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injection help

i was dueling happily and was working great. until i when frozen while doing nothing.

so i logged off and try to log back in with injection... and now when i get to "patching client" last part of the loading it gives me an error.

when i press on error detail, it said Configuration error. and on my Injection_Log.txt it gives me this:

Os version is 5.1, build 2600, NT platform..
**Warning: Your prefarable codepage is 1252
**Warning: UOKeys.cfg loaded, 34 entryes.
**Warning: replaces.cfg not found.
***Error: parsing config file: 1: no element found

i don't want to set all my macros up again... can anyone here help me out plz Big Grin

OR maybe let me know which file saves all the hotkey, so i can make a back up of it... and re-install inject....?

Probably just need to put ignition.cfg back into the injection folder, it seems it was deleted somehow from that error. Or corrupted somehow. Maybe im wrong.
I dunno where the hotkeys are saved, just save your autoload script file and remake your hotkeys after reinstall i guess.

i re-download the ignition file and replaced it with the one that's in my injection folder already and still have the same error

Hrm, try asking gang, he might know. And if he doesnt you could always ask him to post on the yoko forums in russian for ya and get a quick answer.

Hmm the *.cs file contains the macros and injection.xml contains your hotkeys so save thoose 2 and try to reinstall the rest if that doesnt work theres some wrong with your macros or hotkeys.

Check your injection.xml. Sometimes it ****s up. If its 0kb - then u need to replace it with new one and set ur macros again im afraid:/ After u'll done, copy ur injection.xml and and move copies in some other folder. Cause it might happen again.
If its not that - then do what ginz said

damn it, my injection.xml is at 0kb... meh.. guess im out of luck on this one

thanks for the help guys ;]

ok, i finally got everything setup again. now when ever i open any gumps (craft menu/tracking etc.) i freeze and crash :/

im using the same client as the one before 5.0.1h

any idea what might of cause this?

U need change version at ur injection to the 4.0.1.
Just like on this pic.
After u'll change it - press "Save", log out from UO, close your client and injection launcher. And log in again. Everything should be fine then

sweet, everything worked out fine.

thanks Gang.

hmmm, what can cause crash over crash on free duels? holy shit I crashed every duel, its normal?

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

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No idea... i crash ONLY after buying something from vendors, and i NEVER crash in any other situations:/

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