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Injection Guide:

well ive noticed many are asking this all the time: how do u start injection? :confused:
so i opened my ilaunch, and went through point through point and wrote it down, just in case ppl need this guide Wink

first download injection files in downloads section, clients and main. i added them to my uo folder. now here's what do to, step by step.

1. paste ilanuch to desktop (like i did)
2. open it.... (duh)
3. client directory -> click change, go to ur uo folder and klick OK
4. Server -> Edit list, Name: IN-X, Adress:,2593 , click add, save, OK
5. ignition.cfg -> change, go to inj folder, click igniton.cfg, OK
6, Client -> edit list, name: anything, click choose, go to uofolder, click one of ur clients, OK, (i have 5.0.1h m), add, save
7 -> look at what clients u have next to Client:, choose the one u saved. have Use injection and Exit after launch marked, press launch

hope it works Smile

- regards, Fable

Hi guys,

i've installed injection and all, but when i click on launch everything seems fine until i get to "patching client".... it says error. anyone know what the problem is?

i've tried using all 3 clients (4.0.5a m.exe, 4.0.11f m.exe, and 5.0.1h m.exe.... and they all come up with the same error,

error details are as follows: failed to install hook in client reason: (87) The parameter is incorrect...

I've reinstalled uo several times and patched it and all but i keep getting the same problem, not sure its the OS im using which is Windows server 2003????

Your help would be much appreciated,

thanks guys

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