more often.

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Posted by: Cacuo
07-06-2012, 08:24 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (22)

When officially does this skill gain start? what time in the UK

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Posted by: Lamby
07-06-2012, 04:15 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)

Add server time to the server status page.

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Posted by: Abraxas
07-02-2012, 08:07 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (1)

I cannot remember my login or password.. any hope for me? I donated if that might help locate anything.

Let me know what I may be able to do..



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Posted by: Shad
07-01-2012, 01:54 AM
Forum: General
- No Replies

V o t e

v o t e

v o t e

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Posted by: Cacuo
06-28-2012, 01:25 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)

Hi guys,

just a little nugget of thought, maybe we could implement a power hour for PVP, say every 6 hours - you can pvp with no regs/ or hunt with no regs, this basically incurrages PVP and this will also help the economy as people will be buying pots and stuff, so say one every 6 hours, so everytime zone can have atleast one.

just an idea really, and was there any development in the Veteran rewards idea i suggested as many people liked it :/

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Posted by: DOGIS
06-27-2012, 03:11 PM
Forum: Off-Topic
- Replies (8)

Приехал с отпуска и как то навеяло...зашёл на сайт и как вчега помниться этот топик и как он делался....все кричали нас уже 200 , а дальше как и во всех Ультимах , жёсткий обман,кровавые убийства,убивающий своей скукой Тэйминг , крики по скайпу (бляяяя,помоги , он тэймит реактивку или т.пWink а как мы ждали квестов и бегали по пещерам осознавая что приз нам нахер не нужен...но из за идейности мы часто забывали друзей,любимых,откладывали важные дела и мчались на очередной турнир....и как не фарт виртуальной жизни , надо бежать в реальность , может как нибудь и допишу, а может присоеденюсь....как знать , но как ни крути это не отьемлемая часть моей жизни , и с какой-то стороны я ей рад...удачки , ииии.....я вас помню....

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Posted by: Rit Scarforge
06-26-2012, 08:01 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (4)

Is there any way to retrieve a character that has been deleted?

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Posted by: Eru
06-26-2012, 09:51 AM
Forum: The Town Crier
- Replies (11)

OK, so people seem to be wanting events, so I'm looking for people willing to host events.

The position is basically a counselor position, only we give you a bunch of switches for controlling the various events. (I'm still in the process of building these switches.)

The sole purpose would be to host events and answer pages if you feel like it.

The good:
You can host events and help give players something to do.
If you do really good, people will probably like you.

The not so good:
These are pretty much event-hosting positions only and we aren't planning on recruiting many more GMs at the moment unless you're simply amazing.
People will say lots of bad things about you on the forums eventually.
We're going to try to keep an active group of people hosting, so we may cycle out inactives for new actives.

PM me information about why you're interested and we'll do stuff like look into your history or whisper to ourselves about you before making a decision.

I guess I should add a form or something to fill out.

In-Game Name:
Experience with UO in general:
Experience with staffing on UO shards:
How long have you played on Imagine Nation:
Why do you play on Imagine Nation:
When are you able to play:
What languages do you speak:
Any ideas or thoughts about the position:
Which pony is best pony?

Feel free to fill out all of those, some of them, or add new ones. I dunno man, I'm not a questionnaire writer.

Good luck. Big Grin

(No ETA on hiring dates yet. I still need to streamline events to work with switches and stuff)

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