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should houses be 100% safe?

Nasir Wrote:For what it's worth, I killed someone afk in their house today. It's possible, just difficult.

well what do you get out of it? you can't loot them.

Habibi Jones i agree with you , Wizards tower solve the problem... But why someone will buy a small house ?
I think all house have to be safe, when someone are outside... but if the house Owner open the door and someone enter there, everything is alowed.. =)

Its just a opinion...

Hal Wrote:well what do you get out of it? you can't loot them.

Satisfaction in the reminder that the world isn't filled with ponies and unicorns (unless you're Eru).

I don't see killing somebody as griefing. Res-killing with a macro to res before someone can tab to be invisible is griefing. Surrounding a ghost in boxes so he can't get out without using the stuck menu is griefing. ....But killing someone because they were too careless to macro in the center of their house is no different than killing an afk rail-miner, in my opinion.

It's happened to me probably a hundred times... and I'm certainly not crying about it. It's just part of the game, and you have to take precautions to avoid it. Making somewhere 100% safe just isn't ever the answer.

I think house killing is the way its supposed to be man.. The only houses you shouldnt be able to die in is the castle!.. Or a static just as big or anything as big. And thats not even including the whole area. Just that middle area

Nasir Wrote:Satisfaction in the reminder that the world isn't filled with ponies and unicorns (unless you're Eru).

there is a 100% area already its call the casino <---- how do non of you not care that the casino is 100% safe, yet houses are 95% safe and you harp on that.
I already heard someone say in this very thread they killed players in houses so there for they are not 100%.

There are ponies and unicorns in various shops around Brit.

soMa Wrote:there is a 100% area already its call the casino <---- how do non of you not care that the casino is 100% safe

I care about this.

soMa Wrote:There are ponies and unicorns in various shops around Brit.
O RLY? I pretty much need a unicorn Sad

soMa Wrote:Well if you make them not safe, where do you macro ?
If houses are not safe to be in then they really have no purpose at all no actual use and become exactly what you said pixel crack.
If houses are not safe why would you go to it ? I guess if your bank is full but you could just turn everything into a deed and be 100% safe with out ever needing a house.

Why should you have such ease to kill someone when they are afk ? are you that bored ? <---- wow
Now it's different if your hiding and someone recalls in, opens there door you stealth in and proceed to kill them. Or you figure out where they recall in and wait with a few guys to jump them.

Looting ect
You can't really loot someone or a guild unless you are in that guild because of guild boxes. So if you loot a guild box by joining them and then when no one is on you clean the guild out, it's detrimental to the shard because no one wants to let anyone into a guild because they are scared that they are another player trying to rip them off.
There are also lockable boxes that exist but here again its just to deter you, <--- I guess this would be to hard for you because again have to sneak into the house wait patently then pick the chests. Imagine the stories if you pulled that off ? but people are lazy and have no creativity.

There are so many ways to make it interesting with out making it so you can afk EQ, Firewall someone. All your doing is prolonging there macroing causing them to either quit or have to focus more on macroing and less on hunting or pvping.
I don't get why your picking on houses, when you don't seem to be bothered by stuff like the casino which is 100% safe.
Those stones in the should be in every blue & red city so there are a bunch of different places to buy the stuff and in the big cities turn a vacant building into a casino and take away the safe zone.

*Everyone should be safe when afk macroing and or tourney / Monster bashes. (with the odd exception on monster bashes) It just sounds to me the only reason you want this is so you can kill some poor noob in his tiny 2*2 pixel crack house.

Eru Wrote:Why do you want to kill someone in a house?

You can't loot them.
They aren't there to see you to get mad at you.

The ONLY reason that exists for killing someone in their house is griefing. You want to kill them because you know they'll be mad about it at some point in the future, to make them lose their macro items, and to lose out on the time that they spent macroing as a ghost before coming back.

It simply has no place. We do support PVP, but not griefing.
Agreed, the whole "this isn't a carebear shard" is getting pretty old. Makes housing useless for players that can't afford Castles.

Houses should provide a sanctuary for players - at least to some extent. There has to be some kind of reprieve from the PvP system aside from guarded areas and not being logged in. Part of the joy in playing this game is picking out that plot of land to call your own and building your character's estate.

However, I also agree with the notion that, once a person gains access to a house, all bets are off. The player has to accept responsibility if he/she is too careless to detect before entering the house, leaves the door open, or hands out a key to someone. Unless your name is Shinare.

people are missing the point here. your house is your sanctuary, sure. that doesn't mean it should be 100% safe. the fact of the matter is that this is a felucca based shard and if you're not afk you can easily avoid being killed in your house.if you ARE in fact, afk outside of g zones, you should be taking a risk. houses are not self contained guard zones....or aren't supposed to be ;\

My house is a sanctuary. My body is a temple.

Aralith, you tried to violate my sanctuary the other day. [Nasir you're aralith right?]

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